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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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 No.18322[Last 50 Posts]

I think our mods are pretty good actually


Our mods are great, with the exception of m00dy and wvobbly. Without those two the mod team would be pretty much a perfect balance of people.


Wow, even me?


>even me?
Yes, even you Helen. I have no idea how you're interacting with this site though.


they haven't been terrible during this happening


jannies have always been shit and stiill are shit, stop falseflagging janoids.


How the fuck did I not make the list? This is most upsetting.


shut up simp


You know what would be really great is if the current mod team reconciled with the leftychan splitters. Now those are some great folks and not a huge liability at all.






nobody gives a fuck about you pasq, you little vain bitch


Salute to our hard working mods.


Seeing as the site is the permanent boogieman of the biggest western imageboard, is raided daily, has some new chapo and ex /r/antiwork immigrants, apparently has a small crew of butthurt former users trying to sabotage the place, has minimal authentication measures (like no accounts or google captcha), has no paid workers and is in the middle of a sudden prolonged spike in users, yeah I'd say they're doing alright.



File: 1646963292891.jpg (113.84 KB, 1000x1047, MODS SEE YOU.jpg)


wvobbly is a massive faggot that bans you if you rustle his jimmies. He would be an excellent mod on fucking Reddit.


>no you're mad



Yeah I just stumbled over the pic and the meme idea just clicked.


>mods when they see glowies
spidermans pointing at each other.jpg


this but unironically


t. Jannoid


I want to reiterate as clear as possible; Leftychan are not the splitters.

Leftychan have the original server that org was resting on. The current staff simply took the domain. Now clearly the channers have lost in terms of PPH, but, they deff have more infrastructure and if would be nice if everyone could make up and we could just merge everything together. But, the current staff here, are, whether they want to accept it or not the splitters.


There's no raid happening. Take your meds.


It irritates me that this fact gets ignored so often. I remember back when the split happened, this site was clearly the one that split. A day's worth of threads were lost and some of the boards got messed up in the migration.
The mods will probably delete our posts but I'm glad that somebody else remembers this lol.


leftychan are the splitters, being on the original server doesn't mean shit since the MAJORITY of people chose to use THIS site over that one.


>the MAJORITY of people chose to use THIS site over that one
You forgot to mention that this site's mods got a hold of the original leftypol.org domain, wordfiltered the leftychan domain from being posted on this site and then banned anyone who tried to bypass said filter.


>Leftychan have the original server that org was resting on.
What does that have to do with anything? It just means the person with server access was in the group that left the larger group of mods/admins. Being the one holding the server doesn't give you special authority of any kind in the situation let alone make you the original group. This isn't a science fiction story where somebody gets cloned and only the physical original is the "real" one.

If it were an IRL org and someone took a massive shit in the building where meetings were had and 95% of the group decided to move to another building because the shit-smell wouldn't go away, that doesn't make them the splitters and the shitters the "original." What kind of cockamamie logic are you working with here?


Cope Caballo.


Some one didn't just "decide to move" a bunch of staff members were (and still are) violating their own rules and blatantly ruling with an iron fist and when people got sick of it and were given an ultimatum then they pulled the rug out from the owner of the server and stole the domain from him and the launched a massive propoganda campaign against them to justify their literal theft of the domain by using aback door with another admin that hadn't been active for months

They have the original server that matters because it means that the current jannies decided against the will of everyone that splitting was worth it because they wanted to retain power.

I'm sure a bunch of new fags will come in here to explain why I'm wrong but that's fact.


>Some one didn't just "decide to move" a bunch of staff members were (and still are) violating their own rules and blatantly ruling with an iron fist and when people got sick of it and were given an ultimatum then they pulled the rug out from the owner of the server and stole the domain from him
That's a blatant lie. I was here when it happened. I saw .org go down and .net go up while the server was put on a different domain name. The rug pull was by the server owner. It was a couple days before the .org mods got a replacement server up while .net was declaring .org dead.

>They have the original server that matters because it means that the current jannies decided against the will of everyone that splitting was worth it because they wanted to retain power.

Total non-sequitur.

