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 No.534084[Last 50 Posts]

Kiev has fallen edition.


>Russian military sources report that Russian troops have entered Kiev from Gostomel & broke through the Ukrainian defenses.




nibba what the fuck is this link


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4th for the master race


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>Breaker 1-9, this here's the rubber duck, you got a copy on me Pig Pen?
>Yeah, 10-4, Pig Pen, for sure, for sure, by golly, it's clean clear to Mariupol
>Yeah that's a big 10-4 there Pig Pen, yeah we definitely got the front door good buddy, mercy, saints alive, looks like we got us a CONVOY


This is the cope of some Estonian glowie lol


Hitler would have considered everyone in the room a subhuman lol


omg le heckin' elon muskerino has sent his starlinks!!

i don't even what that shit is but i'm sure he's gonna fuck over the ukranians in some way


this reminds me of the trump fanfiction libs would write back in the day


the extra stuff were trackers


"Elon Musk will use his epic Tony Stark Starlink laser weapon to defeat the ebil Russians!"


CPC still loving Kissinger always throws me off


Holy cope


More like the Swallower of Cummy amirite


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Khokhols reverse videofootage to make it seem like Russians are retreating from Kharkov.


>Intel from a Ukrainian officer
Stopped reading


that's already happening
what is crazy is that no one thinks that it is bad for one man to have that much power or a private industry to be able to help all the time and only do it when it is good PR

there are several other internet war torn countries, will they get it?



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>Putin’s lair
MSM reported this as fact btw


isnt that a nicki minaj song or something


>CPC still loving Kissinger


oh no i made a ukriane thread to late



Follow any Chinese official on twitter and you'll see them praise Kissinger and Nixon. They seem to be held in high regard by the party to this day




>oh no i made a ukriane

<lenin. circa 1922


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Russian tanks enter Kiev from Gostomel side


He's switched sides now, Chinese probably offered him a better deal than storeshittistahn


I only supply commie rope, only for 19:17!
come over, we should hang out sometime!


That German spy knew what he was doing. 100 years later and his poison tree still giving fruit.


it's cause they communicated with china during the cold war, isn't it?


b-b-but the ukrops blew up 500 tanks and killed 5 gorillion chechens including Kadyrov there yesterday, how is this possible?


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What kind of adapter do I need to get to charge my Nintendo Switch there?



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Russian flag in Pavlopov


Ukraine will win because their capital is controlled by the terror defense


Putin sucked Kim's cock off for the secrets of Juche Necromancy. Now, combined with the forbidden Korean art, Russian Army is truly invincible, able to push on and on despite infinity losses


They meant "territorial". Although your reading is also right


>these boomers just out here having a great time
where is Texas though, i'm starting to get worried


support the twitter raid on azovs battalion


>Civilians, keep fighting!
He can't surrender. This will get really sloppy. Plan B is thermobaric missiles


how long will that work even? by the time they get there?

would be hilarious if an actual memer went there
would be like that isis thing from a few years back


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>Ukraine is establishing a foreign "international" legion for volunteers from abroad, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday.

>"This will be the key evidence of your support for our country," Zelenskiy said in a statement.



Are you them enough to step up to the challenge?


>>794115 there will be war crimes tho


I knew my bois would hold out and break through


reposting kino


Yeah I'm sure civilians aren't settling scores and killing each other out of paranoia, it's all saboteurs taken care of by the terror… territorial defense


He's retired from combat uygha, he's chilling in the DPR posting based propaganda


schizo thinks I enjoy this prospect


Should i read the Lushankeo and Donbass page on wikipedia to gain information on it or not??




Yes, Ukrops will continue to hide behind civilians, urge them to become combatants, and resist issuing evacuation. They'll be tried for all their crimes when this all is over


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We need a Zelensky onlyfans




I don't buy the whole "cut off" but. Nazi boots were made in England well into the war and their back bearings were made in the US. Wars do not stymie the flow of capital


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Ukrainians yet again gloat over dead Ukrainians. It's an Ukrainian APC


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>entire Ukrainian army surrenders
>Are replaced by the real they/them foreign legion
>All the worlds reddit fights Putler to the last them and are never heard from again


Hahaha this cope only works on reddit pig


>3/7 The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.

Absolute cope lmfao, tula can't produce ammo when it supplies half the world???


>khokhols kill khokhols
<to not look stupid and to not get tried for killing fellow Ukrainians, they claim it's saboteurs


Well the sanctions probably hurt it



See this post for more details: >>791410


>the body!!!!1

Two Ukrainian People's Deputees confirmed this was Ukrainian


Based, up the RA and up the DPR



Ukrainians shot their own - now it's official

Immediately, two people's deputies of Ukraine, Yulia Paliychuk and David Arakhamia, confirmed the mistake at Obolon.

The townspeople, who were given weapons, in an atmosphere of confusion mistook a truck and an anti-aircraft gun of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for enemy equipment and opened fire on it. The Kievans shot the crew of the truck, and the anti-aircraft gun managed to leave, crushing a civilian car in a panic

The deputies noted that the dead were identified, all of them are servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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>kill your own soldiers
>ehehehe those russians will feel epicly pwned now


>Bro look at these Ukrainians pretending to be Russians!!! Over 30000000 dead Russians!!!!


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Oh, you have videos like this? Post'em


>Russian military is pouring into Kharkov from every direction. Geolocated multiple footages, the city seems to be encircled – or is setting up to be.
big if true


This thread was right and all of reddit wrong once again


So is Russia gonna win, is it still anyone's game, what's gonna happen comr8s


Obviously Russia is going to win.


Ukraine does Volksturm units. What do you think, are they winning?


It depends how much they're willing to spend


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>Russian tanks enter Kiev from Gostomel


Apparently, in his show "Servant of the People" Ukraine gets divided into 24 countries as a result of that guy's presidency


Someone was saying that the situation is unfolding in ways that are very similar to the plot but he refuses to learn any lesson from it lol


I legitimately feel sorry for this tard. He's just there so he can take all the blame while the piece of shit oligarchs hide in the shadows and probably flee to Germany with their bank accounts.
I hope he gets captured without injury and gets a hug.


putlerbros, the queen has spoken. russia will loose.


Why are neonazis always so ugly?


>nooooo 100 km deep penetration in 4 days is too slow!



how widespread is friendly fire? good god.


There's a suspicion it's just nazis punishing their own nationals for "betrayal" and claiming they've killed saboteurs. Nazis also did that as a last fuck you to Germany.




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Russians are apparently pushing their vehicles so that the motors don't give them away


Are you joining the they/them legion Agent Kochinski?


>strategical losses
I'm not sure that's the right technical language lol. I don't think she was a very good analyst but I still respect her for the leaks.


>what's Kherson, Melitopol, Nova Kahovka, 3 airports around Kiev, Chernobyl, most of the border, Donbass liberated cities, what about rolling through Chernigov, Sumy, and conquering settlements around them?

Welp, now Russia has taken Kharkov. Major million large settlement. Happy now?


putinsisters, what will the fresh new cope of the night be? will we just screech about muh non-existent nazis like usual?


nah fuck him, especially after the fake peace talks yesterday and okaying the volkstrum. he is a poor man's yeltsin


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Why would I cope about the nazis getting completely BTFO


I don't know, I think the fresh cope will come in when the RuAF sit down and get comfy in Kharkov.


So she's back to being a glowie now? Yikes
Wonder what Snowden has been saying about this.


>putinsisters, what will the fresh new cope of the night be? will we just screech about muh non-existent nazis like usual?
When are you going to Kiev? Zelensky said you ain't shit if you're not ready to fight Putler in person.

>"This will be the key evidence of your support for our country," Zelenskiy said in a statement.


