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 No.3179[View All]

How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society
166 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>probably one of the most underrated drugs out there (aside from gabapentinoids)
my uygha

>I straight edged with your mum last night for about 4 hours

my uygha


Not good for you.


theres a few based guys like the chemist manufacturing, testing, and reporting on as much psychoactive substance as possible, but all the spirituality whackos are annoying I agree


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Zero unless stuff like cough syrup counts.
You guys really gotta stop drugging yourselves to death.spurdoSpurdo


You guys really gotta stop channing yourself to death
Anon please tell me, do you excercise every day?
How much sugar do you eat?
Do you stimulate your brain regularly?
Do you avoid poverty and adverse life circumstances?
Do you eat the nutrients you need and avoid unhealthy food?
Do you restrict your meals to certain times of the day and use intermittent fasting?
Do you consume pornography?
Do you spend a lot of time online?
Do you socialize regularly?
Do you avoid getting too angry?
Do you deal eith all of your health problems?
Do you take good care of your skin and practice good skincare and shower the right amount of time.
Do you brush your teeth twice a day?
Do you masturbate a healthy amount? Not too little and not too frequently?
If you don't do all these things and you don't do drugs you will be less healthy than someone who does all these things and uses drugs moderately and responsibly



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>How many drugs have you used recreationally?
Enough to put the weak willed into five sorts of psychosis ten times over, barf themselves into dehydration, stop hearts and bully ones liver into committing suicide. I've lost teeth and my sense of empathy from the meth and molly, developed chronic neurosis from benzos, crawled out of an alcoholic's ballsack into another's womb and done enough acid to exist in a space between dimensions as the god among men that I am.

I FUCKING HATE SOBRIETY. Most overrated shit ever. Straight edgers are hypocrites with their half-assed ascetism under the guise of 'health' while fostering the worst sorts of ideological sickness ever to affect the punk subculture. Look at the hardliners and tell me that isn't more psychotic than a meth, crack and PCP-addled uyghur attacking cops in a state of agitated delirium.

Here's your medal, now get bent posers


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From best to worst
The only things I use now are weed nicotine and sometimes acid.




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i have done both coffee and sugar soda


>none left
>I get way worse sleep
And *they* say weed ain't addictive.


Don't you have atleast some curiosity, even not for sensations but perhaps the mindwarping perspectives of psychedelics?


>How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?
Heroin, Meth, Cannabis, and Shrooms are the only drugs I've used more than once.


>someone that happens to smoke weed has any negative health condition
>and the blue-haired SJWs and jews say weed ain’t addictive……


Because you're looking in the wrong corners. On science forums and shit there are usually the better kind of psychonauts who don't pretend the medicine needs a higher explanation to take.


Deliriants make you experience what it feels like to actually lose your mind. It's hands down one of the worst experiences you will ever have, maybe even the worst.
Even high doses of EDIBLE cannabis can act as a deliriant, hell, even lower doses as well. Edible cannabis is processed by the liver in which it becomes a different, more potent, psycho-active substance.
I can really recommend anyone to stay far far away from deliriants.


I never felt anything remotely close to what you're describing under LSD.


wtf are you reading? erowid and psychonaut wiki trip reports are usually enlightening as hell and were a great resource for me when i was first playing around with research chems


LSD is not a delirant.


I don't fuck with that shit but I know people who said they had interesting experiences robotripping. I don't see the point, frankly.


dxm is an amazingly underrated psychedelic at higher doses, however your stomach can develop a reaction to the syrup. if you can get your hands on the powder, you can ingest it through "parachuting" (wrap it in paper and swallow it)


Is it really? Sounds like a terrifying experience. With acid I might be absolutely confused with what is going on, and have delusions of situations and what is being said, but at least I know that what I am visually seeing, except patterns, is there.