>I'm sure a bunch of new fags will come in here to explain why I'm wrong

You're wrong because you're lying, because you can't cope with the fact that your split didn't pan out. You don't even have the decency to admit that you did it out of principle by copying what happened with the bunkerchan split, because you (claim) you thought that the policies were that important. You are sitting here lying trying to claim passive victimhood when the reality is you took action. If this really was about serving the interests of the site's userbase you would proudly admit what you did, but you won't because you care more about your reputation because this was an exercise in self-aggrandizement. All of which makes your splitter faction far worse candidates for handling the community, irrespective of whatever protocols you have implemented on .net, irrespective of the flaws of the .org staff. Your shenanigans have in fact permanently shrunk the userbase again, something that still has not recovered in spite of World War 3 starting.

Grow up and take the L.


Also, there were like 10 mods on the .org camp and 4 mods on the leftychan camp, so if we look it numerically they are the 'splitters' anyway.


>this site's mods got a hold of the original leftypol.org domain
So then it's the original site, and?
>wordfiltered the leftychan domain from being posted on this site
Because of the conflict, and?
>hen banned anyone who tried to bypass said filter.
roughly 2 dozen people from a community of roughly 1400 people… truly oppression. If leftypol.org had been so unpopular and "bad" most people'd have immigrated to leftychan regardless, but they didn't because most people never give a fuck about your mod drama.

Not Caballo, but can you say that with a straight face as you IP count can't even hit 100? I don't mind your site, I don't care for your drama, but don't pretend to be smug if you can;'t back it up.


>If leftypol.org had been so unpopular and "bad" most people'd have immigrated to leftychan regardless
Why censor it then?
Legit question, if it's not a threat, why is it forbidden to talk about it?



I'm asking in good faith.


>Why censor it then?
Because indulging wreckers and prolonging the drama would only hurt the site more and hemorrhage more users.


>hemorrhage more users
to where?


>he thinks people leaving over split drama are going to go with the splitters


If the leftychan splitters had just left peacefully and not tried to steal the site then maybe we would have let people link to them


Remember folks, the jannies for this site declared the leftychan mods as pedophiles while still being friendly and talking with them on a daily basis in their matrix rooms.
It's all narcissist janny drama and users of both sites have more in common with eachother than we do with any faggot moderators.

And never believe anything a janny has to say because ALL JANNIES ARE BASTARDS


The mods of leftypol have done a good job. I would give them an overall 8/10 score. More recently, their work has been exceptional since the Ukraine war started.


All the jannies have done during the Ukraine happening is delete obvious glowuyghur posts and spam. Even this they've managed to screw up by banning people who aren't glowies, and are just critical of Russia an pointing out their military failings.
All the "exceptional" coverage and content regarding the war has come from the users, not the jannies. You're giving the mods waaaay too much credit.

Also, could you at least address try to address the points I made instead of just boot licking for an entire post.


I've never ever seen a better staff team in my entire internet forum browsing career.
Cheers lads mods = gods


mod team can be slow to act, they return radio silence on seemingly arbitrary issues that get brought up, they’re inconsistent, also the rules are organized really weirdly (what even is the constitution and how is it relevant to moderation)
i don’t think they have very good communication between themselves, either


>1400 people
lol. ghost of kiev posts here too.


I know for a fact it isn't 1400 because I use a VPN to post images, which must add maybe 20-25 IPs to that total a week lol


IPs don't count if their post gets deleted, numbnuts


>IPs don't count if their post gets deleted
my posts don't get deleted


Not only that but mods refuse to use the mod tag while posting so they can easily pretend to be regular users to feign non-existent support for their behavior among users

They also moderate in immature and entirely arbitrary ways, I once caught a ban for a day and the reason given was quite literally a joke (no the ban wasn’t over a joke, the jannie just told a joke instead of giving a reason)
The mods here honestly suck and to top it all off they act delusional and narcissistic treating this imageboard like a major political party


>They also moderate in immature and entirely arbitrary ways
These are the same people who nuked Bunkerchan to get people over here in the first place. This place is permanently tainted by them and their attitude.


>same people who nuked Bunkerchan
not since they ejected themselves.


Taking measures against spam is censorship only in a very limited sense. Like disallowing taking a shit in the street is technically limiting your freedom of expression.


