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 No.32044[Last 50 Posts]

Has there been an uptick in anti-communist games/crypto-ethnonationalist anti-Russian ethnic grievance games coming out of former eastern bloc countries recently?

This game treats the Bolsheviks like they're cartoon villains and acts like the fucking retreating Czechoslovak Legion cared more about Soviet citizens than the Red Army.


Reactionary politics have always been present n vidya. But It would not be surprising if the recent shifts in the geopolitical world are causing an uptick in weird reactionary slop. I would also like to bring attention to the fact that eastern european nations don’t really export games, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the ones that manage to get published and gain some popularity appeal to the politics in the western europe and united states.


I hate how the premise of a train-based RTS is wasted on a sob story about allied interventionists retreating like the cowards they were rather than the heated and multi-faceted train warfare of the Eastern Front.


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Freedom fighter is a little older than that. The game is as reactionary as it gets, you start as a conspiracy nut (but of course it's not a conspiracy in the game anymore) and you become a fascist terrorist in the game, only played half way through it tho, if there is a plot twist anywhere I don't know about it.
aside from the weird mission structure, it's a fun shooting game tho


Since its releasing with full English, French and German audio, it's absolutely being made with a foreign audience in mind.


I hope Makhno will kill every rightoid who was misusing that word with tachanka from the sky. FREEDOM MEANS INDIVIDUAL AUTONOMY AND CLASS LIBERATION, NOT ANTI-COMMUNISM.


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Watched an LP episode of Last Railroad to the Right to see if worth.

First mission >requires< you to steal a miller's food. The game blames the reds for stealing food from the miller you just stole food from. Then the miller's wife says stealing food is okay because both sides are bad. General Czech Please says working with reds bad tho.

This was a time of ongoing mass famine and war from the Tsar's WW1 through the Russian civil war and the American invasion. Food is precious at this time because it means life or death, especially to a lifelong miller's family.

Minutes of game-play later you get caught by these same vicious reds who brook no disobedience and will kill all who defy them without question. The checkpoint commander demands your weapons but lets you go when you refuse because the game would end if he didn't. Soldiers of all backgrounds also switched sides multiple times during the civil war based on who could fill their bellies; somehow not even a mention of some deserters who did or didn't like your choice about the miller's food. Not even the decency of an honest bribe to pass and something about Capitalism conquering all as that would give the game away about how 'the border TM' works in reality.

A 5 year old can see through the reaction's best propaganda cry bullying bullshit. The sprinkling of liberal 'both sides-ism' is revealed to be the handmaiden of fascism.

A decent game would offer the player the option of sharing the food or leaving at least a bag with the woman so she can survive the winter if it wants to make its point. That would at least be a 'hard choice' in keeping with the 'Frostpunk' style this game pretends to ape. But this game just like all conservatives, doesn't trust the player to have agency or make moral choices. Hey player, times are tough and there are no atheists in a foxhole. Principles are easy to discard in desperation; find out who these people really were as we force your hand to do the unthinkable in the name of survival from the comfort of your gaming chair. Maybe realize war sucks ass because it makes good people do evil out of material desperation so we should seek out universal shared abundance to keep the knives out of your gut. You yourself would wield the knife or feel the deadly consequences of individual charity in the face of systemic evil.

The Soviet commander catching you and demanding your weapons should not have been negotiable if the game's point is 'reds unreasonable murderers', 'muh second mendment' crap. A similar game would just waive this as the tension building debuff where the 'hero loses his powers' trope or start the game with casualties and a hard first fight to show the reality of the danger and the lack of general education among the soldiers of the time. Every rifle and every bullet is needed for the war, why would they not kill (the player's) enemy soldiers at their mercy and take their weapons if they are that unreasonable/bloodthirsty? Why not make the player feel the dramatic tension? Why not give the player agency? Answer: All aboard the conservative railroad; somehow the commies are to blame for why you can't get laid and it's okay when the right wing causes famines because working with the commies is worse than dying from the famine I just caused!

Wasted potential, zero effort crap. Do not buy except to educate the masses on the essential failures of the conservative distraction from material conditions and historical record.


this, I had hoped for a train based game during the russian civil war with good writing and hard moral choices, multiple competing faction, strategical decisions on the world map and tactical combat, interesting historical tidbits, and we get this absolute reactionary crap
sad, what are the russians waiting for to make good games in the russian civil war setting


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i'm glad i'm not the only person who appreciates this game. i grew up playing it on gamecube and it was great. i think under socialism, it'll get a sequel, but with an anti-capitalist message this time.


There is even better part where you kill the red army training camp and the supposed families of those recruits said "it's okay that you killed them, reds would have killed them anyway".

