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 No.4680[View All]

Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
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You always gotta make the protagonist an NPC so the knuckle dragging NPC masses will find them relatable and can project onto them.


copius extremis


>That implies he pulled some letters from his name to make "I am Lord…" and then come up with "Voldemort" based on the letters that were left over.
I don't think that's how it works in story, I think it was just meant to be Voldemort being a smug smart-ass by casually making an anagram of his self-appointed lord name, using the letters of his original name, and that's all there was to it in the scene we see. It's not that complicated.
>he then actively records it in his diary to reveal it to his enemies
It's a Horcrux and his first one. It is also blank unless you happen to write in it, and writing in it, lets the horcrux soul-suck you over time, letting it control you, very few people know who Tom Riddle was, so very few people would be aware of his link to Voldemort. In the scene with Harry, Voldy presumed that Harry would be killed then and there, and this is a demonstration of his arrogant nature leading to downfall, a central theme regarding him in the books and films.
The Diary was also hidden and as a Horcrux is almost indestructible to conventional means or spells. Hell, almost nobody knows what one is, because it's such forbidden knowledge, and so, he 2 methods of destroying one are not even known, even if they could be found/done (Avada Kedavra and Basilisk venom).

TL;DR: Voldemort being an arrogant arse that le to his own downfall is a main theme of the story.


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it's a condescending children's book series written by a neolib TERF karen for 8-12 year olds without access to better literature


>All these buzzwords and seethe
I by no means think Harry Potter is some great literary work or Rowling some shining example of humanity, but this reads like a literal twitterpost, parroting liberal concern-troll nonsense. Touch grass and stop baiting.


Rowling is literally a neoliberal and a TERF, you're retarded.


A Neolib yes, the "TERF" thing is an overblown hysteria, typical "privileged white liberals screeching over their idpol being contradictory" as usual. Regardless, it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP.


>the "TERF" thing is an overblown hysteria
>Regardless, it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP
idc that you have an agenda behind denying her career as a TERF and its connection to the books which very much have that mumsnet sort of ideology


>it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP
Not really considering how the oppressed fantasy races are depicted or the particular naming conventions that Rowling has lol.


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>idc that you have an agenda
<Oh noes someone isn't assblasted about this social media spectacle I'm mad about? They MUST have an agenda!
Go outside, touch grass.
>her career as a TERF
HAHAHAHAHAHA what the actual fuck are you even on about? Do you even know the meaning of TERF to begin with (or career for that matter)? Rowling isn't even a radical feminist by any standard, being a fairly normal "women's rights" type feminist. As for "trans exclusionary" that also doesn't apply unless you wish to contradict biological fact. Rowling's feminism is typical liberalism, but it doesn't make these claims of hatespeech any more legitimate. In layman's terms, just because Rowling is a cunt in person doesn't make equally cunty people any better. The only book in her career relevant to what you claim is a recent one about the Inky Heart or whatever it's called, and has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
>"I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so."
She is correct in this statement and as a biological woman has every right to say as much. Having Gender Dysphoria, even if it is from birth, is certainly not the same experience as being born and living as a woman from birth. Admission of fact is not transphobic, and only terminally online idiots looking to be angry about something, which is precisely who Rowling is replying to.
In fact Eddie Izzard, a GenderFluid comedian found no problem with Rowling's comments
And Rowling herself defended trans people against hate speech and being shouted down for discussing facts within the community.
>its connection to the books which very much have that mumsnet sort of ideology
The books were written in the 90s, were a product of the 90s and a reflection of Rowling's life in the 90s as (at the time) a poor mother raising children during a period of social unrest and the Troubles. No inherent ideology is really pushed in the story until far later in the books (when the main cast are adolescent's and politics are more at play) and at best it can be described as nebulous liberal idealism with a stiff dislike of government bureaucracy, fascism and middle-class petite bourgs - as seen in the bumbling and harmful incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, the villainous depiction of Voldemorrt, and the abusive, labour-hating depiction of the Dursley's - than anything else.
As for Mumsnet, you can't just take something and call it "an ideology", that's not what an ideology is FFS. Even if it were, again it has little relevance given the story involves an orphan main character with abusive adoptive relatives that spends most of the time we see, on a magical adventure quest with little involvement from parents or parentage except in passing. Moreover I re-emphasize, these are books from the 90s/early 2000s before Rowling had even entertained online activism.
> considering how the oppressed fantasy races are depicted or the particular naming conventions that Rowling has
1) read the thread, this has been addressed before
2) Again irrellevant to your statement.


didn't read


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>didn't read
Typical /pol/shit


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As an aside, I've always found McGonagall to be one of my favorite characters, and teen me had a crush on Maggie Smith's depiction of her. She was a bombshell as a young woman too, but her eyes, her accent and her quiet, stern strength of character really drew me in.