That’s not what happened, they literally tore out the web functioning of Bunkerchan to force the userbase of the then larger site to adhere to their arbitrary, narcissistic, immature, and all around awful moderation
It’s funny to rant and rave about how leftypol.org “won” when the mods here robbed the users of having an actual choice, and everyone was enraged when it happened
Either you’re a mod yet again posting without the tag or new


you are misinformed or a loon
ask D0llars which he prefers lel


not the "anon"
but I think he's trying to say that it was only the leftychan mods who were behind the splitting and nuking of bunkerchan, which sounds like bullshit to me.


again, ask d0llars
(why do you talk with such gusto about anything you know less than nothing about)


>why do you talk with such gusto about anything you know less than nothing about
I'm not going to trust a mod posting without their tag to give a neutral version of events. Which mod am I talking to here anyway?


I am not asking for trust, I am suggesting you not making up nonsense about things you don't know shit about. But I am obviously not expecting results.


mod, put your tag on


Where have I made up nonsense?
All I am suggesting is that people don't trust your version of events.
>But I am obviously not expecting results.
I don't know which mod it is who always puts these passive aggressive conclusions on their posts, but it's extremely cringe


Pretty much sums it up.


why don't you go back there then faggot?


It's a statement of fact. You cannot change facts by deeming them cringe. The truth stay the truth.


>Your shenanigans have in fact permanently shrunk the userbase again
That is a compliment to them. They clearly are personality disorder faggots that are trying to use leftypol to cause drama and recieve attention. Kind of like _space


I see the loyal leftypol.org userbase has arrived to defend the jannitors. I have never seen imageboard anons so fast to defend mods, really speaks volumes as to how well this site is being moderated.


>passive aggressive cringe


>minority (drama) mods stage a coup
>kick out majority of mods
<somehow the mods that were kicked out are the splitters
Giga brain.
>treating this imageboard like a major political party
As opposed to treat it like a personal fiefdom? What other organization do you expect socialists to use? Why not use democratic structures?


>astroturfing in action


>astroturf is when my narrative is questioned
you are cringe personified


true true
it's all the userbase, the average leftypolack is very active on /meta/ and their love for mods simply knows no bounds
what do you mean anybody can post as anonymous? what do you mean capcodes are optional? cool it with the antijannetism


>you are cringe personified
I'm not the one posting anon to manufacture support for myself lmao


Does it seem like I am trying even a little cause I am not. I am based, you are cringe and that's that.


>shit analogy
do californians really?
but more seriously, spam is what anontalk did in cuckchan, leftychan is barely a blip yet it's actively censored like cops do to commies irl.


>samefag whining every day of your life because your leftcel/lolicon splinter shithole is dead instead of actually posting there


mod, your capcode


>but more seriously, spam is what anontalk did in cuckchan, leftychan is barely a blip yet it's actively censored like cops do to commies irl.
because the mods seem to think that leftychanners are posting here daily to undermine the site ( >>18616 ), despite there being zero evidence of this being true.


leftychan spams us every single day, that is where you personally came from anon. If some rando reads this post and is questioning it's validity they need only look at the /i/ thread where they brag about doing so. You are a whiney little bitch boy that spends all his free time flexing about how inconsequential and hand wringing you are


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> I once caught a ban for a day and the reason given was quite literally a joke
The joke is that I (Comet) am banning you for the same reasons as the other mods before.


meds and capcode pls


You are overdosing on cringe on this board. Never should have come here.


leftychan has like 3 posters you dumb janoids, stop coping. People calling you shit aren't from there.


>leftychan spams us every single day, that is where you personally came from anon.
>If some rando reads this post and is questioning it's validity they need only look at the /i/ thread where they brag about doing so
I just checked and that /i/ thread has had three posts made in the past three months. None of those posts do what you describe about "bragging". Once again, meds.


You are 1 (one) guy whining for the past hour or whatever. Literally no one believes you not even you.


It's simple based-cringe dialectic. If you engage cringe you become cringe. That's why you won't find my name anywhere near these ""discussions""


When the asteoturf doesn't work, just resort to deleting any dissenting posts. Totally not an abuse of power tho.


>I am cringe man, 100000000 consecutive post etc. etc.
who cares


this is the mod appreciation thread, not the mods bitching about other mods thread


Mods could do a much better job at taking care of anti-Russian glowies tbh


most of the mod appreciation ITT is coming from the mods themselves lmao


mods are users too faggot


It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.
Praising the mods, I mean.