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can we make this the coat of arms of Ukraine


And tried to pass it off onto the Russians too. Maybe they should confess their manslaughters


My man literally told the Reddit keyboard warriors to nut up or shut up
Russell and Zelensky agree on something


yeah she even turned on glenn greenwald (who is also a complete tard for the record, but he helped her when she had nobody)


i think she's just a radlib, which means being a ukrainestan right now


Ukrop su 25 ass blasted two-seater, two pilots killed. Circa Nikolaiev.
Image the shiton of heavy fire they received, this flying tank didn't allow the survival of the pilots.


Khokhols start spamming their shit a bit later.


Wait, are you actually Agent Kochinski, lol

When's the stream? Gonna clip the shit out of your cope


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So it's a doomer show?

What do you think his ideology is?

And the ideology of the show? Regular common man frustrated but does not understand class

Just populism


They don't know where to get new material with the succession of RT journos quitting


Saw a video of one of these on the Russian side just eat a MANPAD and be unaffected by it


>oh no dollar hegemony and global capitalism are going to fail
this is bad why?


epic banter my friend. well done


>The Russian Defense Ministry reported that in the Kharkiv region, the 302nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Ukrainian army voluntarily laid down its arms, 471 servicemen were detained.


>>534191 (me)


>this is the guy who will be before a military tribunal in moscow next friday
pretty funny ngl


yo he is still in russia? lol i don't think he is going to say anything without getting kicked out lol

is what she's saying true? feels like it

what willl happen to russia if nato gets involved
can they defeat them?

i can't imagine anything but a nuke being their trump card


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When a nuke is dropped, can everyone on earth feel it?

Regardless of where it dropped?


At :47 he starts talking the same way he does in his Kiev street video.


Chris Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold
February 25, 2022


iirc the shockwave from Tsar Bomba went around the world twice


Same Su 25 when it was alive.


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Am I the only one who wants to see ruskies win the war not because I support their politicians and ideologies, but because I want to see everyone rooting for Ukraine get BTFO?



I don't question it kek, I just… was very surprised of the number.


i think i 'm gonna watch this show, kinda looks fun

i wonder if there's any anti-communist seething in this show since he's a history teacher itt

also they say he had a law degree and his father was some cyber guy?


Melitopol is under Russian control


i like meming with you guys, but this shit makes me so sad about the soviet union i want to go to hell to find yeltsin


who is that doctor guy, this picture feels eerie
also i love those two simpsons strippers

hottest simpson characters ever


My main motivation. No love for Putin, but also the realization that Russia getting sanctioned brings it closer to communist China


This is old, and yes, fully controlled. Mariupol is the next step.


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New footage of the Russians in full retreat from Kharkov


But at what cost?


Leftipol is next.

>who is that doctor guy, this picture feels eerie


highest kek


tbh if they stop that retarded privatization scheme zelensky was going through, russian rule might be (very very slightly) better anyway for ukrainians, plus azov will be wiped out to the man, which is based


> and the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested. Tsar Bomba was developed in the Soviet Union (USSR)


So it has never been dropped in combat yet? Do the russians have it stil

Wonder what place it dropped is like now




kill yourself


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good new this didn't happen


No, but this is evidence for an extremely online brain. Almost any political position has some absolute douchebags in favor of it, so reasoning by this sort of "philosophy" can get you to support anything.

I'm going to bed now and I expect to wake up to a decisive Russian victory 😎 (and some other douchebag is going to bed now with the opposite expectation).




>is what she's saying true? feels like it
i don't know. there's a lot of hopium going on the socials as libs have all jumped on the cause and want to believe one thing. so i suspect russia's probably winning but maybe slower than they wanted. scott ritter is saying it's going just fine for russia. who knows.
>what willl happen to russia if nato gets involved
can they defeat them?
ww3 or nuclear holocaust maybe, which means it's very unlikely nato will enter directly (i'd hope).


no i can kill you tho

why such anger?


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Liberals actually believe this.


this dude is seriously retarded, he does know he is surrounded and if captured, the russians will try him, right?


How old are you?


how fast are they expecting these volunteers to show up? their capital is already surrounded


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The Russian army is literally the Undertaker, no-selling everything


Because there is a number of russian assets who pose as commies (Maupin, Grayzone etc)


If you mean in this conflict, pretty widespread given you have a bunch of untrained civilians firing at anything that looks vaguely military

If you mean in general? Happens a lot. For example, about half of all casualties of the U.S. led coalition was friendly fire.


why are you so angry?


>>534228 (me)

Half of all casualties in the Gulf War*


no anger only love <3

now please kill yourself


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I'm pretty sure this just means the Ukrops are wasting their own people and then congratulating themselves on these "victories" while the Russian army is closing in from all directions.


we are made to believe war is some super cool, epic trained thing

but it's all just people scared and shitting their pants and killing each other

poor people are used like fucking fodder


i would love to kill you :DDD

also why are you malding?


This is fucking insane, even more so with all the libs cheering all over internet


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I don't think we've seen a civilian unit fight actual troops yet. I hope they just surrender


I've been reading there are straight up gangs going around all last night in Kiev. Shit's crazy


Russian forces are almost in the center of Kharkov.


Great Analysis Comrade! This make lots of sense considering how Putin is blatantly blowing this half-assed "Invasion" from all of the News reports I've seen, 🤣.


>Do the russians have it stil
No… it exploded.


You can't kill me but you can kill yourself




Where are you getting the maps from?

I didn't say that I support Putin (although I think his politics of self-sufficiency on every level are remarkable), I just want him to take over Ukraine so every people talking about USEURONATO banning this, president Zslhdfjkanosky doing that, and Redditors donating gold to the Avenger of Kiev shut the fuck up for a while because everything they cheered for resulted to be a bluff.


Are you really 16?


twitter posts cheering on friendly fire and paranoid executions of their own civilians would make for a nice compilation after this is all over


>ITT vlasovite renegades seething


this will be the new flag of Ukraine


>Welp, now Russia has taken Kharkov. Major million large settlement. Happy now?
Where's the fucking proof.
You know that encircling a city =! Taking it right?


No, I can kill you :)

Also why are you malding so hard? What offended you so much?

do they not make test or duplicate nukes?


Damn Ukrops are fucked, but this map confuses Melitopol for Mariupol




Remove trident, it's forever tainted as nationalist symbol




The Kiev part is extremely inaccurate, they are basically surrounded. Not sure about the rest


Not yet, kido.


Per reports on telegram:
>The mayor of Kupyansk stated that he "held talks with the military of the Russian Federation that entered the city.”
>"Now they are moving around the city accompanied by police officers. There are no Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of our community," the city council said in a message on February 27.


>Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days.
Doubt that Putin and his staff would be this naive about a territory larger than France.


They built three but only tested one. I don't know if they still have the others, or if they still work. However nuclear strategic policy has shifted to dropping smaller but more numerous nukes cuz diminishing returns or whatever.



Ukrainians tried to murder 82 Ukrainian POWs who surrendered to Russia on Zmeinyy/Snake Island.


wtf is this map, the Russians are literally entering Kiev from the West right now, and it doesn't even know where Mariupol is


Why would they be posing in front of St. Basil's Cathedral?


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this should be the new flag for Ukraine design inspired by the flag of belarus


Russia's not Khokhols, they don't need to PEREMOGA every small victory to maintain morale. Give it time, just like with 82 POWs report.




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Americans seems to be trying to scrub anything related to their Ukrainian biolabs. Maybe their trying to keep some Spetznaz or VDV guys finding something they don't want found.


I just want it to end.
I'm "rooting" for Russia in the sense that I think Kiev falling today would be better for everyone than re-enacting World War I on Ukraine's territory, the sooner it ends the better, but I care about peace way more than I do about the outcome.


>WWII tactics
lol are you 12


take your meds


Are you Agent Kochinski?


>>534263 no just a simple glitch


they're trying to destroy the records of how they manufactured the coronavirus there


Yeah, Russian Military is a solid reliable source.






