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> be me

> be in 30s
> been around since 8chan days
> i've read marx
> i've read lenin
> i've helped organize unions
> i've attended protests
> i've done direct action

< i also think saying slurs and being reactionary in on so called "culture war issues" is cringe

< every day on this website early 20s /pol/ converts tell me i'm a "rainbow fascist" or a "redditor" or a "radlib idpolista" and "not a real communist" because i find their "sense of humor" consisting entirely of alienating and reactionary tropes, whether it's antisemitic, or misogynistic, or pro-rape, or racist, or LGBTphobic, tiresome and counterproductive.

There is a serious contingent on this website of nazbols and strasserites on this board. They say they want the working class to own the means of production. They say they want to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Good.

They also think all bourgeoisie are blue-haired black Jewish transwomen for some reason. They will accuse you of "idpol" unprovoked, while constantly spamming the maxim gorky quote about fascists being homosexual. They find a kindly worded request to stop discriminating comrades based on their identity more problematic than anything. They will call you a n*gger, a f*ggot, a r*tard, a k*ke, and a wrecker with almost zero provocation. They will judge you even more harshly if you respond to them in a level-headed way without using slurs

It's all so tiresome. It's not comradely behavior and I frankly think these people would embrace fascists at the drop of a hat if the fascists merely promised them redistribution. Doesn't even matter if they deliver. Simply the rhetoric of class is enough.


File: 1653275196990.png (3.87 MB, 1080x2868, ClipboardImage.png)

>posting pics FROM leftypol
LMFAO, nice LARP about things that we've been posting since day 1.
>Gets BTFO on the Ukraine thread for taking memes seriously, projecting their strawman "red fasheest" nonsense and claims to be an oldfag that "totally" organized unions
M8 I have been in a union and you don't just "organize unions" in this day and age, that's not how it works, you fucking lying retard.
>i've read marx i've read lenin
And yet you still can't capitalize your "I". And reading them =/= understanding them.
>attended protests
And? Protests aren't based and good for being protests on their lonesome.
>every day on this website early 20s /pol/ converts tell me i'm a "rainbow fascist" or a "redditor" or a "radlib idpolista"
<everyday I get called out for blatant faggotry by numerous people, could I be wrong? No it is they who are wrong!
The memes write themselves.
>being reactionary in on so called "culture war issues" is cringe
It is, if anyone actually did that unironically Calling out liberalism and idpol is not reactionary, end of story.
>because i find their "sense of humor" consisting entirely of alienating and reactionary tropes
<reactionary, everyone is my reactionary boogieman
For your claimed age and supposed reading you use reactionary in an utterly inane context that doesn't fit. Calling someone a faggot isn't reactionary, it may be insulting but it is not reactionary. Saying "kill gay people for being devils" is fucking reactionary, you inane numbnut. And the only people being alienated are liberal burger snowflakes like you and /pol/.
<The site that constantly calls out anti-semitism or ever attack Jews has anti-semitic jokes
Fucking where bitch? Anti-Zionism is not antisemitic you clod.
<source: your ass
Nobody here is misogynistic, rejecting liberal feminism is not misogyny.
Nowhere is it supported, the only thing remotely relevant is the fucking memes about "der liberators" an appropriation of anti-SOviet propaganda by the nazis claiming them to be raping mongoloids, a meme that leftypol uses to joke and make /pol/ seethe. Inb4 "apologist" I literally wrote pic rel and spent years debunking anti-Soviet myths on leftypol and IRL
>racist, or LGBTphobic
Nobody here is racist, not soyfacing about liberal shit like BLM is not the same as being racist. The people literally voted for the filter of Uyghur to make /pol/ seethe about their favorite slur being taken. The same applies to gays, nobody hates them, one of our most popular members is Shay a literal trans person and they don't take offense over the banter that happens, because unlike you they're a human being beyond their sexual idpol identity and aren't human sewage that virtue signals about "le poor minorities" that you couldn't give a flying fuck about IRL.
>hey also think all bourgeoisie are blue-haired black Jewish transwomen for some reason
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are exposing yourself. LITERALLY NOBODY EVER has thought that here, you fucking lying sack of shit. That is /pol/. FFS it's been a running /pol/ meme that "BO is le fat trans girl sucking /tv/ BO's dick" that leftypol has rejected. The face of porky on this site has been universally faggots like Elon Musk and Bezos and their predecessors.
>They will accuse you of "idpol" unprovoked
<N-no its totally unprovoked, I'm totally not making blatant liberal statements and then get offended for being called out and exposes
Glow harder.
>constantly spamming the maxim gorky quote about fascists being homosexual
>They find a kindly worded request to stop discriminating comrades based on their identity more problematic than anythin
AHAHAHAHAHA, Kindly worded? You started screeching about "muh rape" and then screeched about racism and other stuff in a thread about Ukraine and in response to people joking about "nuking Anglos" that has literally nothing relevant to your insane strawman claims.
>hey will call you a n*gger, a f*ggot, a r*tard, a k*ke
Nope, the first one is filtered, the second hasn't meant its literal meaning on imageboards in nearly a decade and the third is a medical term and regular insult, get thicker skin, RETARD. As for russian saboteur, nobody ever uses it on this site to describe anyone, and it has been a noted method of spotting /pol/, hell even /pol/ doesn't use it as often anymore and they still hate "le jooz"
>a wrecker
Because you are.
>zero provocation
>hey will judge you even more harshly if you respond to them in a level-headed way without using slurs
You may not use slurs (though I doubt that) but you are not level-headed, you are a delusional hysteric, proven by this whining to the mods because you KNOW that you'd get shredded on the main board.
>It's all so tiresome
Indeed, nobody asks you liberasts to come here and nobody seeks you out, you are boring and unintelligent and obsessed with meaningless virtue-signaling. Leftypol has vitriol, but people discuss just fine unless some retard jumps in and starts shitting all over the place.
>not comradely behavior
*laughs in Bolshevik infighting*
>I frankly think these people would embrace fascists at the drop of a hat if the fascists merely promised them redistribution
<leftypol, the site that has repeatedly called out fascist populism for being a fake leftism and loathes liberalism for that exact reason, totally'd support fascism!
Go back to sucking porky's balls on your twitter, nobody cares for your snooty delusions.
>Doesn't even matter if they deliver. Simply the rhetoric of class is enough.
LMFAO. I'd say read a book, but apparently you did and still failed to comprehend it. As the Russian saying goes, "For fool the law does not exist, if it does than it is not read, and if it is read than it is not understood, and if it is understood, then in the wrong way" Truly you are an example of this.