Talking with people that aren't there sounds scary.


you’re scared of talking with people who aren’t there?
you prolly shouldn’t do any psychedelic then


dxm isn't a psychedlic it's a dissociative
also talking to people that aren't there isn't a psychedlic thing, although some people feel the presence ofnsome otherworldly being on extremely high doses


I've done psychedlics before, and I don't mind speaking with entities in another dimension, eg DMT. What I don't like is for my reality to be completely unreliable. I don't do high doses of acid, for example, for the same reason.


it's psychedelic at higher doses, you can have pretty strong experiences on them
at lower doses, it's just a standard dissociative that makes you itchy and is more akin to normal ket trips


idk maybe you have had similar effects but dissociatives like dxm are a different class of drugs than psychedelics and have a different method of action (nmda receptor antagonism instead of serotonin receptor agonism)


What are delirants then?


Nvm I did a better web search after posting this.


I've had really intense experiences on edibles that are borderline trippy/psychedelic. I'm not a particularly heavy user, either, I think I might just have a sensitivity or something.


This is probably cliched as fuck, but since I went from smoking weed rarely to all the time I've gotten way more in touch with nature. Even when I'm sober, sitting alone in nature just feels better than watching TV or scrolling or anything like that. Like breathing room for my brain.

Though my increase in toking coincided with an increase in work hours and stress so that may be part of my newfound appreciation for quiet and simplicity, too.


I wish I could smoke again without getting terrible anxiety. I know I can ease into it, but there's always the risk of getting anxiety and it just puts me off.


I've been recently thinking of trying to cocaine so I can improve my ability to study, how effective would that be?


Probably not good. Unless you live in Colombia or something and you can get straight Coca leaves(I'd like to try it myself.) Reminder all cocaine is made with diesel fuel, and you can tell how pure coke is by how much it smells like diesel. Not to mention whatever they cut the coke with out of the diesel stage. I wouldn't put that shit inside me. Stick with pharma stims.


Narco-trafficking and petrol: a quarter of Colombia's fuel goes to make cocaine




lol are you kidding me? Just get an amphetamine or methylphenidate script like everyone else if you want to use a stimulant study aid


Based. Proud of you anon


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i fucking hate "za" being a term for weed. fuck the west coast.


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Weed and psychedelics don't do anything in low doses and moderate to high doses give me existential anxiety, like I straight up can't stop thinking about dying and not existing in 30-40 years. It's weird because otherwise I'm chill about it. Alcohol is the only thing that takes away the harsh edge of life and makes everything fuzzy and warm, but I can't get over how horrible it is for every part of the body: liver disease, distracting your immune system, bowel cancer, brain shrinkage, disrupting protein synthesis. I think min-maxing video games ruined my fucking brain; every beer I have is like "damn I coulda got a 3 plate bench by now if I didn't drink". My mind won't let me let go and just enjoy the experience of any mind altering substance, but being sober fucking sucks. Why did humans evolve to hate the default state of the brain so much?

I live in WA and have never heard this term, I thought "za" was east-coast slang for pizza.


>Why did humans evolve to hate the default state of the brain so much?
I hope you are using "evolve" to mean more than biology and include, or only mean, society.


Humans have been ingesting drugs for as long as we've been around, it's not just capitalism anon. Jews smoked weed inside the second temple and native americans smoked peyote.


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>Weed and psychedelics don't do anything in low doses and moderate to high doses give me existential anxiety, like I straight up can't stop thinking about dying and not existing in 30-40 years. It's weird because otherwise I'm chill about it.
Weird because they say shrooms do the opposite. They're using shrooms for terminal patients because it gives them peace of mind.




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No thanks Hillary


Drinked an quite good amount of coffe, 3 tô 4 cups every day


I'm straight up edging



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I don't 'do drugs' but I've started browsing Erowid experiences vault. I haven't found any troll entries but some of them are for things which I wouldn't have otherwise framed as drugs (e.g. breathing, sweating), and some are pretty educational.
Someone said that getting stung by a paper wasp was good for their ADD and had an aphrodisiac effect, which was wild. (pic2),


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>quit weed
<start smoking like a chimney and drinking

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