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there should be a single containment thread of discussion of right wing politics on /leftypol
it's fun taking the piss out of them and all but it's not too important


there are different aspects of right wing politics to be discussed. Not everything needs to be in a general. If you don't want to read about it, don't click the thread


Kill them all, let god sort them out


Tangentially related: should a board of generals be made? So that more spaces in /leftypol/ can be freed.


oh, the containment shouldn't apply to the patriot front leaks, since they're just too juicy and do need a separate thread
how about shut the fuck up and get out of my thread, little bussy bitch
i was actually considering proposing this a while ago. could keep some of the slower ones from being pruned


Nope lol, deal with it


How about the unnecessary right-wing politics discussion and shitposting is moved to /siberia/ to make it about something that isn't just disgusting pornography and incel whining, and bring the board back to its "political shitposting" roots


>disgusting pornography
if you're a sensitive moral lily, don't open the random board. simple as


There's already 36 pages of it slowing the site down. Segregation will just stagnate the place.
Make and post in better threads instead of asking mods to fix everything.




Nothing to do with morality, dipshit.
Some of us don't want to be exposed to porn, unless we explicitly look for it. Porn is very VERY stimulating. I like porn, but I don't want to be exposed to it all day.

The porn in BBC kino, and other race sex threads is extremely violent, degrading, and frankly disgusting. That's not even taking to account the disgusting aspect of fetishizing race.

My vision for siberia:
- no porn nor lewds (unless user made)
- no braindead threads (no soyjak threads, no retarded OPs, etc.)
- no threads of exclusively namefag drama.
- no reactionary shit, even if ironic. I am looking at you, shay, and sabinyak, possibly junko too. Stop posting reactionary shit even if "joking".
- no pedo-jacketing
- no idpol
- especially no trans idpol. That includes the suspiciously well researched transphobe posting about why trans are bad because of some random research paper. If you're going to post about trans seriously ONLY good vibes. Capitalism is shit enough and nobody wants to hear you spew hateful drivel.

NO R9k SHIT section:
- no r9k shit.
- no incel shit.
- no "why are women like this" threads
- no generalizing women
- no "tfw no gf" threads
- no anti sex threads
- no pro sex threads
- no "I want to commit suicide" or "I am depressed" threads.
- no virgin threads
- no "e-thot" threads, either simping or hating
- no misogyny
- no no-fap, or fap threads in general

I think we should try this for a month and see how it goes.

Low effort posting spreads around the site. Siberia is the breeding grounds for retard posting.


"it's not morality it's just [a bunch of extremely labored waffling about essentially morality]"
did you learn this in debate club or something


i do agree with the stuff besides porn
that's not what this thread is about, though, anyways


>"it's not morality it's just [a bunch of extremely labored waffling about essentially morality]"
Stupid retard, think for 2 fucking seconds. If food were as visually stimulating as sex, I'd also not want to see pictures of food all the time. Porn generates a VERY strong emotional response from me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. When trying to do something else, eg. look for a thread or whatever, and porn comes up it can be disruptive because of said emotional response.

Nothing moral you fucking imbecile.

Regarding the reactionary shit shared in the BBC kino, including outright racist /pol/ tier shit, that's not a moral question, it's a political question. Racism and mysoyiny have no place in a leftist board.

Truly coomers are fucking braindead.


coomers are at least getting off from their porn, what's your excuse for being obsessed with it?


I already explained. Read my post again.


a board where anything can be discussed is naturally going to tend towards a single topic/interest (and within that topic/interest, towards its extremes), like big titty anime ladies getting crucified


sounds like a you problem




We have considered this idea numerous times, but I personally feel it isn't viable because no rightwinger is actually going to use a containment thread like that - I mean put yourself in their shoes, if you went to post on /liberty/ would you go seek out a dedicated free speech zone first? Or would you just make a topic?


no, i mean for dunking on them and discussing their “movements” and stuff from a leftist perspective


Absolutely fucking based but I'd also add an explicit ban on misandry to be more neutral and avoid other forms of idpol.
It's fucking incredible that there are people on this supposedly leftist site calling you a "moralfag" for being against the shit that goes on in /siberia/ as if there was absolutely no other reason to be anti-porn and anti-edgy incel shit. Those "leftists" obviously came from other sites recently.
>Low effort posting spreads around the site. Siberia is the breeding grounds for retard posting.


bumping. at least half of discourse on /leftypol/ is non-leftist shit

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