>i'm here since day 1 i swear
>Still doesn't know half of the slurs he bitches about are filtered
Can you fuck off to wherever you came from you j*ewish-n*gger?




>samefagging to cope


Nope. Anon #3 coming in to tell you that more than one person thinks that being an edgy, abrasive fuckwit is annoying and counterproductive.


>being an edgy, abrasive fuckwit is annoying and counterproductive.
Sure, but that's not the OP's meaning. The guy literally makes shit up.


What specifically does he make up?


>They also think all bourgeoisie are blue-haired black Jewish transwomen for some reason. They will accuse you of "idpol" unprovoked, while constantly spamming the maxim gorky quote about fascists being homosexual. They find a kindly worded request to stop discriminating comrades based on their identity more problematic than anything. They will call you a n*gger, a f*ggot, a r*tard, a k*ke, and a wrecker with almost zero provocation. They will judge you even more harshly if you respond to them in a level-headed way without using slurs

>It's all so tiresome. It's not comradely behavior and I frankly think these people would embrace fascists at the drop of a hat if the fascists merely promised them redistribution. Doesn't even matter if they deliver. Simply the rhetoric of class is enough.


Although they luckily don’t represent the whole board, there are some people like that, he isn’t wrong.
Also, you have some of the quickest responses I’ve ever seen on /leftypol/, nice


I literally did an entire post on that >>20377
The most blatant lie, besides the nonsense about slurs
>They also think all bourgeoisie are blue-haired black Jewish transwomen
This is a fucking /pol/ meme, even they don't actually believe this shit and they do genuinely hate trans people and project it in the fascinations of "le jooz" I have not seen a single post on this site about "le tranz jooz" that didn't get made by an obvious /pol/fag that gets banned for it.
I'm not even going into them just making claims and providing no evidence at all. And inb4 "self-evident" I couldn't find this shit if I tried. At best you MIGHT find some shit on /siberia/ but that's literally a board that ranges from insane random schizo shit to porn of chicks hefting 20 inch dicks and people that post that shit are not unopposed or are clearly trolling and making fun of /pol/, it's not exactly a sample of "seriuz discushun" on the site, and certainly isn't found on /leftypol/ I think USApol gets some of that crap, but that's from the /pol/ tourists and gets banned.


lol thats the part that is true


>some of the quickest responses
m8, they literally copy-pasted a greentext of the OP and hit reply ain't that hard.