Holy shit


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HOLLY MOLLY T-62 reduced to just scattered metal pieces. Ukrainian equipment, in Nikolaiev.


ukrainian biolabs shelled, covid 20 released


Karpyansk: city of 27k near Kharkiv


those are not assets, just theorylets


What about the Odessa Ass Bandit? Any news of him?



The ukraine oblast you mean


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This is the final boss. Are Avengers of Kyiv up to the task?


love it.


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Well we rolled up E105 like a rocket sled on rails
By the time we hit that Melitopol them hohols were a-gettin' smart
They'd brought up some reinforcements from the Ukrop national guard
There's armored cars and tanks and jeeps
And rigs of every size
Yeah them chicken coops was full of pigs
And choppers filled the skies

Well we shot the line, we went for broke
With a thousand screaming tanks
And eleven long-haired friends of Jesus in a chartreuse microbus


has Queef evaporated yet?




Zelensky announces Covid-19 2


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According to the Ministry of Defense, during the three days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: more than 210 civilians were killed, including six children; ; more than 1,100 people were injured or injured, including more than 100 children


Imagine the propaganda victory that will be handed to the Russians on a silver platter if they stumble upon a literal bioweapon program right on their doorstep.


How are my putin-sympathizing tankies coping with the fact that Russia thought this war would be over in 2 days?

You said Zelensky would be leaving the country with a bag of cash by now.



>>two teens hold off 125 Russian invaders for DAYS before running out of ammunition and resorting to ambush attacks with hammers
Cursed reference


This is sad as fuck.


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Gotta tell you, they learned from usians how to do PR. One of the few things burgers are good at it.


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>>two teens hold off 125 Russian invaders for DAYS before running out of ammunition and resorting to ambush attacks with hammers


And then everybody learns that every your word was a lie.


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Not just Africans…


the burgers are the ones doing 95% of the propaganda and are in UA gov's ear helping them out, encouraging them to die noble warrior deaths


>Russia thought this war would be over in 2 days?
source? that would make russia more retarded than all of leftypol experts combined, which I seriously doubt. they've been preparing for a potential intervention since 2014


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Lol, no one likes uyghurs


>country that lets nazi's into there military are hostile towards brown people
am i supposed to be SUPRISED?



I came from the theory, readings, and communist inspirations, I stayed for the memes and shitposting. kekarooooo


C'mon m8 we all know the ukrainians shot down the ghost of Kiev thinking he was russian


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>>534286 ofc yes . also i made the flag


yeah, and?


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new hero just dropped


no, they shot him down for parts. people gotta earn their food somehow


The viewership of India Today will be against them now. This might even counteract the big booba blonde chick with the kalashnikov.




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This is Olga Ivanov. She has reportedly destroyed two Russian tank battalions (pictured on right). When asked about her exploits, she quipped, “tonight, we dine in hell!”


Greece's PM Mitsotakis: "10 civilians of Greek origin killed today by Russian air strikes close to Mariupol. Stop the bombing now!


Azov murdered like 5 Greek dudes in Mariupol like a month before the war even started


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>Ukraine makes a claim and posts """evidence""": doubt
>Russia makes a claim and gives no evidence: doubt


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It's over for POOtin.


>Ukraine posts evidence


Ukraine posts evidence MOMENTS AWAY after claiming something whenever they actually kill anything. However, they claim insane figures never proven. If you look at videos/photos they've posted, you'll count 100 russians dead and captured TOP. That's sure fucking sign that Russian losses are below 100


I appreciate how upset you are and it really improves this thread


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You mean Susan Ivanova, who personally shot down five Russian Su-69 Vorlon fighters


India will remember this


at least those Greeks don't' have to pay their debts anymore



Everyone knows Ukraine shoot their own guys and say they're Russian. Cope you fat fuck. >>534147


Ukraine now has international territorial defense units –Zelensky asks everyone who can help defeating Russia to go to Ukraine's embassies in their countries


Change Ukrops with Hamas and it's really le wholesome war crime justification redditor post


Yeah, if we count all the corpses from that evidence, Russia has 100 losses tops. 2 or 3 tanks, a plane, a copter, and dozens of trucks and APCs.


Does he need any neuro queer video game streamers to help fight Russia?


Смерть Украине




NBC loves encouraging civilians to fight


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didn't know Russian special forces consisted partly of norks


We have a whole family as proof but we don't know yet the extent of summary executions and gunfights which happened because of paranoia about the "saboteurs".


They have the walk in the park they hoped for. It's 4th day, ffs. Russia is moving faster than Germans in WW2, Soviets in WW2, and Americans in Iraq.


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the absolute state of liberals


post war map concept


Why would rightoids even support Ukraine? one that claims to be tolerant of the gays and progressive, even if it’s just for photo-ops? Compared to strong, “trad” russia? Even the communists just want the russians to push back NATO’s influence and then for the communists in Russia to intercept the state from Putin.


has Agent Kochinski signed up? if not, why not?


i had a good cringe


Team of Ukrayina (fuck yeah)


You're coping. That's okay, I think some liberals wrote a guide on how to cope more effectively that could be of use to you.


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>government collapsing
>guns handed to everyone
>neonazi militias given free reign
>weapons still flowing freely into the country
is ukraine headed for a warlord era? are we gonna have a kyiv black hawk down?


muh borders! this triggers the map painter in me




>So everyone knows that they don't know the extent of casualties
Well I know, I can say with absolute certainty it's between 4 (with 2 kids) and infinite


I mean, if the reports of them letting criminals out of prison are true, you think the 2 guys 1 hammer guys could be let out and given guns? Jesus fucking christ I hope they get patrolled by Russians.


all of eastern europe as a single commie federation. but that's another war.


They have a jewish president, Kiev claims to be most tolerant of its LGBT community and they literally are refusing to let the brown people leave. FFS, Israel supports them

What will you get out of it?


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Based Kharkovites point Russians to hidden Ukrop positions


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>hundreds of men surrendering
>half of uke kills are their own guys
<i disagree with some words you used, so you have been owned


What does it say?


Street and house where Ukrops are hiding



The Russians said so


Ghost of Kiev is real. He gave me sloppy toppy before killing one trillion russians


Grayzone is just anti-US.


it's in Kharkov


File: 1645949789543.png (16.75 KB, 547x114, ClipboardImage.png)

Just confirmed by Russian military


>You claim as though I’m a Nazi
<Supports government that whitewashes Nazi collaborators as national heroes and was couped by far right forces in 2014


>no debunking


Werwolf moment
Also just so happened to use the Azov symbol


that's some top notch reverse driving


Yeah the notion that Ukraine is an "LGBT friendly" country is laffo other than perfunctory statements by the government begging for Western cash and admittance into the EU


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Why do the neolibs always win? The neoliberal order will never be broken, will it?


Imagine how many workers' salaries worth of taxpayer money those planes are worth, and they just got fucked up on the ground without a fight.


File: 1645950165756.png (33.06 KB, 584x246, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Ukrop microvictory debunked lmao


>Not sure if false flag or clinically depressed doomerposting
Log off


holy shit, it's been years since I last saw this bug



I feel this is relevant.


the neoliberal order exists only in your head



File: 1645950251164.jpg (586.37 KB, 2048x1536, so true.jpg)

so true


holy hell they are sure taking Ls
oh yeah some fag here linked up a youtube video that went over the situation, some war analysis type. What was his channel?


that's good for business


The duality of man


Of course, but I was talking about Kiev. Russia is literally more unapologetically trad than Ukraine, yet rightoids seem to be awfully enthusiastic about supporting the group that wants to join “globalhomo”.


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File: 1645950344041-1.mp4 (17.78 MB, 1280x720, 16459494241570.mp4)

So, here's why a lot of Ukrop victories have no corpses.

First video - Ukrops looting Russian vehicles
Second video - Ukrop cries "they are returning from the city!"