The only people that like the mods are the mods themselves
Extreme cope
>Mods are users too!
And they’re also the only people that think they’re doing a good job
Severely low I.Q. to post an image that literally proves my point about the mod team being extremely immature and extremely arbitrary in their actions


>hey’re also the only people that think they’re doing a good job
Nope, 90% of the people bitching about mods can be tracked to maybe a couple dozen IPs. Most people just don't really care or have positive mod views


>Most people just don't really care
very true
>or have positive mod views
now this is cope




> Nope, 90% of the people bitching about mods can be tracked to maybe a couple dozen IPs
This is according to you, a moderator
> Most people just don't really care or have positive mod views
According to you, a moderator
If the majority who give any feedback at all and aren’t mods are giving negative feedback it actually says quite a lot


>Nope, 90% of the people bitching about mods can be tracked to maybe a couple dozen IPs.
If one of those IPs is your point is meaningless.
>or have positive mod views
Holy cope. I wonder where all these people are, none of them have posted ITT as of yet.


Not a mod, I'm here to give positive feedback to the mods. Keep up the good work.


>If one of those IPs is your point is meaningless.
Reminder one or more mods banned the tor IP for "samefagging" lmao..



I think I liked it more when mods were too busy fagging it up in the matrix server to moderate properly.



I saw that too lmao
how the fuck can you be a mod and not know the tor IP


Because one shitter used Tor to spam gore endlessly (literally dozens of posts in like half an hour) and then later anti-Russian cia-shit the rest of the time - ergo the "samefag" because other posters posting similar shit also used Tor to do so. The Mods can be overbearing at times and a bit excessive, but they're people, and they respond according to the situation most of the time, they can't actually tell people apart 100%, hell I've had bots hop onto my IP before and get me banned because of their spam using my IP.


>If one of those IPs is
Nope, but keep trying
>I wonder where all these people are, none of them have posted ITT
Because people in general don't go on /meta/ much except to complain about bans, most of them being the same set of shitposters?

>you, a moderator
Nope, not a mod, Zeethe more
>If the majority who give any feedback at all and aren’t mods are giving negative feedback it actually says quite a lot
People give positive feedback in discussion threads, the OP here is obvious bait for people mad about mods and you bit, but the purpose of /meta/ is mainly criticism and ban appeals, ergo the larger negativity here.


>Because one shitter used Tor to spam gore endlessly (literally dozens of posts in like half an hour)
You can't post images through tor anymore, I don't see how that's relevant to the samefag issue.
>and then later anti-Russian cia-shit the rest of the time - ergo the "samefag" because other posters posting similar shit also used Tor to do so.
Just deal with tor posts on a case by case basis and delete shit that breaks the rules. I can't see where the issue is.
>they can't actually tell people apart 100%
That's the entire point using tor. If I wanted to be judged by my post history and profiled, I would use reddit instead.

>>If one of those IPs is
>Nope, but keep trying
<>you, a moderator
<Nope, not a mod, seethe more
So which one is it? You would have to be a mod to know for a fact that "90% of the people bitching about mods can be tracked to maybe a couple dozen IPs.". You're either a mod or making shit up to simp for the mods. Which one is it?


>then later anti-Russian cia-shit the rest of the time
this isnt a good reason to ban the tor node for hours
i saw the retard and it couldnt even be considered spam


> People give positive feedback in discussion threads
Lmao do you even read the moderation general on this specific board?
People fuckin hate the mods
What’s more, people despise the fact that mods here happily post without their tag, then turn around and give arbitrary bans to people that disagree with them in discussion threads


>You would have to be a mod to know for a fact
No, I just have to look at the Home page and look at the IP count for /meta/ and also be around during the split(s). on /leftypol/ during the split the number of people that cared about the split numbered at maybe a hundred or so taking into account Tor posting. Most people ignored it completely because bitching about mod group A or B is a nothingburger. People regularly told people trying to agitate for one or the other side of the split to shut the fuck up about mod drama.
>ou're either a mod or making shit up to simp for the mods
You're either a bot or a leftychan shitter, Which one is it? I too can make bad faith accusations like yours.