>there are some people like that

Where? What hole of this site do you go to to find this kind of schizoshit?


>it's true lol
Go back.


>What hole of this site do you go to to find this kind of schizoshit?
I found this in the Russia-Ukraine general


File: 1653284090458.mp4 (19.33 MB, 886x1920, IMG_2433.MP4)

Oops, it’s blurry, here is a screen recording. (It would actually be pretty good OC if wasn’t anti-trans)


um why didnt you just save the pic


I did, but it was blurry when I uploaded it, as you can see


cause you saved the thumbnail itoddler


Oh ok. I’m not very good with technology


LMAO this shit again.
1) It's an exaggerated meme making fun of the reddit legion, stop being thin skinned. Laughing at a meme and its caricatures is not the same as condoning some reactionary rhetoric.
2) It got made on 4chan and reposted here for laughs people aren't unironically saying "le trans bourg scum" leftypol tolerates it because its just a jab at liberalism and its trans-trender exploitation of trans people, a real problem for them and one that inspired the entire meme about ugly trans people.

You saved a thumbnail, you have to tap on the image to open it and then save.


>It got made on 4chan
explains a lot


>LMAO this shit again.
1) It's an exaggerated meme making fun of the reddit legion, stop being thin skinned. Laughing at a meme and its caricatures is not the same as condoning some reactionary rhetoric.
2) It got made on 4chan and reposted here for laughs people aren't unironically saying "le trans bourg scum" leftypol tolerates it because its just a jab at liberalism and its trans-trender exploitation of trans people, a real problem for them and one that inspired the entire meme about ugly trans people.
Ok, it can be hard to tell the context behind things at times, and there wasn’t much of an indication that the person didn’t believe in the “bourg trans” thing. Also, I’m not sure what your distinction between “trans-trender”, and “actual trans person” is, but that’s off-topic.
>You saved a thumbnail, you have to tap on the image to open it and then save.
Thanks for the assistance


>>20405 (me)
Oops, I meant to green-text


1: the filters are very easy to get around

2: you're doing what OP is talking about right now. you're being a fascist with red paint.


>I’m not sure what your distinction between “trans-trender”, and “actual trans person” is
It is offtopic but I'll elaborate a bit using an old /edu/ post of mine. People don't hate the 20-year-old transgender person who struggled with gender identity disorder and is now living a happy life with their new identity, people hate the militant transgender activists with crappy personalities and a screwed-up idea of social justice. These transgender activists like to LARP as trans and are so deluded that they go through the motions of it, despite not being actually dysphoric and actively attack those trans people that state that dysphoria is a major part of being trans. These people also attack people that de-transition and promote pseudoscience and aggressively pressure people to transition kids. They are toxic predators that have single handedly made trans people into a fucking internet joke by becoming a loud minority and becoming the poster-children of the trans caricature.
>there wasn’t much of an indication that the person didn’t believe in the “bourg trans” thing
Because its leftypol and unless the poster has text ranting about "le tranzies" its fairly clear that it's just a meme post mocking liberals.


>the filters are very easy to get around
No they aren't and if they had been you'd see it, but you don't .
>you're doing what OP is talking about right now. you're being a fascist with red paint.
Newfag exposed for utter lack of knowledge of one of the most well known leftypol memes (directly from Marx). SEETHE MORE REDDITOR.


As someone who has spent far too much time in places like this to be mentally healthy: chan culture was a mistake. it literally is inconceivable to some people that they should be asked to not act like bigoted sociopaths. They view such humble requests as "fascism" but it's obvious they would throw their despised groups in the oven the first chance they get. You see it all the time. The weird gross memes that re-use happy merchant. The accusations that all gay people are fascist or pedophiles. The gross meme where all the families are running away from the trans person covered in flies. You see it over and over. There's a real consensus among the nazbol and strasserite contigencies on here that they're the "real" working class and comrades who are POC, LGBT etc. are "degenerate". It doesn't matter if they agree on everything economically, a request to not be a bigot is the same as liberalism to these people. You see it over and over. It's pathetic. I hope people like this are 17 and grow out of it when they try to organize IRL and encounter the types of people they assume are "degenerates"


Fascism isn't when you use the naughty words.
You know, the working class is the class that uses vulgar language excessively. If you plan to build a movement around this class, you better fucking get used to it.


