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I seem to be perpetually banned, my ban has an expiration date but afterwards it renews itself. It's been fucking ages, maybe since last year even, cannot even remember exactly.


On a specific IP or under what circumstances?
Can you make an appeal or link a post you made on a banned IP so I can check?


I made an appeal and it's denied, it's the reason is 'spam ip'


Did you make the appeal recently? Do you think you could try and make a post on that IP so we can pull up the ban message so I can search for it?


I cannot post with the IP since it's banned and appeal was denied twice.


Okay so the actual ban message you got was "spam ip"? I will search for it but I know there have been a few bans with that as a message. Do you remember roughly when you got banned?



>Your ban was filed on Friday 18 March, 2022 and expires 43 weeks from now, which is on Monday 23 January, 2023

It was even earlier than that but that is the current ban.

Unique IPs: 4

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