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>we're never getting a TV series for sure
Whelp I guess I was wrong, though I still think Adam Driver (if he wasn't so goddamn tall) would make a good young Snape, precoursing the late Alan Rickman's performance. Unfortunately so far as we know the series is just going to be non-plot relevant side-stories for the existing original books…. I really wouldn't have gone for omakes of the story we already know but seeing how they butchered Fantastic Beasts, I have doubts story lines like the young Marauders, would be executed well.



>>>/anime/510 is that-a-way


Im the books, the naruto author even said he was originally gonna do a straight Harry Potter rip off with wizards and a magic school.


>Im the books
>the naruto author even said he was originally gonna do a straight Harry Potter rip off with wizards and a magic school.


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*in the books.

It was one of those end of chapter things where he does the behind the scenes stuff. I'd have to search through all of them. It was a picture of this young kid with these chains and a giant book if anyone knows what I'm talking about.


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>It was one of those end of chapter things where he does the behind the scenes stuff.
The fan-trivia and stuff you mean? I read through most of that, I don't recall it mentioning Harry Potter in the way you say.
>a picture of this young kid with these chains and a giant book
I'll look around, see if I can find it.

From what I recall he planned to use magic in a more abstract way, but changed his mind. The main inspiration being Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho. Kishimoto claims he newer read the Harry Potter books.
Frankly speaking the similarities are all there is, and Naruto has as many similarities with Star Wars, as it does Harry Potter.


I could be crazy and confusing him with another mangaka. I'm pretty sure it was him tho.


Maybe its a Mandela effect situation. A Naruto much closer to Harry Potter would be… interesting.


>Embedding error.
Anyone remember what the link was lmao?


>What's the best Harry Potter parodies/bootlegs have you read?
My Immortal


>Someone reupped it
LMAO I remember this shit, fun times.


A classic.


Not sure if it counts as a 'parody' but it does make fun of/fix a lot of plot holes from the books, I just read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality again a few weeks ago and enjoyed it.

Yes, it's by Eliezer Yudkowsky, but hey, I still think most of the messages in it are good.



oh yeah, I've been meaning to read this


there's also a audio version with character voices if you like that




Welp it finally happened.


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Reject Rowling
Embrace Rosen


>Fallacious argumentation of "well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
By that slippery-slope logic, any socialist is a Nazi because of some similarities in ideological belief. Not to mention the fact that the Nazis also believed in other medical facts that remain FACTS, hell some of their human experimentation - while a crime against humanity - confirmed facts that are proven.
I don't care for J.K. Rowling but this is just shoddy bait, and she's an idiot for taking it.


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For sure, and look this is the kind of reason I have no respect for twitter screencaps. Most of the posts are blatantly fallacious.
<The first is an association fallacy (trying to create guilt by association)
<The second just assumes events from mid-air, wishful thinking fallacy
<The third passes. (Even if some would nitpick that Holocaust denial is a specific concept referring to certain denials, I think calling it Holocaust denial is fine and valid mainstream terminology, since JK is definitely engaging in historical denial of Nazi persecution)
<as circled, the fourth just rips up some goalposts, puts them a millimetre apart and sticks a strawman dressed as a clown in front

And as a bonus, unless there are more tweets we're not seeing, the Wikipedia editor also can't fucking read. Seriously, I don't think I'm particularly smart, but my reading comprehension, even when basically asleep, just seems outstanding compared to this shit. Two retards fighting, then one punches the ref.


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The Wikipedia editor can read, because they're blatantly and intentionally misrepresenting the situation to the point that its clearly bad faith action. They get away with it too since 90% of people don't check the sources or what the sources actually demonstrate/say - that's how a ton of anti-communist myths get posted fact there. Also thanks for perfectly explaining each of these assholes' sort of fallacy… it's just *chefs kiss*. Reading that entire exchange makes me feel like an adult watching 2 kids get into a verbal pissing contest.



>"well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
Bruh she literally went "nuh-uh" when somebody brought up a part of the holocaust.


>simplism and outright parroting the wiki assertion
Oh look, more bait! Go back twitterite.


My opinion on Harry Potter changed after reading Mob Psycho 100. Most wizards are useless pricks that are too over-reliant on magic, they can't change a light bulb without a wand these guys.


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For those who haven't watched it, here is the torrent for all films, but more importantly, extra audio channels for listening listen to:
Wizard People, Dear Reader - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_People%2C_Dear_Reader
(and Rifftrax for all films)



>Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.
We've talked about this on this website about 74 times one after another


I love wpdr. It permanently changed my vocabulary. I wish Neely's other projects were more successful


>replying to a 4 year old post just to say nothing


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I wonder what is going to happen with the Harry Potter show. I can see the Executives being fully okay with lgbt hatred but holocause denial? Well that's a bit too far even for normalfags


>I can (…) holocause denial?
Oh noes leftypol gonna be canceled by twitter intellectuals


ah but she only denied the holocaust of trans people, not jews, so it's fine.



almost every character besides the main cast of harry-ron-hermione is far more interesting than them combined even with barely any focus
it's why its so popular for fanfiction (besides just its general popularity)


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this seems ominous

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