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thoughts on generals?


necessary evil






Individual threads always generate more replies than a post in a general. I think generals are only good for containment when thread creation really gets out of control. Speaking of please keep all china threads on /leftypol/ in the china general. You keep allowing the China bad thread of the week to stay up.


Generals are good for a topic with a lot of background noise content but it's also good to break off a thread from them every now and then for something big, like /USAPOL/ and /burgerkrieg/


Good to have, but I think some things that happen in specific countries can benefit from their own thread. Like you should be able to have a general but also the same content in its own thread. Particularly cyclical generals you lose a bunch of content if they are fast.

Basically, they are good if they aren’t used to smoosh conversations together


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If you're talking about a topic that exists on the board use the existing thread, that is the base guideline of every chan board ever outside of /b/. If you have a new topic to discuss, make a decent OP or get saged/deleted. This isn't 4chan and its ability to have thousands of threads on the same topic because millions of users post there. The Userbase of leftypol.org is maybe a thousand people total and only 500+ post often, this is even more applicable to sideboards that have userbases of maybe 100 people or so.

>Individual threads always generate more replies than a post in a general

But then they die off as the topic is too specific and then are going to sink to page 10 in a month or so and stay there for several months or more. That's the reason the "improve Isekai thread" became a thread to just discuss isekai.
I've seen 2 different active threads (and literally 4 inactive/saged ones) discussing the same topic on altboards and even the active ones have sporadic bursts of activity. This means that unlike a faster board like siberia and leftypol, having several threads on the same topic just means that the already small userbase is split between threads, missing the input of others and so on.
On 4chan /a/ Berserk thread is going to get a ton of content and even 3 threads can exist just fine because most of the content is shitposting of a reoccurring thread that gets archived in the end. There is no archive site like desuarchive or archive.moe for leftypol and the users generally don't do hundreds of shitposts and tend to have discussions and casual banter, with effortposts between. This means that if a topic is too specific people are just going to run out of things to say.

For alt-boards like /anime/, /hobby/, /games/ and /AKM/ here's a compromise, threads that are of the same or similar topics can remain split until the newer thread runs out of steam and then after it drops past a certain page number, be merged into the larger, older threads.

TL;DR: Pic rel is basically the response to most threads on the same topic


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this isnt a personal vendetta because im fine with the mods as people but i wish you guys would stop overmoderating the place, generals are kind of lame and trying to categorize every single thread is pretty silly, but i guess theyre fine on /leftypol/. they absolutely have no place on the smaller and much slower boards, like who cares about the last thread on the board getting pruned, the boards are so slow if nobody bumped it in months then it clearly had to die? its nonsense to mesmaller
also on a more personal note i simply dont feel like posting on threads that have hundreds of replies, this is why recently created threads just feel better to me
just let the posting develop organically for christs sake, leftypol is nowhere near the point where it needs mods and armchair jannies micromanaging every little thing on this site (and even then the biggest imageboard example, 4ch*n, doesnt do this either except for obvious boards like /vg/)

ive seen so many threads that were getting replies and the merged into a "general" only for nobody to respond to it anymore lol, most of the time because some posted sperged out that mods werent doing anything
this is purely assumption but i guess mods dont care about lone threads either? idk i always see autists whining on meta about this instead

sir we dont have a /b/

>If you're talking about a topic that exists on the board use the existing thread, that is the base guideline of every chan board ever outside of /b/.

you should argue about its own merits not that "everyone else does it" (they dont)

>This isn't 4chan and its ability to have thousands of threads on the same topic because millions of users post there. The Userbase of leftypol.org is maybe a thousand people total and only 500+ post often

this should be an argument against generals, not for them



this is someone who just wants every imageboard - oh sorry, i meant "chan" - to be the exact same and any deviation must be reported to the staff and corrected


>sir we dont have a /b/
1) You know the meaning I'm going for, don't be obtuse
2) Until the change, /siberia/ had been /b/ on this site
>you should argue about its own merits
I did
>they don't
they do.
>this should be an argument against generals
No, it is specifically for generals, you don't need generals if there are so many users that people can discuss the same thing in multiple threads and have users to spare. Generals are for consolidating a limited userbase on a single topic to maximize it.
No argument, and that's what its called here on leftypol, there is leftypol and siberia and the alternative boards for non-political stuff.
>to be the exact same and any deviation must be reported to the staff and corrected
No that's your lolbert projection.

>Muh micromanaging

You really are a retard, mods literally don't micromanage here, they literally cannot since the team is so fucking small.

>ive seen so many threads that were getting replies and the merged into a "general" only for nobody to respond to it anymore

Because, you autist it usually gets merged after the thread is no longer active and is just a pointless, sinking split. The most active threads on leftypol are generals.
>this is purely assumption but i guess mods dont care about lone threads either
Threads that aren't generals but are also not duplicates are generally untouched.