In other words, Ukrops don't kill anyone, they just loot empty vehicles and shoot videos as if they have destroyed Russian troops

There will be no third video, obviously, because there's no one to shoot the battle results (from Ukrop side)


>yet rightoids seem to be awfully enthusiastic about supporting the group that wants to join “globalhomo”.
Most of them support Russia.


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they can no longer be repaired, they have engraved that they must support the oligarchy of their cuck country
maybe they are not longer humans


Relax for now, your ass is going to explode when Russian MD will release the videos of those POWs later today


So, is the war actually going well for the Russia? What evidence do we have that shows that this isn't becoming a colossal shitshow for them?


File: 1645950511734.mp4 (704.18 KB, 256x480, IMG_3672.MP4)

Ukrainian tank in Nikolaiev tries to run over a civilian car.


as if they ever were human


Every day there are proofs of that while Americans are asleep and Khokhol internet military forces isn't in full swing.


that anon is talking about the thumbnail glitch, dumbass


He will just move on to complaining about whatever Russia is claiming in a few hours, whining that there is no video of it, then they will release the video and make new claims, and he will bitch about those claims.
Such is the life of a shill.


>slava ukrayine
Reminds me of watching Libyan civil war videos and the rebels are just shouting "allahu akbar" like a broken record and randomly blasting in the enemy's direction.


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Can a country with no trading partners and COMPLETELY cut off from the rest of the world thrive? Is this possible in theory


>So, is the war actually going well for the Russia?
Yes, but probably not as well as they were hoping or expecting.
>What evidence do we have that shows that this isn't becoming a colossal shitshow for them?
Air superiority, continued advances of Russian troops, major cities falling, capital nearly surrounded.


4 days

Literal entered capital

Liberal Russian forces in South unopposed

Russian forces in East slowly moving up and pinchering some ukraine territories


You see that huge crater? It was him self destructing to take an entire battalion of Russian invaders with him.
F for hour brave Chad hero, and let's hope Keanu Reeves plays him in the inevitable biopic.


Ukraine is only winning from about 2-9 EST, primetime US news hours and nighttime in Ukraine. Gives them time to edit footage from the day


Indians have a lot stronger of a relationship with Russia than Ukraine and plenty of indians who go over to Russia date, sometimes marry Russian women and settle or go back with them. I don’t think that titties mcgee would really sway their support.


>Russia is literally more unapologetically trad than Ukraine, yet rightoids seem to be awfully enthusiastic about supporting the group that wants to join “globalhomo”.
Well, Russia's trad facade is mostly a put-on. There's very little trad if you look at the lifestyles and the Orthodox church is partially a propaganda network and partially a grift. The "trad" quality is mostly a function of poverty than anything else.




and he will cope saying that Russians arrested deserters :D


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This war is showing the real sides of so many people.


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>So, is the war actually going well for the Russia?
Ukraine has all the ghosts on their side. Russia has all the living on their side.


>Russians go slowly
Lol epic fail! How embarrassing!
>Russians go quickly
Genocide! Mass murderers!


>>Cougar of Kyiv

how do i register for the russians to be eaten by this cougar??





Did Russia shit your pants?


sanctions won't hold for long, Europe is too dependent on Russia and building alternative infrastructure takes too long and is too costly. If they try to, quality of living in Europe will collapse and you'll see massive unrest.


> the 2 guys 1 hammer guys could be let out and given guns? Jesus fucking christ I hope they get patrolled by Russians.

deepest lore

those guys are from ukraine?

what is the marxist expination for those guys


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Copium from Dickblast


Yeah, if you actually know the country and can speak the language and interact with people from there. Not if you’re some socially deprived basement dweller and topea


Peskov: If you ask for talks, we aren't stopping now the military ops.
Russia will not eat the b8 again




>what is the marxist expination for those guys
collapse of society after collapse of socialism. look into how transition was performed in ukraine



Not interested


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i used DeepL to translate the following article:

found a couple new info hubs to follow:

^^this guy is one of the guys who fought with the separatists in Motorola's unit back in 2014. he just posted that he's going to the frontline to fight again.
>I did not go to the front on summons, but - as always - voluntarily. Participating in collective field trips with freaky "war correspondents" to the front lines during lull periods and banging out officiously censored "combat reports" without fighting is not for me. Ridiculous and embarrassing.

>I'll fight as an ordinary soldier with my beloved, dependable "kalash". And - "we'll dress victory like a girl in pearls, walking on the smoke trail of the retreating enemy.

>My honor, Correspondent.


p.s. here's some combat footage he filmed back in 2014, when they were known as the 300 steel riflemen or w/e


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But Cockshott is right.


How to sort through all the disinformation floating around, to tell whats really going on?


The ghost of kyiv


I meant to respond to >>534403


Wait, someone put that senile man on twitter? God have mercy.


>Trusting news from sites other than leftypol


wait until the war's over, there's incredible amounts of misinformation floating around even from "reliable" sources


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On The National Question


It shocks me how people fall nato tricks time and time again. Those cartoons about tom and jerry are more real than real fiction


Just put anything Ukraine claims in the bin and you'll be better informed than 90% of people immediately


you're a uighur who doesn't deserve to live anywhere but the depths of Xinjiang's sands.

absolutely disgusting U I G H U R


You don’t have to accept anything. No one’s really interested in convincing YOU in particular, they’re just doubtful of the claims. Whether or not this is valid doubt is a whole separate issue


forced deportations but humanitarian


Ruthless criticism of all that exists. Don't be fooled by kremlinbots and natocucks


Ignore the war and come back in a week. The situation will be clearer by then.


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You wait for the war to end.


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Right, is Russia still only using 1/3 of the force it gathered? Or are they committing the whole hog now? Also, tf is with all the ancient equipment? Seeing mainly T-72s and older BTR/BMP variants rather than the modern stuff Russia has. Also no drones, fuck all cruise missiles etc. Is Putin preserving it? Or can he not spare any of his fancy shit at all?


How’s this copium, now?



Looks at this video

Hmm ukraine is doing a lot worse than I expected if this is true


Evidence follows Russian claims after a while. The only thing that follows Ukrainian claims is debunking.


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I actually want Russians to go faster, accelerate!



>committing the whole hog now
They won't commit the whole hog unless they are in a bad shape because there is something called "reserves" that all armies have to replenish their losses as operations go on.


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>onlyfans I knew it


It seems as if leftypol is turning on Ukraine here. It used to be 5050 but now it's not.


Usually the Russians make fewer claims that are later confirmed or disconfirmed, including by outside sources. The Ukrainians are just spewing an endless stream of (dis)info of variable reliability. Of course, the russians may omit inconvenient info, but I rarely have seen them make claims that were later repudiated


Because the constant pervasive and insane western propaganda pushes the contrarian mind to support Russia.


lol >>534147


no, im calling you a disgusting uighur because that's what you are

go back to where you came from, back to uyghurstan and suck on horse tits.

don't like the information here? go back to your yurt, *uighur*


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I never supported cuckraine, I'm not a NATO shill or god forbid a liberal.

I wouldn't say i support Putin, but yeah, him winning is the best for our cause long term.


>It seems as if leftypol is turning on Ukraine here.
It's not that we are turning on Ukraine we are just recognizing the reality of the situation.


>we defeated Hitler
Are you having a giggle, mate?


Literally blew up the aerial power and navy of ukraine, the old stuff works fine and they likely haven’t put in everyone.


>Zelensky's Imaginary Circus


most leftists will eventually support the right side of things, even if it takes a while to break through the programming and cognitive dissonance.


i don't support the invasion but i also don't support pressing civilians into service and handing them guns, that's lunacy and will get a ton of people killed (not to mention what happens with the guns and people with the guns once this is all over). the best result is the war ending quickly to minimize ukrainian casualties


>I wouldn't say i support Putin, but yeah, him winning is the best for our cause long term
Him losing might trigger an upsurge of revolutionary activity in Russia though, and Russian comrades should be agitating against the war. I'll partake in some hopium and say both outcomes could have positive repercussions.


the fall of USSR caused 2 guys 1 hammer

USSR really was everything tying together humanity


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>my reaction to this post


>Kuleba wrote a bestseller book "The War for Reality. How to Win in the World of Fakes, Truths and Communities" (2019) on modern communications, media literacy, and countering disinformation.

