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File: 1645652805368.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1200, Image.png)


Assuming I'm not the only non-zoomer remaining, if you remember /b/ from 2005-2009, it was not a porn-dumping board during that era, it actually had active admins and moderators like wtsnacks and moot who moderated the board and did "lulzy" things like banning OP's of threads who they thought weren't "funny." The problem with pornography-focused threads in unmoderated "general"/"off-topic" boards like /siberia/ is they spread quickly like fungal infections taking up all the focus away from other threads.

To save /siberia/ from this fate I suggest making a new board called /smut/, /lewd/ or /trash/ and moving all porn threads in /siberia/ to this new board. I'd also limit this new board to no more than 10 pages.

I also noticed you STILL haven't blocked images in https://leftypol.org/robots.txt , you will inevitably get hit with google-image-bot-scouring copyright troll DMCA complaints from people making these porn dumps, and your web host OVH is known for eventually banning customers from their services after they get tired of receiving a high amount of DMCA complaints from their customers. You can block for just one board if you want, it's not rocket science, e.g.:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /boardname/src/
Disallow: /boardname/thumb/


Do not delete NSFW pictures but do delete image dumps, whether they're porn or not.

>Assuming I'm not the only non-zoomer remaining

lol okay, sure.

>it actually had active admins and moderators like wtsnacks and moot

moot was never really active. Almost all mods back then had banned more people than him.


File: 1645653493233.jpg (142.87 KB, 760x1100, donut penis!.jpg)

Also you completely memory-holed all the hentai and guro that we used to post back then, and your screenshot is exclusively talking about CP, lol.


>i-it's not like 4chan

who cares


He didnt memoryhole anything because he simply wasnt there


No. porn is good for you actually


they think pedojacketing every last moral transgression in their head will make them seem less unhinged


one of the first boards on 4chan when it was first set up was for guro, and i think there was even a /lolicon/ that moot was eventually bullied and DOSed into shuttering
also porn dumps have always been a staple of 4/b/


Do not cater to the porn addicts. Ban it and let that crap fester on the countless dedicated websites to that vice in this crap society.


>ban porn dumps from the random board
i wonder if any of you also harp on about “imageboard culture”




i dont know whats sadder, obvious children pretending to be le oldfags (and failing at it) or those who think their opinion matters more because theyve supposedly been here longer despite being unable to demonstrate it due to the nature of imageboards

selective memory is a bitch


>i think there was even a /lolicon/ that moot was eventually bullied and DOSed into shuttering
wtf based?


I am not against the idea of separating a porn board, I am happy to put it forth in the proposals thread. It takes up a disproportionate amount of the board and spoilering OPs is a weird hack of a system.

I personally don't see a motivation to block images for a whole board over a non-issue that is solvable if the site does indeed begin to receive a rise in complaints. However, in the case of a dedicated porn board, I do agree there is little value in it being listed in search engines. For other boards, having images listed in a search engine is useful.


I think if people want to post images of nudity for like a joke or a shitpost or something that is fine, but it’s annoying to have half of /b/ just be Jack off material. It’s not really “random” if it’s just porn. That being said, as much as I don’t like it people really love their porn here so best to give the a nsfw board where such things can be


(In fairness, right now it isn’t so bad, but at points for a while a lot of /b/ was just porn and other types of horny posting)

Could make a board and call it /horny/ or some shit which would be funny


a porn board seems dumb, but if it was excluded from the overboard maybe it'd be an improvement on the status quo. (but then, if it's not on the overboard, will people find it?)
though a bigger issue is that, like most new boards, it'll suffer from lacking clear purpose. the question should be asked: is it a board for /leftypol/ users to dump porn, or a porn board that happens to be on leftypol.org?

tbh, and this is mainly an idle thought, the /leftypol/-/siberia/ distinction might've been a mistake.


I'm pretty sure it was to allow for something like /sfw/,wich probably only 5 persons including me actually use.


I'm so tired of prudes invading imageboards. Take your existential crisis cope somewhere else, please!


>the /leftypol/-/siberia/ distinction might've been a mistake
Agreed badly. So tired of the status quo of leftypol's main board being generals and more generals while siberia is a free-for-all for nazis.



You literally read my mind. A leftist board should at least skew towards some kind of positivity.

Demoralization and porn threads should be fenced off and not on every front page.

>I'm so tired of prudes invading imageboards. Take your existential crisis cope somewhere else, please!

jesus christ, your hentai isn't gonna be banned, it's not your fucking identity, it can be on the fucking back page whenever you want it.


>I think if people want to post images of nudity for like a joke or a shitpost or something that is fine, but it’s annoying to have half of /b/ just be Jack off material. It’s not really “random” if it’s just porn.



>porn threads

what the fuck is the relation between the two chief



you'll figure it out baus.

tbh they're the two most obvious categories that came to mind after wasting a couple of hours one here.


well we could make a hidden /sex/ board that doesnt come up on the overboard and banish all porn to this barren land


What, they both make you sad because you're some nofap evangelical?


a sex ed and discussion board would be much preferable



actually a chemsex libertine in the right environment, but one who recognizes the negative and demoralizing effect of constant porn in online spaces. balance in all things.

stop being a weirdo and wanting porn everywhere.


but it's not porn 'everywhere', it's on one board of the site, not even the main one


True, which is why we must delete /siberia/. A /b/ clone, which will inevitably always become a porn+/r9k/ colony, has no place on this website.


i don't understand the motivation for making porn threads on /leftypol/ in the first place tbh
for pretty much every thread we've got there are better places on the internet to find the same content, both better imageboards and sites with better gallery features, and it doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything otherwise interesting (like sharing paid content or creating OC) that'd be banned / unavailable elsewhere.



You know where to get porn. It will always be there. You don't need it to be here too.


What if I want to flirt with Shay and play grabass?



This is about porn, not good, clean, wholesome fun like that.

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