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File: 1644477494502.jpg (51.04 KB, 679x400, sustown.jpg)


All the retards are crawling out! I officially declare 07:00 AM GMT as the hour where posts have the worst quality and also the hour when all mods are asleep.


It’s certainly not amerishits, it’s like 11:27 pm to 2:27 am over there


We have a bunch (or a few dedicated autists) of false flagging, concern trolling /pol/tards logging in at exactly the same time every day the past week at the very least lmao


People from St. Helena and Iceland are ruining this board with their morning shitposts at 7:00 GMT.


The thread was moved to /meta/ but all the shitposts and shitposters are still there.


I'm working on it, alright?




You'd think that but no, you can smell the grease.


I bet it’s Australians based on the time zone and what I can surmise about the demographics of this board


I just woke up and they're still there posting about "anarchists" and "negroes" lol.


Can confirm, I swear there's an entire group of /pol/ cucks pretending to be leftists and baiting others right now.


File: 1644550950503.png (39.69 KB, 427x400, glowsoy.png)

>hello fellow kidz! Yeah /pol/ mean, and pretending to be leftist, but I'm totally not bad faith!
fuck off /pol/, you tiresome fags


You are a fucking retard if you haven't noticed them in the past couple of days


Help. What is the point of a glowie image to what you are trying to say? I wish you could get outside of this structure of having your opinions/emotions go disguised in the wrappings of little green texts, and explain a little bit of what this means to you instead. It's obvious you're a little hurt about getting called out, but it bears a truth. Does the symbol of Feds and Popular Opinion somehow bring a comfort to you? Please elaborate!


Technically you can never tell with certainty whether it is one or several.
Remember the problem of imageboards is it is very easy for "dedicated" posters to swamp them.


this tbh (I am almost 90% sure I'm replying to myself but why not? Most of you are not at all interesting company)


He's just trying to muddy the waters. It's a fact that leftypol has had bad faith actors and psyops done on it since the early days of 8chan, and you can go leftychan to spot some people trying to badly sneak in right wing sentiment and ideology under a faux leftist lens, like defending Tucker Carlson while shit talking any leftist voice.
That's why I'm conflicted on this site's cringe moderation, but >>16776
>Remember the problem of imageboards is it is very easy for "dedicated" posters to swamp them.
is an overlooked truth and issue.


It's 7:48 GMT
and I can confirm this


Personally, l think 02:00 AM GMT is a good contender.


We need to turn off american access to this place
It's the only way


The shittiest time on the internets is 17:00 Eastern Coast Time.


this, but its also when shit mods are still on

Unique IPs: 11

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