I know about the Lasalle remark. Doesn't make it a cool thing to say. Also "HAH, you're NEW you don't get our SUPER COOL INSIDE JOKE WHERE WE CALL YOU SLURS" is exactly how a right winger thinks. You want less comrades instead of more. You want this to remain an insular place.

And no, not insular as in excluding liberals and fascists, insular as in excluding "degenerates" LGBT and POC. There are certain comrades you will never see as comrades because they don't tick your /pol/ boxes.


>Fascism isn't when you use the naughty words.
face it, you want a place that doesn't welcome certain people, even if they're comrades. You expect them to just take your discrimination and bullying and you pretend it's a super secret inside joke they don't get. It doesn't matter if they want the same things as you economically, your right to call people naughty words comes first.


>gets btfo
>throws out strawmen


i remember wanting to show normal people some of the very good information against ukrainian nazis in the ukraine megathread but of course there's always the strasserite weirdos in there. For every genuinely informative post about azov atrocities, there's a bunch of reactionary children who make ugly drawings of ukrainian anime girls getting raped in MS paint. unhinged.


Yeah, this place has the think of *chan on it. It is after all named derivatively of /pol/, the premier Nazi gathering spot on the internet.

>guys guys, i'm just calling you a degenerate parasite leftist ironically, you don't understand the nuance of my humor


Why don't you use your brain and memorize the content of the good posts and report it to your friends? Perhaps you are too retarded?


>calls me a j*wish n*gger
<see this is what i'm talking about
>no you don't get it it's super funny because it references a bad translation of something marx said about lasalle, we're very inclusive. New cormades coming here for the first time definitely won't get driven away by our disgusting reactionary behavior, you're just a big baby who should accept bigotry as normal!


for every good poster on here there's people who'll result to calling you a "mutt" or some shit and will literally post /pol/tier memes at you.

>it's a reference to how burgers are mixed race lol

so normal and cool to focus on!


For sure, there are "certain people" I don't want here, but it's not brown people or homsexuals.
>guys guys, i'm just calling you a degenerate parasite leftist ironically
I'm calling you a degenerate parasite unironically.


>They view such humble requests
Haha no, nice try
>it's obvious they would throw their despised groups in the oven the first chance they get
LMAO no faggot. The meme here is "go to Gulag" and more importantly, Nazis get the rope, end of story.
>e accusations that all gay people are fascist or pedophiles
Made by nobody here
>The gross meme where all the families are running away from the trans person covered in flies.
No you faggoty fuck. It's a representation of liberal idpol and its disgusting attempt to pretend to be a comrade to the proletariat of all races, like you
>There's a real consensus among the nazbol and strasserite contigencies
OP you are not even trying, your projection is glaringly obvious, go back.
>comrades who are POC, LGBT etc. are "degenerate".
Nope, nobody here says that, you see more retards spamming Settler garbage than even a smidgen of the rhetoric you are claiming. Stop lying.
>a request to not be a bigot
<B-bigots all of you!
You are an entitled middle-class cunt that has never talked to proletarians in your life. You have no fucking idea the amount of slurs and fucked up humor that gets tossed around and nobody cares because life is not like your nitter groups, people actually can take a joke and not be a pussy about it and give one right back.
>when they try to organize IRL and encounter the types of people they assume are "degenerates"
Unironically go fuck yourself you snooty lying fuck.

>t.looked up the reference
>Doesn't make it a cool thing to say
<itz not kool!
Zog off, it's a joke, a meme, the person isn't literally a judaic negro, it's referential to Marx telling of Lasalle, remember MARX also was a jew.
>is exactly how a right winger thinks
No, that's called being part of a group and being part of injokes, your boogieman is not everything you don't like redditor.
>You want less comrades instead of more. You want this to remain an insular place.
You are not comrades, you are liberals that pretend to be leftist.
> insular as in excluding "degenerates" LGBT and POC
<projecting your /pol/ boogieman again
>here are certain comrades you will never see as comrades because they don't tick your /pol/ boxes
No anon, that's your fantasy because you're a pretentious faggot that can't stand your burger understanding of things being laughed at. Go back.