Really makes you think


>we defeated Hitler
Where's that Poland holocaust meme that's like "don't mistake the perpretrator for the victim"


File: 1645951559866.jpg (29.39 KB, 467x433, CiOUhuaVEAEvXQe.jpg)

>tfw the reddit batallion being wiped out by russian tanks is a real possibility now.


make sure Agent Kochinski sees so he can sign up


>Foreigners come die for our corrupt shithole
<No we won’t let you blacks and indians take a train ticket out of here, walk to Poland to get shot, you filthy subhumans!


Ok. Speaking of naval power, have we seen the Black Sea fleet conduct any sort of operation. Was thinking they would have at least conducted fire missions at places on the coast.


Because Russia is losing.


true tbh. pro-ukrainian sources are hysterical and substitute hype for the lack of material power.
russian sources are fairly quiet oth, and i hear less self-assured language from russians, more like "from unconfirmed sources", etc.


Iirc there were some amphibious operations in the Sea of Azov.



Except for Grillpill, who is forever butthurt at Russia over the general strike in Khazakhstan.

King Schizotard's gone underground >>794559 maybe…

And Phil Greaves got banned.

All hatred towards Russia comes from tourists. They're not even misinterpreting anti-imperialism or purity testing, it's just hate.


Yeah they killed some Ukrops in fast attack boats that tried killing the Snake Island POWs >>534260


That’s the spirit. Even if he wins, though, it’ll be a pyrrhic victory that makes his ousting just as likely. Only Ukraine becomes neutral and maybe commie-friendly


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I'm an anarchist but I'm "supporting" Russia just to be a contrarian because the pro-Ukraine "takes" and "memes" are fucking awful.


Because I thought the joke was funny to point of laughing really hard when I saw it.


this is psychotic lol


File: 1645951725075.png (420.06 KB, 758x884, ineedtodebooonk!!.PNG)

And right on fucking que. Western "fact checkers" are trying to deboonk the claims related to the DoD funded Ukrainian biolabs.


Folk keep saying this, but I’ve yet to get solid proof


You are free to go whenever you want.
If Ukraine says tehy are doing heavy, massive, casualties over Russia, but at the same time, you see frigging tanks all over Kharkov, who do you is the one lying?


They're using HIV-ridden soldiers from the poverty-strickn regions of ural mountains in probing attacks. they give them the old equipment, and tell them to bail at the first sign of trouble, and then send in new troops to mop them up.

That's why you see Ukrainians capture columns with no corpses. What you don't see is the ukrainian troops getting mopped up after. And if it doesnt succeed and these troops get fucked, it's not much of a problem.


that's it I'm critical support support for putler now


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>A second highly effective technique (which you can see in operation all the time at is 'consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus crack, the following technique is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth. As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.' Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped. However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.'




>no cringe faggotry allowed
As good a reason as any, I suppose.


he was just doing a little trolling


I don't give a shit about other races. Everyone is equal except the uighurs from uighurstan who invade leftypol with their uighur thoughts about uighur things. They've poisoned the discourse in china, now ukraine, and now even on leftypol.


File: 1645951858877.png (44.07 KB, 634x394, post war map .png)

i made a better post war map


So the Chechens are Putin's biosoldiers? Lmao. I thought their regiments were elite? Why would Putin be throwing them away?


I would say that a Russian victory has a high chance of producing a small benefit to the communist movement (a limited reversal of NATO expansion). Whereas a Russian defeat has a low chance of producing a large benefit to the communist movement (a large upswing in communist agitation in Russia, if not a seizure of power). Something else I've been thinking is that even if an event like this produces a positive outcome, it's not necessarily something we should openly endorse. For example there was a direct causal relationship between Russia's participation in WW1 and the outbreak of revolution, however we all agree that it would have been absurd to support Russia's war effort in 1914. Just food for thought for invasion supporters and multipolarity enjoyers.


chechens are not frontline troops. They are in reserve for urban kombat



Chechens are going for Mariupol to get Azov, not sure why you've connected these two things



Literally nobody cares about your shitty alt history. Evedy single post of yours is a bubble of pure fucking retardation, just stop


More of the T-64 scrapped.
Wonder if the soldiers survived.


>Wonder if the soldiers survived.
You have to be shitposting


RIP my uygha Givi ;_;7


It's like mushrooms. Mushrooms killed my family, specifically the polka dot ones.

If vegetables can kill families, ethnic minorities in the northwestern region of china can kill image boards. Beware.


My bad, misread the map posted.


Yeah, what the ever-loving fuck is going on?


They used the noclip glitch dummy


>>534497 this is not a alt history its our future


We know for sure there are Russian assets affiliates here but I doubt they would be conscientiously engaging with this technique. In fact I highly doubt leftypol is relevant enough to have actual glowies working on it.



The most retarded take on this war is my dad comparing this conflict to the American revolution on the grounds that both countries are going up against enormous odds, and the US one it so its possible for Ukraine to do so.


It will be revealed to you in a dream


I will tell you that even a victory in the campaign will be a blow to Putin’s popularity, not only because sanctions, but also because of the expense and pointlessness. There has been a long documented upswing in left sentiment since 2020 and the communists are one of the most active participants in the antiwar movement


What zero historical materialism does to a motherfucker, sorry you have to listen to such tripe anon


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it's theorized that the civilians were heading away from the city, the tank to the city, so they were trying to kill fleeing civilians.


It's impossible to know which side is getting bombed there, or if it's even the same war. I'm inclined to think it's not, either side posting aerial/drone footage would be very strange


I think the YA novel framework of interpretation you can easily find on twitter is worse.




I just dismiss everything good for Ukraine and everything bad for Russia and it's turned out to be 90% right


Basically the Russian version of deploying Oblock


maybe he'll surrender and see the light of freedom, democracy, and the international rules-based order if enough redditors call him gay and/or hitler


They could be hit a little, quickly left…
then ass gaped?
They activated sv_cheats 1. Brought by the ghost of Kiev.


The "Again?" poster was most likely referring to a similar IFV running over a car (successfully, with people inside) while inside the city.


I agree. I don't think the fbi.gov raiders are conscious of what they are doing. They just want to root for their favorite e-celeb and convince everyone to be like them.


It's a Turkish drone, you can tell from the UI


How do you think all those tweeter experts get their intel huh?


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None of the Russian claims would surprise me if they were true.
Reminder that the Ukrainian military is led by actual drooling retards


So are russians in kiev?
I really don't understand between shitpost and fake news.



>It seems as if leftypol is turning on Ukraine here. It used to be 5050 but now it's not.
No it wasn't you Twitter brain. It was pavlovians Imperialism is when NATO versus war sucks but no horses in the race


Yeah, that's the thing - it's in Turkish, it's supposed to be in Ukrainian.



is it? don't they hardcode these things


>the fall of USSR caused 2 guys 1 hammer
Not even an exaggeration. Take a look at this list of Russian serial killers organized by era.
>inb4 forensics improving over time
You know damn well it's because Russia turned into a shit hole nightmare realm after the collapse of the USSR.


Calm down Xi


File: 1645952608625.png (32.94 KB, 613x292, LiterallyLOTR.png)

Pop culture was a mistake.


>MSM says
Stopped reading


No, they were probing before, now they're going in. No desperation.


File: 1645952649036.mp4 (1.96 MB, 720x1280, H_4vf1eB-pukyDHE.mp4)

looool libshits.
Hind detected in Kiev.



