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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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These are the votes for this week. Please vote on the posts below, not this OP itself. Once again, please note that anons cannot actually vote, and their opinions are simply advisory. Thank you to all users and mods for their participation.

In addition, please keep this topic on-topic. All extraneous posts may be removed without warning. With that, here are this week's votes;


File: 1632798360390.jpg (83.17 KB, 750x937, grilling dr manhattan.jpg)

Vote: Recruitment of 1-5 new mods to replace some of the old ones (esp. those who may want to retire - note this post does not obligate anyone to retire or that new mods will necessarily replace existing ones)


Vote: Discuss recruitment of non mod staff to handle social media outreach and growth strategies.


I'm not sure it's a good time for this, I'm also not convinced on the need for more mods at this time, so I will abstain.

I'm not opposed to this idea in concept though I think it needs to be worked out more. However, I have not done a good job managing the new Twitter so maybe we do need someone to take over. I vote in favour since this only obligates us to consider the idea and isn't a final decision.


>>13119 is a good start


yes to this
yes to this as well


For: some hours of the day are understaffed, and I believe the site is stable enough now to add more staff. I do want this to happen after the last couple of preparations are finished, of course.

Abstain: I'm not sure if this needs to be formalized; if you like the site and want to help grow it, just do it lol. There are already non-staff projects like leftybooru, non-staff developers offering code. I suppose it might make sense if you want to have someone handle social media accounts on our behalf.

This. The unofficial one is excellent, an official one would hopefully be as good.
As a bonus, it helps us find the ones with shitty filenames instead of re-requesting them.
It also serves as redundancy in the unlikely but possible case of catastrophic server failure of our hosts.



For but only if it allows for some delay until we are fully prepared.
This can become a proposal in the dedicated thread


>This can become a proposal in the dedicated thread


abstain, we should do this on a case-by-case basis. some media we want kept more integral to the mod team than others. the recent IRC debacle for instance.


The vote has expired but for posterity:
vote yes
Vote against. This stuff can be handled by users and mods


Mods can anyon of you reply to pots on /meta/ it's been a couple days at least.


fuck off leftychin wrecker


The fuck are you talking about you dimple-brained fuck? I'm an OG poster you dumbass, I'm referring to varaious posts discussing
A) the proposals
B) the Youtube channel that got set up and
C) the OP edits requests that are asked for to improve a thread's searchability in board catalogs.


Mods is there a reason Luffy poster got deleted. Yeah they shitpost but it's been mostly harmless and confined to /siberia/


The posts were deleted for repeated ban evasion. Please keep off topic discussion out of this thread and in the moderation feedback thread: https://leftypol.org/mod.php?/meta/res/17.html


(for further clarification)
They have seen their most recent ban (4 days) and have not tried to appeal, so unless they wait out that ban they will continue to be removed.


Ah sorry, I meant to post there, and mixed it up.


A) not sure what you are referring to
B) I don't think a youtube channel requires any mod action
C) We have been doing that. If we forgot one, remind us.


A user created a leftypol youtube channel for our videos and I suggested the mods put it in the home page and /leftypol/ pinned thread so people could be aware and subscribe etc.

A new proposal thread hasn't been made yet so I included that in.

>forgot one

Could you do >>13782 >>13168 ?


Already is in the pinned thread, picrel.


Ok then



Note: apologies for the delay in ending this topic, I was distracted by work, but I will try to be more prompt in the future. I have decided to count all votes regardless of when they were made since it seems the fairest way (also, it doesn't change the results anyway).

Vote: Recruitment of 1-5 new mods to replace some of the old ones (esp. those who may want to retire - note this post does not obligate anyone to retire or that new mods will necessarily replace existing ones)
For: Barbara_Pitt, Discomrade, Pask, Krates, Wvobbly, m00dy
Abstain: Caballo


Vote: Discuss recruitment of non mod staff to handle social media outreach and growth strategies.
For: Caballo, Barbara_Pitt,
Against: m00dy
Abstain: Discomrade, Krates, Wvobbly

VOTE PASSED (though it only mandates a discussion of the issue)

Since no proposals passed in the last proposals topic, there will not be a voting topic this week.


Please vote on approving the new version of the constitution.

I vote aye for reference.


vote for



Who the fuck is wow?


m00dy's alt account


kek oh well
I vote aye


>Drafted and written by comatoast
Cringe and retarded, imagine giving this much credit to a traitor.


Vote for


Ur mom gey


so do you get two votes now…?


wow is one of the mods recruited in the last round of applications.


Oh right. My mistake then.


I don't know why it is a requirement to be existent anyway. Existence is a drag.

Unique IPs: 19

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