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 No.590672[View All]

Right now the biggest mass movement since BLM is happening in the US. This deserves its own thread because its a massive IRL protest. Next week their will be many more colleges joining. This is a massive movement.
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it's joever


They've officially breached at least one of the barricades and are violently arresting students. Something something those who make peaceful protest impossible will make violent revolution inevitable



it ain't over. this is just the beginning. all the people imprisoned and many of them are gonna turn into a political vanguard due to their circumstances. the uSS answering with armed forces right now will only radicalize the students further n further.


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Imo the one of the most important things about the student protest is the formation of international solidarity and a growing resilience against imperial propaganda at least in America

To stop eco-fascist and malthusian genocides in a future nearer than it appears, as the world faces likely the larges migration in human history, we will need international solidarity


This also isn't counting how this will impact the protests going on at other colleges and universities


It's just another colonialist state in its developing stage. Not at all different to South Africa, Algeria or South Korea from a few decades ago. That's how they always work. The difference this time is that it's fully broadcast on the internet so people know how horrifying it truly is.


Is interesting to me how American students didn’t get psyoped into doing shit like this for Ukraine or Taiwan yet are doing this for the true crime happening right now


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She's breaking the glass so she chain the door shut.

There's a video of a girl on the ground and pro-Israel people around her trying to help her up, but I didn't see any keffiyeh-wearing thugs beat her up. There's just text over the video that just, like, *says* that happened. Well, okay. But she could've just tripped and hit her head.


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Honestly seeing the groundswell of support for Palestine around the world, but especially in the US (for how out of character it is), is one of the biggest hope pills of the century so far.


>fizzled within a week
it's been over two weeks already, we're past the mark



>NYT: Richard Spencer praises the antisemitic college protests


Well no shit. Rightoids are cowardly cucks who hide behind the police


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There's no point to acknowledging any of Spencer's posts, bait or otherwise.

That said, the US right cannot ideologically clash with local policemen. It would shatter their cohesion and resolve. The most radical segment could resist "federal" police, and in the increasingly less recent past have.


Last time they were more useful as online informers and NAFO psyop irregulars.

Absolutely luminescent


Eh they were psyoped easily for Hong Kong and Xinjiang. They still don't want to talk about those issues because they are fractious and sensitive still.


The 22-Year-Old American Leftist Freer

>Free Palestine

>Free Tibet
>Free Hong Kong
>Free Shmurda


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Handcuffs and shackles won't frighten us.
Neither cattle prod nor electrical whip will silence us.
We shall use all peaceful means to overcome tyranny.
Persist and march on.
They can't use our shame against us,
Regardless of race, social status or gender.
We're all affected.


Lmao rightoids being scared of college kids never stops being funny




And the police have stormed the liberated zone at Columbia and begun mass arrests


Do we have information where the students are being detained?


Putting the power in power ballad, aight


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Welp here we go


Is this gonna fizzle or sizzle, ladies and germs?


==Divided and conquered
Gripped by fear
Wishful thinking that it can't happen here
It's well underway but nobody knows
A repeat of history
That's how it goes==


I wish I could've watched this all go down, but the NYPD physically blockaded us inside our buildings (people on campus proper were threatened with arrest if they left their buildings.) Allegedly bystanders were beaten by cops as they cleared the area around campus.


Stay safe anon


Thanks. I'm just waiting to see how people respond tomorrow, and how badly the MSM and Twitter retards distort the facts. The media coverage of all this has had my blood boiling more than anything else.


Mark my words if the NYPD goes ham it causes a further consensus crack here in burgerland and risks another flashpoint. The rage from 2020 is still simmering, zoomers and millennials are pissed off at everything and everyone


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>It's American university students, so I feel like they're going to keep cops on a leash.


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Jesse Singal is a turd whos claim to fame is being an anti trans intellectual dark web wannabe


>Fahrenheit 451 is about how bad TV is.
Artists can pretend anything they want, especially to avoid potential lawsuits and censure.
But the work stands alone.


Yes but that post is making a joke about the egoism theme.


or they could annihilate everyone since they count with one of the most massive, better trained armies against insurgencies, and the rioters are escalating more and more…
if the universitary petite bourgeois doesnt link its struggles with the working class theyre toast. that already happened here during the 70s and uhhhhhh its not pretty


>if the universitary petite bourgeois doesnt link its struggles with the working class theyre toast
Unfortunately, I don't see this happening. Even if the rank and file are actually majority-sympathetic to the protesters (this is debatable), the union leadership still overwhelmingly backs the Dems and the Dems overwhelmingly oppose the protests. The students should still put up as much of a fight as they can, but things aren't gonna end well for them in all likelihood.


>The media coverage of all this has had my blood boiling more than anything else
Just ignore it, friend. The media apparatus is (and has always been) an arm of the capitalists. Journalists do not actually aim to tell the truth or properly inform the public so there's no reason to get mad when they fail to do so.


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Pro-palestine encampment at UCLA is being bombarded by Zionists with fireworks, they're also shining laser pointers at people's eyes and trying to break up the camp's barricades. Cops are flying overhead in a helicopter. Will post a little more


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It's really heating up there's scuffles, people are using bear mace


vid2… is that a baby? who the fuck takes a kid to this?


>rightoids launching explosives at a protest
wow sure hope the police do something about it.


That shit can easily inflict lifelong tinnitus and other hearing damage. If protestors were throwing firecrackers at cops they'd probably get locked up for life




>trying to hold a position without guns
If they know you're armed, they will wait you out. Otherwise, piggies will have fun cracking skulls

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