A hundred or so people is more or less the number of people using leftypol at any one time lmao


>this isnt a good reason to ban the tor node for hours
Yes it is you fucking freemarket-tier lolbert. It disrupted conversation and only got banned because multiple people reported them and complained about it in the Ukraine thread. You can't see it because its cyclical.
>i saw the retard and it couldnt even be considered spam
Uhuh sure, when?
>You can't post images through tor anymore
Yes you can, just not on /leftypol/ moron.
>don't see how that's relevant to the samefag issue.
Because until recently you COULD post images on /leftypol/ using Tor Mods had previously reinstated the ability after the Nikado porn spam stopped and revoked it after the gorespam started.
>Just deal with tor posts on a case by case basis
<just deal with the dozens upon dozens of tor posts per hour on top of the HUNDREDS of regular posts per hour and expect it all to go perfectly!
You're a retard. This isn't leftychan and its 20 posts per day that can be moderated by a monkey because it has the userbase of maybe 20 people at best, there are nearly 1.5 thousand IPs that post here and only a handful of mods that can't all be active in every thread all the time. People have lives outside this place, including mods. If you think this is bad moderation you don't remember the shit before.
>If I wanted to be judged by my post history and profiled
Nobody but mods can see that history and your need to evade them indicates that you either have ill motive or are actually too stupid to understand the concept of "emergency measures" against bot spam. Literal bot scripts have been reposting twitter bot copy-pasta and gore videos or other shit en masse for the past 2 weeks, the mods tried to do it case by case but it's become impossible, at least in regards to Tor, because you can't tell a sarcastic jape or actual person from a bot using Tor. Ergo the mass bans until the bot stopped, and it did. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. Use a fucking VPN if you're so afraid of tracking, christ. This is basic shit.

>inb4 ur mod

No I've just been around the block, I've been on leftypol since fucking Aiden-Chaya and his shit and on imageboards since before /pol/ turned full stormfag. I know bad moderation and I understand the limitations of mods so I don't bitch about some small issue because the mods took decisive action. If the mods didn't do that you'd be bitching about them being unresponsive.


I'm a tor poster and I was fully in favor of banning the tor node to deal with the one spammer.


it wasnt spam

>you fucking freemarket-tier lolbert
take your meds

>You can't see it because its cyclical.

seems like it was never a problem then


It was spam and it was also ban evasion.


>A hundred or so people is more or less the number of people using leftypol at any one time
No, the usual PPH is 200-400 depending on the time of day. I'm talking a couple hundred over the entire drama, out of a site population of roughly 1,400 people. 100 is barely 15% of the population and even then that's only people that cared about the moddrama in general, not the number of people mad about the mods currently. Most people do not give a fuck about mods unless they get banned and most people are smart enough not to post dumb shit and get banned or if they do, they appeal it and 90% of the time get the ban removed.
You previously mention the moderation general (disregarding my clear point on it being a specifically negative thread) if you look through that thread (as best as you can given that it had ben cyclical for a time and lost some of the appeals, a lot of the arguments are not one-sided mod hate and many appeals get bans lifted. Most of the posts in those threads are a couple anons arguing and the occasional mod reply.

>People fuckin hate the mods

No YOU hate mods, that's fine but bitching about it and then jerking off leftychan is just shilling.
>people despise the fact that mods here happily post without their tag
Oh it's this schizo shit again. There is no proof of this happening, only the claim of a very dubious poster that has a history of shitting up threads and schizo takes, hell that user never even gets permabanned, only day or week bans at most and they are free to post their shit most of the time untouched.
>give arbitrary bans to people that disagree with them in discussion
A couple of times I've seen mods ban people they argue against, but that's pretty damn rare and its almost never a serious ban and other mods usually lift it.
t.someone that got banned arguing with a mod


>ban evading on .onion
>this must mean longer bans for everyone
lol are you a new mod, youre seriously fucking retarded


>multiple people reported them
<I'm not a mod guise
Not only can you see IPs you can also see reports!
Man when did they make that information public to everyone?

>I've been on leftypol since fucking Aiden-Chaya

No one cares about unverifiable bullshit.