> Israel fails to sign onto US text condemning Russia at UNSC

Multipolar moment


I'm this anon >>534424 even I know to ignore what msm says.


Very big “if” there


if hinds are just flying over kiev, it's ogre right


>Is Putin that stupid!?
I kinda started believing it when he started a conflict which at worst makes you evreyone feel you dragged them in pointless war, and at best is a pyrric victory.



Isn't Putin waiting for a surrender with conditions?


the city is encircled and it seems like the high command is still there for some reason


Changing strings is the easiest part of programming.


damn, the Golan Heights shit must have actually scared them lol


even ukraine didn't think they'd be invaded and zelensky repeatedly asked biden to stop hyping up a war, you can't blame people for being skeptical


>Most of the Soviet-Era ones are in the last years of the USSR

Really makes you think!


If they wipe out the general staff, shut down the MoD and capture Zelensky and have him tell the troops to surrender on live TV then yeah. Even just doing the first one would be critically important, especially if it coincides with a fresh offensive.


You think this is an occupation? Or that Putin’s looking to conquer all of Ukraine? No, he just wants to get to Zelensmy, put a gun to his head and make him surrender


If this war serves to send hundreds if not thousands of volunteer redditors to their deaths it'll be 100% worth it.


File: 1645952935252.mp4 (1.9 MB, 464x848, 3W75cM3sjgwEA7St.mp4)

Fighting in Bucha near Kiev https://t.co/j4BSzQZEJQ


now post the chinese one (Which is likely to be more realistic.


I didn't notice the language, I just recognise the teal.


>15 hour old map
>from DC think tank
really makes you thonk


If they haven't evacuated to Lviv, that's a free decapitation.


Pfft. RIP Ukrainian civvies.


Again with this cope


ukraine bro, you can come to the light. Free yourself from the enslavement of natoism.


>he still thinks putler wants to occupy the ukraine
Balls of steel. He sees the tracers getting closer to his window and keeps filming.


By whom? Against whom?


File: 1645953081630.png (83.46 KB, 435x445, cia sweating.png)

>Russian-occupied Ukranian Territory
They still can't let that one go, can they?


rip to that anon


insurgencies can only work if they are communist or muslim, that's a fact


Unconfirmed, captured ukrainian troops by RAF.


Fucking got purged by Stalin


This is not a t-64 it's a 2S1 Gvozdika artillery piece you can tell by the gun


Why did the jannies get him?



They never have? Nobody recognized it.

That's why if Putin waited and ditched Donetsk and Lugansk, after Ukraine turned everyone inside into a refugee or a corpse, Ukraine would just go after Crimea next. Whether or not Putin should've done so and shored up Russia's economic position is up to you.


because you touch yourself at night.


There are various zones with convoy trucks of the RAF, in Bucha.


Ukraine will say that they captured Russians.


neo-nazis are generally incompetent without huge local state backing. Since ukraine is ruled by clowns they couldn't get the ball rolling.


Probably because he's a faggot who ignores proofs he doesn't like while whining about lack of proofs


coping & seething for 500 posts saying any sources that claim ukraine is losing are unreliable



no lol look at all the posts that are gone from the top of the thread to the bottom, all the dead replies are calling him a retard


Stopped clock moment for the jans eh?


The "neo nazis" are hyped up by kremlinbots but there is a sizeable portion of the population who is very nationalist and there are dozens of billions dollar worth of military equipment coming their way with spooks to train them. A protracted insurgency really isn't out of the equation.


>80 posts deleted
lmao what a fag


File: 1645953511913.mp4 (6.33 MB, 672x848, IMG_3678.MP4)

>Mi-8AMTSh VKS of the Russian Federation firing NARs at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiev region


File: 1645953527136.png (106.04 KB, 411x353, azovite.png)

>I drove my BTR through your garden last night, sing up the DPR
>I kicked your front door down around at midnight
>Something's telling me boy, you're avoiding me
>And when I find ye, you will go for your tea!


At best they're a "bitter loser" faction and a political headache for any future Ukrainian government. Russia already said "No occupation". They're clicking the Puppet button.


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This is the leader of a lovely Ukrainian group called C14


Top lel only this tard agreed with him


The Ghost of Kiev just fucked my mom. Personally, I'm outraged.


Yes it is, there will be no insurgency. Go to Ukraine some day, it's not like America. Nationalism scales massively with class position. The working class, especially outside the Lvov region really could not care less about whether it's Ukraine or Russia or the Soviet Union is back. Biggest supporters are Western fascists, porkies, and professional class Kiev retards who think they are European


>Russia said
lol. I think they'll likely occupy some of the country and puppet the rest or do some sham "autonomous" republics. But who knows.


And why do you think so?



this is a video showcasing the frontlines of the third day


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I believe it
The great stalina shot them all

No criminals, No crime


But the guy in video said it's "Ours", and they were wearing Ukrainian camo.


lol me too!


is that a cardboard cutout of bandera wearing a modern suit lmao


Because they occupied Crimea and did sham republics in 2014. If they can get away with annexation they will.


Well, they'll likely get them to recognize Crimea. That's about it.


Ukrainians have been told non-stop they still have air superiority


what anon
what did he do

what are the rules of this thread


It doesn't matter who recognizes it. No one's recognized the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan either and still recognize the Islamic Republic, but I think if you're an Afghan citizen and write your taxes out to the Republic rather than the Emirate, you'll be in some trouble.

These international entities could all decide that they won't recognize the sky as blue, that wouldn't make it less true.


is she right


all women are queens


Some Russian speaking anons can go to VK (if the free speech loving libs have not banned it from your countries yet) and check the general mood there?

Reddit says that the Chinese internet is overwhelmingly supporting Russia.


Why are the republics shams? The occupation of Crimea, sure, but they wanted to be Russian anyway.


File: 1645953980836.png (33.13 KB, 582x363, wrongthinkukraine.png)

allies of Ukraine standing stronk for Freedom and against autocarcy


zionists are so retarded it would be hilarious if they weren't doing a genocide






Why should Communists not hate a Capitalist, Imperialist, and Crypto-Fascist State that emerged from the overthrow of the USSR? Also, it is hilarious to watch the delusional Dengist/Duginist Cope over the obvious failure of Putinist Russia’s “Invasion” of Ukraine, LMAO. Hopefully, this will culminate in a Protracted People’s War in Russia to restore the USSR, thus putting the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism!


Do zionists know the people that they’re giving money and guns to hate jews?


Is this confirmed or is this Ukraine inventing its own reality by dressing up its wishes as fact again


File: 1645954074816.jpg (132.22 KB, 1080x1072, IMG_20220226_230339.jpg)

this was pretty funny


i saw it posted on the internet so i assume it's true


Muh free speech
Aren't they glad they took down the totalitarian communists and can have democracy? (:


Are you really 16?


Lemme guess, this cunt’s from either the North or UK proper


File: 1645954177214.jpeg (80.78 KB, 622x859, 1645951013680.jpeg)

um she is based. nations are fake.


Please come back to reality


File: 1645954218833.jpg (53.98 KB, 558x500, schizo camp.jpg)


File: 1645954245567.png (20.19 KB, 162x312, ClipboardImage.png)

-h, yes she is egyptian queen of beauty



Bro what the actual fuck


Yes they are. Nothing is more fitting for closet nazis in Ukraine than turning them all into the jews that they so despise



Cocky is in support of the invasion?


To what?


they literally dont. their president is a jew .



>America isn’t racist because Obama
That’s the level of cope here


You are right. I mistranslated the post. Ukraine doesn't even use them anymore. I don't know why

MLTB in the video, Ukrainian equipment disabled.
Requires double-check, then.


indira gandhi was a woman, india is a matriarchy now


Yes there was no problem of racism in the US between 2009 and 2017 until Trump brought it back


This better be a shitpost


>Jewish people can’t be fascist
Okay bro


Are these repetitive IPs trolls or real newphaggets?