>you are liberals
what did they say that was liberal?


>show normal people
<an imageboard
that is your first mistake, the second is not just learning to TALK to people you moron. Any idiot that goes "here look at dis thred" about a topic to anyone not on imageboards, is a fucking spaghetti-dropping imbecile.
>there's a bunch of reactionary children who make ugly drawings of ukrainian anime girls getting raped in MS paint
Oh no anime on an imageboard!
And its spoilered you stupid faggot. This is a pottery forum, not reddit. Go back.

>It doesn't matter if they want the same things as you economically, your right to call people naughty words comes first.
<crying over cussing
LMFAO nice deflection.

>it's super funny because it references a bad translation of something marx said about lasalle, we're very inclusiv
>New cormades coming here for the first time definitely won't get driven away by our disgusting reactionary behavior
That'd be true if anything you said is even remotely true, but it ain't, COPE.
>ou're just a big baby who should accept bigotry as normal!
<Saying a bad vord is the same as actually killing people didn't ya kno!
Man if you ever go by a Ghetto you'd have an aneurysm by the number of times N*gga gets tossed around by people.

>so normal and cool to focus on!
<not muh anglos!
It's a reference to burgers being a hive for huite supremacists and /pol/ despite being non-huite themselves, you lying shit


Your entire "think of the new comrades" argument is a fallacious as reactionaries throwing out the "think of the children" argument to justify censorship.


The intense focus on idpol and "le bigotry" over literally made up claims about racism and homophobia that are based on a couple memes that aren't even used that often and have no relevance to actual racism or homophobia. It can only be extrapolated that idpol being banned here causes their cope, but that only confirms their liberalism.
It's literally "so much for the tolerant left" except coated under concern trolling.

/edu/ is the place for serious nonshitposting discussion and slurs and other crap like that is not posted there because that is the dedicated space for pure academia, that is not what /leftypol/ is, leftypol is a forum for arguing and shitposting and talking and posting images and the are only censored in so much as you are not reactionary, the mods are very heavy in enforcing this and this only makes the OP all the more laughable.
The only place that permits reactionary shit to be tossed around is /siberia/ the /b/ board and even that is kept monitored and deleted if it gets out of hand, it is also almost nonexistant there as most /siberia/ stuff is just random content, not even related to politics.


>The intense focus on idpol


> (It would actually be pretty good OC if wasn’t anti-trans)


<it's antisemitic, or misogynistic, or pro-rape, or racist, or LGBTphobic
<hey also think all bourgeoisie are blue-haired black Jewish transwome
<They will call you a n*gger, a f*ggot, a r*tard, a k*ke
This is concern trolling because none of this is remotely true.


you reek of "its not idpol when WE do it"


idk it seems ike you are just seething because you got called out. you sound like that meme where video games with women in them are "political".


>you want a place that doesn't welcome certain people
yes, I don't want to post in a comunity filled with /pol/tards or librals.
>your right to call people naughty words comes first.
fuck off cracker


>anyone who doesn't subscribe to my reactionary idealism is a liberal


this is what happens when you can only speak in memes, you become indistinguishable from a /pol/tard (see >>20433 >>20421 >>20403)


>I-I'm not seething YOU ARE!
Anon this entire OP got made after the OP got BTFO on the Ukraine thread after they got mad over a meme of Azov-chan (a personification of Azov created by an otaku on /k/) getting railed by soldiers that have Z on them and a liberator face as a meme. It's not even graphic porn it's just a joke it has nothing relevant to fucking idpol at all.
>"its not idpol when WE do it"
<S-so much for the tolerant left!
It's not idpol to dismiss liberal idpol and dismiss class reductionism.
>you sound like that meme where video games with women in them are "political".
I have no idea about what you are on about, sorry Gamergater, I stopped paying attention to your drama the moment /pol/ stepped in, go back there, its more your speed.

>U-ur de idealist and a reactionary
Fuck off anglo.


File: 1653288528408.jpg (132.3 KB, 1030x720, fascists and liberals.jpg)

>when you can only speak in memes
I repeat for the retarded I made the effort post screencapped in >>20377. I regularly contribute to /edu/ and discuss topics just fine there and on the alt boards. leftypol and siberia is the place that I can muck around and joke and especially in regards to ignoramuses like you, I don't bother giving you more than you are do, shitposting and trolling alongside plain rebuttals, that you do not address because you cannot, chinlet.


thanks for the creds nobody asked for and nobody can verify, were talking about this thread only


See, this is what I mean, this site can't just stop using racist slurs.
Can't you people see that this blatant racism is alienating a huge portion of the masses?