>seems like it was never a problem
They made it cyclical only recently you shitter and anyone in the thread agrees it's shit.
You first

>wasnt spam

<stage 1
NTA but Ok faggot


You're ignoring material reality. it's not possible to enforce bans on tor users so banning the tor node was the only choice. Or should leftypol not enforce its rules on ban evasion if the poster is on tor or using VPNs?


> not a mod guise
People literally stated they reported the guy in the thread you fucking mong. Just because I can read and remember things for more than 15 minutes, doesn't mean I'm a mod, you boogieman projecting goldfish.
>No one cares about unverifiable
Nobody cares about yours either, yet here we are.


Are the Mods in the Room with us Mr. Smith?


>I just have to look at the Home page and look at the IP count for /meta/
Those IP counters don't take tor into account and what does that even prove exactly?

>Yes you can, just not on /leftypol/ moron.
I know you can't post images over tor in /siberia/ either.
>Because until recently you COULD post images on /leftypol/
Recently being what, four or five months ago? For a site that's barely a year old?
>just deal with the dozens upon dozens of tor posts per hour on top of the HUNDREDS of regular posts per hour and expect it all to go perfectly!
99% of tor posts don't need moderator action and the users do half the work by reporting rule breaking posts. If this is an issue then hire more mods instead of locking a good portion of the userbase out of the site for hours on end.
>your need to evade them indicates that you either have ill motive or are actually too stupid to understand
"if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear".
>Ergo the mass bans until the bot stopped, and it did.
Why the fuck is the tor node still getting banned then?
>>inb4 ur mod
If only there was a really fucking easy way to differentiate mods from users, then I wouldn't have to read your little faggy paragraph about how much of an oldfag you are.


>Why the fuck is the tor node still getting banned then?
Tor node is not banned, I've been posting in the Ukraine thread this whole time using tor.


>your need to evade them indicates that you either have ill motive or are actually too stupid to understand
And you have the gall to call others "glowies" lmfao


It was banned on /leftypol/ for most of yesterday spread through at least three different bans.


>Those IP counters don't take tor into account
You keep fapping about Tor as if a lot of people use it, they don't. Your entire post is just Orwell-tier gaslighting, and I use Orwell specifically, given that he was a racist, traitorous faggot.
>Why the fuck is the tor node still getting banned
It isn't you moron, refresh the node you fucking n00b
>I know you can't post images over tor in /siberia/ either.
I literally did that an hour ago, you're literally lying

>you have the gall to call others "glowies"
Yes, because I'm actually following basic logic: You're literally that one ass from Monty Python provoking the knights and then crying "help help I'm being oppressed!"


No it has not been. Image posting is banned on /leftypol/ but it's been up for the majority of the time. The bans have been for an hour at most if the spammer started shitting themselves again and after it passes they remove the ban.


>your little faggy paragraph
And yet you read it anyway, fag.
>the users do half the work by reporting rule breaking posts
Nice goal post shift, As I pointed out already mods ARE responding to reports, they rarely act outside of that because it's impossible to keep track of all the threads and boards for 15 or so mods 24/7 at the same time. You're literally bitching about nothing.


>I literally did that an hour ago, you're literally lying
Can confirm, I just posted an image on siberia thru tor.


>You keep fapping about Tor as if a lot of people use it, they don't
A lot of people do use for, I've heard around 20% of all posts. How could you know how many people use tor anyway, with you totally not being a mod?
>Your entire post is just Orwell-tier gaslighting, and I use Orwell specifically, given that he was a racist, traitorous faggot.
>It isn't you moron, refresh the node you fucking n00b
see >>18682
>I literally did that an hour ago, you're literally lying
I distinctly remember trying to post images using tor in /siberia/ during November/December and January, only to get a message saying it was disabled. It must have only been enabled recently. I literally saw someone complaining that they couldn't post porn in /siberia/ very recently>>/siberia/224199
<id add some porn to further my point but mods are fags and dont let tor users post pics on siberia
Image posting being enabled must have only happened recently.


At least I know you aren’t a jannie


I know you're not the same user idiot, you have different posting styles. My point is both of you are seeing boogiemen.