What’s not Realistic about my Post? It’s the Dengists/Duginists that need to accept the reality that Putin’s little adventure is failing badly and could result in his overthrow (hopefully this will be in a Maoist PPW to restore the USSR), LOL.





Association of German National Jews

also this

Indeed, prior to 1938 and the Pact of Steel alliance, Mussolini and many notable Italian fascists had been highly critical of Nordicism, biological racism, and anti-Semitism, especially the virulent and violent anti-Semitism and biological racism found in Nazi Germany. Many early supporters of Italian fascism, including Mussolini's mistress, the writer and socialite Margherita Sarfatti, had in fact been middle class or upper middle class Italian Jews. Nordicism and biological racism were often considered incompatible with the early Italian fascist philosophy; Nordicism inherently subordinated some Italians and other Mediterranean people beneath the Germans and Northwestern Europeans in its proposed racial hierarchy, and early Italian fascists, including Mussolini, viewed race as a cultural and political invention rather than a biological reality.


people can be traitors to their own class, religion and land anon


>Many early supporters of Italian fascism, including Mussolini's mistress, the writer and socialite Margherita Sarfatti, had in fact been middle class or upper middle class Italian Jews.

>Many early supporters of Italian fascism, including Mussolini's mistress, the writer and socialite Margherita Sarfatti, had in fact been middle class or upper middle class Italian Jews.


I think the side that is being loud online about how victorious they are and despite all that no real proof of their victories is kind of coming off as cope to me


According to whom?


File: 1645954695512.png (199.19 KB, 495x499, ybtrvre.png)


So the pro-ukrainian cheerleaders?


Vladimir Putin is just decolonizing Ukraine.


What do you mean, LOL.


This is a correct statement.


As a brown man, I would have far more incentive actually to do so. Hell, go all the way to lisbon.

I don’t like the russians because they don’t have their prejudices, but those who despise us do so as equals. A Russian might dislike or distrust you, but he won’t think he’s better than you. Europeans are chauvinistic fucking pigs, even when they try to be “tolerant and progressive”.


How do you say they’re losing and who’s reporting it?



>What are amphibious crossings


Ain't it weird how they're foreign policy is same as communist parties that are explicitly antirevisionist


seriously hope this guy kills himself when ukraine surrenders


No shit. I think that despite the power of memes I think that if Russia wins or at least dismantles Ukraine I think that this is a massive blow to the meme force in general. People will still be swayed by meme power but I think that pro-US sentiment will continue to dwindle even if Nato and the west gets locked into their circlejerk. I think that the age of meme magic is finally going to die down. The demiurge is finally dying off…I can rest easily knowign that the guy who posts cringe or based is just a loser or some shit.


File: 1645955087221.png (792.21 KB, 1424x1024, donbass.png)

>All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
>Sun Tzu
I think it's starting to come together, lads.


Russia has failed to capture any cities and has lost countless paratroopers despite having Air Supremacy (their failure to destroy Government Buildings, TV/Radio stations, Basic utilities such as Water and Electricity, along with Decapitation strikes against high-ranking Government officials were big missed opportunities in the Air Campaign), LOL.


Okay. Threads like these are full of them, so you can’t be too careful


File: 1645955144525.jpg (26.7 KB, 474x565, Debord.jpg)

This Kiev siege ain't shit. You want to see what real war looks like? Here you go.


No, I only hope the guy who runs the ukraine twitter account dies


destroying infrastructure to own the russians


hwat would debord thik of wikipedia editor talk page


They aren’t looking to conquer Ukraine, they just wanna march down to Kiev and make Zelensky surrender, resign, and install a friendly ruler



le 3 way hoi 4 encirclement


If Zelensky is actually cool, he will shoot himself in the bunker like Hitler or Allende


i fucking hate wikpedia's page layout for trash talk being the same as it' info page

literally unreadable and worse than reddit


allende shot himself? I thohgt he went guns blazing


They won’t be able to do this if they never capture Kyiv, LOL.


Likelynwillnkust extend the LNR and DNR to the whole territories that they claimed, then leave Kiev


What makes you think they won’t?


File: 1645955345116.png (Spoiler Image, 9.05 MB, 1750x2500, ClipboardImage.png)

Just got my King Lear costume in the mail! What do you guys think?


Likely will just


File: 1645955363386-2.png (1.33 MB, 896x1674, obama horny 3.png)

Assuming serious, since I never know how naive and young some motherfuckers might be, BLM started under Obama. Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray happened under Obama. He denounced the Ferguson protests. Also some of the early Ferguson BLM leadership ended up shot in the head burned mysteriously inside their vehicles.


File: 1645955533217.jpg (406.42 KB, 1080x1879, IMG_20220227_034936.jpg)

The Reddit batallion is almost ready, when they arrive they will unleash hell on the Russian army with their Nintendo Switch and obscene knowledge of Marvel Movies.

I seriously hope this is not another LARP and they go and die in Ukraine.




Every attempt so far has been repelled and they are not launching enough Cruise and Ballistic Missile strikes on the city to soften it up enough.

I’m don’t have the nerve to click on this, can anyone be kind enough to tell me what it is, LOL.


I hope he's declared interim president of Ukraine in exile. Much better.


you should click it


i wonder how many people are gonna get recruited into glowie shit while they're over there


>Women, grandparents, and very young people are defending Ukraine
>very young people
Like… kids?


>I’m don’t have the nerve to click on this, can anyone be kind enough to tell me what it is, LOL.
It's a sexy lady with big booba and vagin. If you don't click it, it's your loss.


someone should go give them a thread of support from their friends at /leftypol/


They're called "probes". Real siege is going on right now.

>they are not launching enough Cruise and Ballistic Missile strikes on the city to soften it up enough.

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with Americans?


File: 1645955789108.jpeg (25.75 KB, 739x415, images.jpeg)

Yeah why not?


They need this in order to gain support from the famous propagandist Agent Kochinski tho


Shh, Vowsh can hear you.


wtf russians are giving captured ukrops support animals and shit and just letting them go?


It's a picture of you.


File: 1645955945826.jpg (43.73 KB, 625x470, Capture.JPG)


making the pows wear masks is a pretty good bit


Ukraine publishes the website for Russians to find their dead/relative captives. They have passports of dead soldiers and filmed videos of POWs. https://200rf.com/


Obviously propaganda (even if true) but this is so much smarter than the retard Ukrops sperging out every time they capture some reconnaissance team and uploading iphone footage of them being tortured



File: 1645956155512.jpg (563.61 KB, 1080x1816, IMG_20220227_040149.jpg)

Fucking Ukraine PSYOP.


>Every attempt so far has been repelled and they are not launching enough Cruise and Ballistic Missile strikes on the city to soften it up enough.
Why don't nuke Ukraine alreay 🙄

>I’m don’t have the nerve to click on this, can anyone be kind enough to tell me what it is, LOL.

Your loss. 😉

>>534691 (me)
Forgot to reply to add the reference.


File: 1645956181281.png (17.72 KB, 547x146, ClipboardImage.png)


Boris Johnston is the only correct answer, I laugh everytime I see this anglo


Bretty good propaganda and probably somewhat true. One of the most common themes in leaflet propaganda is assurance that soldiers who surrender will be treated well.


Yeah, Khokhols aren't very good at wars



Ukrops are fucking clowns, they just annoy me at this point


holy shit the ghost of kiev and iron man of kiev just flew over my house


Didn't we have a photo of a 14old teenage girl recently receiving an AK in the distribution of weapons? one of the comrades correctly replied that that's why kochimsky likes Ukraine.


I don't want to be cynical, but all of the Ukraine stuff I'm seeing all around social media is making me wonder how much of it is real and how much of it is manufactured by NATO and spread by people who think they're doing the right thing.

I'm guessing it's 99% the latter.


you mean NATO flying over your head? you live in eastern yuro as well?