>they absolutely have no place on the smaller and much slower boards, like who cares about the last thread on the board getting pruned

Nobody i stalking about that you idiot. If you look at the bottom of smaller boards and their catalogs you see a ton of threads on the same topic that died because the current 'general' threads are the ones that survived and the others are just rotting corpses clogging up the catalog, THAT"S the point being made, its a fucking mess. Hell back after the split, there had been so many dead and duplicate thread that hobby anime and edu literally had only a couple posts per MONTH, simply because the boards had been filled to the brim with so many same-threads that people just gave up on them. The mods cleaned it up on request and like an unclogged toilet, the shit mostly went away.

At one point in time /edu/ had 8 readng threads simultaneously and NOBODY posted in them at all. there are currently 6 and only 1 is even remotely active. The conclusion is simple, too many fucking threads on the same damn topic.
Fucking retarded shit, so if you are posting in a thread and it reaches a hundred posts overnight you're going to stop posting in it? Then you're just shitposting and don't actually care about the threads at all, going from one to the other like a barhopping teenager. Sorry m8 but some people prefer not to dig through a trash pile of no-effort shitposts to find the threads they're interested in, you need fast short threads? go to siberia, they get made all the time, stop trying to make slower boards artificially faster by just having a libshit free-for-all.


>The Userbase of leftypol.org is maybe a thousand people total and only 500+ post often,
what manner of cope is this?


they’re getting annoying
i hate clicking into the same 5 or so threads constantly for all of the active discussion which become shit because it’s all in a cyclical


>>they don't
>they do.
Most imageboards I lurk don't have generals either, or have some "organic" generals that haven't been enforced by the staff so while there are threads that could maybe get fused into a general they're allowed to stay alive.
Frankly this is just literal anglo autism about wanting everything to be tidy and organized. We could use many arguments for generals against the overboard too. :^)


only a handful of generals are mod-enforced, rn being ukraine, usapol, isg, china, ect. the rest are almost all user-created or legacy threads from bunker or 8chan, like the vorvos thread or dprk. really, most of the generals are a user initiative cause otherwise the thread topics would frequently 404.


we should be allowed to have silly and/or little threads. and no i do not mean meme-infested "shitposts" or whatever.


Requesting the internet celebrity general in /leftypol/ be renamed to /incel/ - Internet Celebrities



I don't even know when, why or how it started but I hate that stupid little thing newer users do of making every thread have like their own board directory-like acronym subject (i.e. /fag/ - Faggy Ass General #401). Just my 2¢.


>so many dead and duplicate thread that hobby anime and edu
>simply because the boards had been filled to the brim

>some people prefer not to dig through a trash pile of no-effort shitposts

200+ replies off topic every day is definitely better!


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Also while I enjoy textboards a bit more something that imageboards did better was how easy it is to just go to a board and make a new thread. You can just drop a file, type some body and not even bother using the subject field and you have a new thread - although on 2ch it happens often that a thread has the subject the body and the body is just a kaomoji or an ellipsis or a single word. Some more old school imageboards don't even require a body (if you ever saw an imageboard with many image posts only containing キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━ッ!!, that's the default message, though thanks to 4chan most imageboard software nowadays doesn't even let you set that so empty posts are, well, empty).
Uhhhh I forgot where I was going with this. The whole concept of "generals" makes posting more tedious and less spontaneous I guess, it's like turning common topics into IRC/d*scord channels.


>have some "organic" generals that haven't been enforced by the staff
90% of the generals are organic on this site, they already existed, the point is people are using them but some special snowflakes keep making split threads for no reason.
>anglo autism
<not making a mess
Sorry pal, being a messy fuck is pretty unliked by most cultures.


that's a 4chan thing that's immigrated to the other sites.


>special snowflakes
go back

>90% of the generals are organic on this site

is that why you keep whining in meta to have threads merged lmao


if you dont like a thread you can hide it, its just that simple


>go back
No u redditor
>you keep whining in meta to have threads merged
<everyone that does de thing I don't like is the same person
You're an entitled retard and you should take your meds, fuck off.
Sure, if its a matter of disliking a thread, that's not the problem here. I hide the Yuri thread because the spammer has made discussion in it impossible and its just pic spam and a waste of space to look at, but if others want it that's fine by me, no skin off my back and no harm done to the site. Same goes for the small recent threads popping up, since they're actually threads discussing specific topics that aren't seen in other OPs. Nobody is telling you not to make new threads, just don't make
A) Really shitty lo effort stuff
B) the same as an existing, active thread
Because that's just lazy faggotry.


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what berserk thread? do you want to make a general or something?



I think threads that have gone under the radar so long but should have been merged/locked should be left alone tbh. If you merge it you just shit up two threads, and locking it is basically "muh principles" when it's not actually contributing to any of the issues behind the rule it's normally locked for.


makes sense


Next April fools, lock every board and only allow one mega thread


I understand the reason so many people make retarded pointless split threads… even the fucking mods can't use fucking catalog search… fucking amazing. >>>/anime/1822 is the main active Berserk thread on the site. Learn to read.



Sounds dope. Maybe for Halloween


It is the main thread but it is not a general and I wanted to ask for more opinions before I move anything due to all the sand getting inside genitals about this topic lately.

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