>I've heard around 20% of all posts
That's still only roughly 200 IPs at best (given that people may do 200 posts
>How could you know how many people use tor anyway, with you totally not being a mod
Because I fucking talk to people, I ask mods and other people information, because I don't just go around looking to bitch about "muh mods" for free on a goddamn Greek Pottery Smashing forum.
<no argument
Literally a lie, given that I fucking posted using Tor in that time frame.
>during November/December and January
Yeah That's literally 2 months ago because there had been a bot consistently spamming Nikado avocado's asshole, you can ask lefty on lefty.booru, the same bot spammed literally 3 pages of pics on the booru in that time frame.
> I literally saw someone complaining that they couldn't post porn in /siberia/
Again, go into your fucking node and change your exit node, FFS.


>That's still only roughly 200 IPs at best (given that people may do 200 posts
I can't make sense of what you're saying here. My point is that 20% of the userbaae is a lot and shouldn't be arbitrarily locked out of the site.
>Because I fucking talk to people, I ask mods and other people information
Oh so you're a matrix fag, if not a mod. That explains a lot.
>Again, go into your fucking node and change your exit node, FFS.
I have seen countless people complaining about not being able to post images using tor over the past few months. tbh after my initial attempts I stopped trying and posted them using a VPN, but the complaints were consistent. I'm almost certain that mageposting over tor has been banned for long periods of time.


i want to fuck the leftypol mods

im a girl btw


>If you pay any attention whatsoever you must be a janitor
Honestly, what in the everloving fuck. I can't help but think of these spanish fascists chanting
>Death to the intellect. Long live death.


Nice numbers


>I've heard around 20% of all posts.
Who did you hear that off?
Seriously, I'm curious where that number comes from. It's closer to 2 than 20 (which is still a significant amount of people).

>Again, go into your fucking node and change your exit node, FFS.
Exit nodes are banned due to extreme abuse by commercial spam bots and raider skiddies. They have been for months now.

Generally regarding the Tor image bans, it's a tough and dynamic situation; on one hand we do want to provide full use to privacy aware users, but on the other it's often used for abuse, for obvious reasons.
Anyone who views /meta/ is likely already aware but there are a small group of people (such as a small subset of the /pol/ raiders and a couple of fixated former users) who literally spend hours a day regularly posting abuse on the site and post content up to and including illegal images. It's fascinating to watch how obsessed these people are over banal online drama, we are talking hours a day and almost every day for months.
The long-lasting Tor image bans are unfortunate (I know, because they affect my posting too), but it significantly reduces the amount of illegal images on the site from malicious actors who think Tor will protect them, and IMO we'd need to almost double the mod team size before I'd be comfortable in Tor nodes being left open.

That's definitely not to say the majority of Tor posts are abuse. Certainly not, most of its traffic is legitimate and high-quality. But it is still often used for extreme abuse, especially during happenings.


Aren't half of the mod team girls?


>Most people do not give a fuck about mods unless they get banned and most people are smart enough not to post dumb shit and get banned or if they do, they appeal it and 90% of the time get the ban removed.
I want to highlight this cause it's pretty important if you wish to understand stupid things like that (but why would you want to).
If you can understand self selection, you already understand image boards and there is no more need to appeal to majority. The whole point of the whole idea was that it doesn't matter who you are. This also includes numbers. I think anyone searching for majorities for their trash opinion must be on the slow side for a multitude of reasons.


"girls" of girls?


cringe fuck up simp


90% are female but only 70% are girls.

>Remember folks, [thing that didn't happen] while [people not letting dumb sectarian internet drama decide which chat rooms they talk in]!
I've heard better unity rally cries from nazi tourists.


Regardless of the extent of leftychan's pedophilia it would be preferable to curb communication with them.


Wait are you saying that the mod team is 20% trans guys? Use more specific language


>[thing that didn't happen]
This is just what I could find with a quick search:

<You can circlejerk on your pedo shithole if that is more your speed


<go back there to your pedo shithole then


<yeah just allow cp like leftychan

Jannies lying, as ever. This poster >>18714 immediately proved my point anyways, so thank you for being a retard anon.

>[people not letting dumb sectarian internet drama decide which chat rooms they talk in]

That's not what I said at all. My point was that you're talking on a daily basis to people who you believe are moderators of a child pornography site. I would assume that if you genuinely believed that you would cease communication with them.






Mods are paranoid attention whores constantly searching by IP or looking for excuses to use their faggy capcodes or public ban messages outside of /meta/.

Unique IPs: 26

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