A lot of it is people just not wanting to get singled out for not supporting a moral issue. A good chunk of it is virtue signalling.


Reminder that cope is an official policy now


File: 1645956538923.png (154.74 KB, 512x384, ren&stimpy OOUUUGH.png)

Pesky Russians is using their powerlevel at 10% only.


Yeah i know. Realizing that everyone in this thread is a bloodthirsty ghoul cheering on an unjust invasion.


Same goes for me.
I wanna see libs seethe with cope.


I was gonna ask what kind of person could possibly be begging for sanctions against russia and pouring Russian vodka down the drain after not knowing where Ukraine is on a map their whole life, who are these protestors


they definitely don't want one to fall in the hands of the us


>people who think they're doing the right thing
they don't think, they're hallucinating right now, high on emotional chauvinistic propaganda


Guess we had to let Donbasians get erased, then. Doesn't that count as bloodthirsty?


File: 1645956644208.png (525.84 KB, 619x568, Caesar2.png)

Wear them out with the rear line conscripts, then once they falter sent in the Kadyrov headchoppers and super space troopers
Ave, true to Putler


"diabolical putler invading ukraine because he hates democracy" fits pretty well in the story liberals have been crafting since 2016, they've been living in a parallel reality since that election. many people do sincerely believe putin wants to recreate the USSR or invade poland or just do bad things because he's mean


The US media has been pushing an anti-Russian message for decades upon decades now. In the past decade it's gotten so extreme that an election was claimed to have been hacked by them even though it was never proven to happen. The west has wanted war so badly with Russia and now they can almost taste it.


"If I say anything out of line with what the libs say, they will not take communists seriousL1y!Y!!"
They already think you're a tankie just for being anything more than pro-medicare for all. Just fucking embrace it uygha.


tbf at this point totally yes. People in my country became insane. Any kind of nuance or analysis is treason.


>If I say anything out of line with what the libs say, they will not take communists seriousL1y!Y!!
What's this cope has anything to do with the argument? I proved you it was justified. zeli can stop the war any time soo, can't he? He doesn't want to stop, then to the hell with him.
>They already think you're a tankie just for being anything more than pro-medicare for all. Just fucking embrace it uygha.
>implying I am a gringo

yeah, I guess so… I don't like wars, and I hate that's the fucking only way I can get to see them in real action.


Sad this libtard bullshit is being repeated by so called """leftist""" """critical""" """journalists""". There's not enough quote marks for them.


>Stating basic facts against pro Ukraine propaganda



Putin is USSR commander all over again? OOOOHHHHH
kek, but yeah, Cockshott is most likely right.


File: 1645957268166.png (305.91 KB, 600x564, 9bb.png)

anyone could be gay. anyone.




It's not like Russia isn't fucking with the US though, they supported wikileaks, gave asylum to snowden, the hackers who ransom hospitals and pipeline companies live in Russia etc. I don't know if the stuff about tweeter bots pushing simultaneously US fascists and antifascists to make trouble is true but why wouldn't they do that to be honest?


File: 1645957336849.mp4 (8.56 MB, 854x480, 16459565002580.mp4)

Ukrops surrendering.


Notice how they're treated with respect, unlike the Russian POWs.


>they supported wikileaks
>gave asylum to snowden
good again, but also snowden was trying to fly to south america somewhere and the US cancelled his passport and stranded him in Russia when he was never intending to stay there. only then did they give him asylum.


If pputins govenrment and russian economy collapses will the soviet union come back




no it would just make nato more powerful. Which is a neoliberal project that will continue to rape europe while porky gets richer there.
The US will never allow the USSR to come back.


>RIght sector banner
Pls Russia shell them.


Ok, this seems more and more as a full blown war on Russia's hands, not a "special military operation". Russkies are stuck there, they wasted their moment of surprise on waiting for zelensky to surrender or be coup'd. That's what politicians being in charge of military operations does to you, they would grasp at straws for a political solution, even when you've already crossed the rubikon and need wholly to commit to military solution. Every second wasted in the initial surprise phase will cost them dearly.

Anyway, looks like there would be no swift relatively bloodless war, so russia should just fuck off and don't waste any more of people's lives.

And also, can anyone explain to me, why they didn't overwhelm anti-air defenses with missile barrages while paratroopers landed in kiev en masse soviet style?


Who said it's take a few days? Thesaker says it's take roughly a week and Russia just broke through Kievs defences on day 4
So pretty baste 😎


yes, a ruined economy in a global capitalist system combined with a power vacuum without organized left and nato breathing on your neck… that's a great basis for a sudden rebirth of ussr


File: 1645957887451.jpg (481.65 KB, 2500x2500, 20220227_043010.jpg)

you mean putin will never let the soviet union come back


File: 1645957897752.png (491.24 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot (3100).png)

If they take Berdinansk and Mauripol they would be able to connect the southern and eastern fronts with one another. I think the slowing down they are talking about could be from them focusing mostly on Kyiv as of now. Remember how Putin took Chechnya, Saturation bombing and Siege followed by conquest.




Tell me you reposted that from somewhere else


File: 1645958008068.gif (2.08 MB, 500x288, abu.gif)

Oh noes lads better retreat


Is that Ukrainian or Russian propaganda? I can't tell anymore.


reads like reddit


this turned out to be fake news lmao


ukrainian, it's a chad move to pointlessly throw away your life and get other people killed along with you


Putler is about to go live


On twitch?


Is this more anarchist glow?


Both this war and WW3 will be the first wars in which propaganda will be drawn with 6-year old cartoon looks.


File: 1645958394881.jpg (49.29 KB, 753x375, FMZ7SGTWQAEkDiW.jpg)

lmao the kropotkin brigade in full cope mode

meanwhile Russians are literally in control of world history right now


are you ready to die in a pointless war in ukraine, russke patriot?


Ukrainians may sacrifice their lives for no good reason, but they will win morally. Take that, Putler, you're going to hell!!!


Germany announces 100 Billion Euro for the Bundeswehr


>Say outrageous shit.
>Not provide source.
You should be banned.


No, Twitch banned Putin's gaming channel.



File: 1645958558790.png (204.54 KB, 1002x632, 16459583807810.png)


It's not that hard to actually give sources


File: 1645958587300.png (18.12 KB, 691x63, ClipboardImage.png)

This is #3 on r/all


Well the dude who wrote the breadbook was for the war. So those natokropotkinists glow like kautskyites kremlinbots but it's not an anarchism problem.


He was spreading his bussy for views


Can I have that again but in English


I called it. "Don't worry NATO is weakened now it's better for the workers trust me bro". Now the budget of NATO members military will be doubled and Finland will join. Fucking great


Seems like this is pretty much done Kyiv will fall today assuming the volkssturm continue to be as incompetent as they have been.
Maybe Zelenskyy will step up to the negotiating table now


>It's not that hard to actually give sources





BTW, German army has a problem with neonazis as well.


Kropotkin and Kautsky both defended imperialism under the pretext of fighting a defensive war.


Man if only Putin had watched my little pony none of this would have happened. >>534771


She's gonna get relentlessly downboated for not uncritically supporting Ukrayeena



Wow, how many people was that targeted at? One and a half?


File: 1645959262937.png (1.99 MB, 1205x896, 1645944774499.png)

Absolutely just liberation from a fascist juntas that takes its orders from Washington


new thread >>794080


this doesnt make sense, nazi's are everywhere. you could find a picture of a nazi nationalist holding the flag or in millitary uniform of whatever country he's


That thread is shit tho.


this is actually a shitlib self-own but she's too stupid to realize it and so are probably most followers. the nazi problem is way more significant in Ukraine than US, but shitlibs play up the latter and try to pretend it's made up by Putin in Ukraine.


So ww1 russia


1917 will commence once again!


a rojava anarco larper is going to fight for zelensky can't wait to see the Kropotkin or Makhno brigade fight side to side with Azov

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