>I regularly contribute to the board that gets a couple dozen posts each week


Are you a land lord? You have so many tenants living in your head rent free.


Silence chauvinist.


>thanks for the creds nobody asked for and nobody can verify
I have the text on hand that I did, you stupid fuck and you're deflecting
>were talking about this thread
Then your statements are even stupider given the pure meme shit that the OP is. Are you digging a hole to China for yourself?

If you still can't comprehend that you're being strung along, then I genuinely pity you.

>gets a couple dozen posts each week
Yes anon, because educated serious discussion and effortposts aren't fast on imageboards.


File: 1653289387176.jpg (13.42 KB, 216x132, 15634.jpg)


does all this shit just happen when im asleep or what?
ive never seen what OP is describing, unironically. maybe a couple of mysoginist incels only in Siberia but most of them fucked off to the freeze peach splinter sites after no-one else joined their personal army.


Man fucking cares about your transhumanist non-issues?
Ziggers literally salivate all over nuclear holocaust, the crave it, they justify it, this far more concerning than someone calling you a troon. Recently some fucking just casually dropped how wonderful it would be for americans to die. No, he actually said that they NEED to die for greater or some other deranged reason. Ziggers also salivate all over ukrainian gore like fucking hyenas. THIS is a problem, I reported them countless times, I wrote in the mod general, and MODS DIDN'T DO SHIT! those ziggers are the mods themselves!


File: 1653304369593.jpg (6.41 KB, 246x205, pearlclutch.jpg)


>those ziggers are the mods themselves!
This is true unfortunately, both this and the sister site are made up primarily of revisionist campists who whip themselves over Russia and China all day for their "praxis".


>Ziggers literally salivate all over nuclear holocaust
You're confused, that's Posadists.


>racist slurs
You can't be racist against crackers, anglo.


And they have deleted my posts in a thread about kurds because I dared to poke holes in zigger kautskyite narrative
Also the sheer hypocrisy of ziggers claiming "w-we were always with kurds!" when they have fucking nuked the whole board with their "anti-imperialism" because "based Asad and based russkies! Kurds are cia wreckers!"
The same tankoids that cheered banning spergouts for "imperialism" of the OldBO are now gleefully bannig everyone for "NATO apologism"
Only this time there is no 8ch and no board creation
I warned then what that shitfuck TroonBO was trying to do with his forced migration spergout
Now we are stuck with an echochamber run by putinoid lunatics
Good fucking job, you fucking retards, all of you
Leftoid imbeciles


sure you are buddy, this happened


>Muh Rusha and Chinx!
Go back liberal


Disclaimer, Not That Anon (NTA):
Yes you can, don't be a moron. This is leftyPOL so your use of the term here really isn't an issue, but don't take online shitposting into your real life opinions. I don't think Fred Hampton'd approve.


File: 1659665177277.png (57.72 KB, 275x183, ClipboardImage.png)

And he reveals himself. I have plenty of issues with the mods, but despite their occasional idpol liberalism, going /pol/ discredits you. Keep seething on leftychan
>Muh Old BO
Old BO is based and correct, ZEETHE.
>stuck with an echochamber run by putinoid lunatics
Take your meds.
>Kurds are cia wreckers
The ones supported by the USA are
>based Asad and based russkies
>kautskyite narrative
tossing in ideological names does not make the things you claim true, theorylet.
>they have deleted my posts in a thread about kurds
I doubt that, mods only delete content concerning idpol, pedoshit/gore or blatantly bad faith posts, I'm going to guess the third option for you.


>the "think of the children" argument to justify censorship.
That at least has SOME basis to exist, it just gets done too far.


>You see it over and over. It's pathetic. I hope people like this are 17 and grow out of it when they try to organize IRL and encounter the types of people they assume are "degenerates"

The mistake ypu make is that you assume that all vulagirity is just teenagers.
This is the most common assumption everyone makes.

Adults are the ones whom create this.

Also you are right about the edgelord humor being normalized.

I think its annoying and should be minimalized.

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