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Before the split is was well known that Zer0 paid the server costs out of his own pocket, however I don't recall the mods ever stating who has been paying for the servers since August.

Do all the mods contribute a small amount or does one mod cover the whole cost? Whatever the answer, I think the users have a right to know this information.


Why do you want to know?


soros foundation helps pay the bills


FBI can afford to host it's own honeypots. The budget is negligible. Why do you think this country is hosted in the Anglosphere?


I'm just curious tbh.

Ok now we've got the meme answers out of the way can I get a proper response.




out of their pockets? it’s not exactly youtube


they answered this before somewhere, one mod mostly pays for it but the team chips in where they can. there is no plans for any kind of monetization of the site anytime soon and they'd sooner ask users for donations if funding ever becomes an issue, but it hasn't yet.

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