>sad, what are the russians waiting for to make good games in the russian civil war setting
KEK. Have you seen any russian movie made in the last 3 decades that even touches the subject of USSR, much less WWII or October Revolution and Civil War? They are even more anticommunist than this game.


Speaking of Russian filmmakers and anticommunism, Nikita Mikhalkov is such a fucking disgrace lol. His movies during the Soviet period were pretty decent like "Burnt by the Sun", but ever since the Union got demolished he started sucking up to Putin for Ministry of Culture bux and made SFX-ridden "patriotic" slop that attributes Soviet victories to le indomitable Russian spirit ever since while running a show called "Besogon TV" where he larps as an Orthodox scholar while ranting about homos and transes and Satan being behind it all. Look it up, its worth a laugh.


this is the shit i think of every day
yeah I love him, gf warned me he became very cringe tho.
Still, he was part in some of the best movies. The Dawns Here Are Quite even


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>literal kulak simulator
Man I thought this shit game was about escaping the nazi blitzkrieg in ww2 or some shit wtf
>in the name of lenin
Damn straight, fucking kulaks man, do they think lenin is personally gonna eat all the grain?


>Man I thought this shit game was about escaping the nazi blitzkrieg in ww2 or some shit wtf
Maybe you are thinking of Partisans 1941?



it sucks how revisionism hides this. he probably was always like this, but now that the revisionist era is gone and russia is openly capitalist, he can voice his reactionary opinions. this is why they hated stalin, comrade stalin and the anti-revisionist bloc would have re-educated him.


lenin's big spoon


it's funny that this is the same devteam as the hitman series, which has pretty much always had weirdly good politics


>Kane & Lynch
>good politics


Hitman 1 2 and 3 (the new ones) primarily has you killing corrupt CEOs and other evil people that are never punished by society, dunno if I would really call it 'good politics' but yeah


yeah, and some people will use that freedom to be anti-communist.


They're releasing a DLC where you fight with the fucking White Army lmao


The late-2000's Bethesda-published FPS Rogue Warrior had such beautiful lines like "Karl Marx? Fuck Karl Marx, he is a giant faggot ass pussy!" and "I own your fuckin' soul, you fuckin' commie bitch!" sandwiched in between scenes of the main character brutally executing DPRK and Soviet soldiers left and right and an incoherent cliche plot involving nuclear weapons. The degree of anti-communist, jingoistic machismo in this game is taken to such extremes that it often comes as self-parody, but the guy who wrote all this was a SEAL who thought it is cool to pepper every sentence with "fuck" after each word.


Let's be real: this is just American pop culture but honest. Behind all those "good vs evil" plots there's that liberal ideology that designates any radical as "le ebil extremist." And then people expect me to take morality seriously.
>My ideology is superior to yours because I'm a good guy according to my own ideology.


>yeah, and some people will use that freedom to be anti-communist.
That's not the point.


Just play Partisan 1941. Much better and more accurate to history.


Now that I think about it… putting aside the fact that you're some profit hungry merc. Murdering corrupt bougies is pretty fun


>profit hungry merc
To be fair, he was quite litterally engineered to be a contract killer. And even then, he still attempted to quit his job and live a quiet life in Hitman 2 (2002)


>profit hungry merc
Did you even play the games? Any of them? Or did you get it confused with Mercenaries 2?


47 isn't profit-hungry, he just kills people because "It's just mah job, bruh. I'm very good at my job and nothing else." He's not that different from a CIA agent, which actually makes him more of a classcuck than profit-hungry, Of course in Hitman Absolution he rebels against the goberment but this game was kinda poorly written.
Not exactly. He's a federal agent pretty much, he'll be dead if he betrays the glowies (which almost happened in Absolutiom).


>pretty much
Such is the life of a literal clone.


Polish game about how communism is depressing and grey and finding some fruit to feed your family was a life-changing quest. Steam curator review: "The trauma of growing up in communist Poland makes me literally shake rn y'all!"

Also, get hyped for a walking simulator about how bolsheviks ate all the Ukrainian grain in the name of Lenin.

>sad, what are the russians waiting for to make good games in the russian civil war setting
Unfortunately most Russians working in IT or dev are liberals, and those who aren't would rather stick to safe topics like WW2 or they will get hounded. The government also won't touch the civil war with a 10 ft pole because it's so "divisive". Which fucking sucks because something like Mount & Blade or Battle Brothers based on RCW would've been perfect.


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please….i just want media about cool historical events that aren't revisionist or pushing propaganda


You mean like Company of Heroes 2? :D

?? :DD


That implies that all media isn't political (not in a sense radlibs use the phrase though).

I too wish all media was just Stirnerites destroying spooked people with facts and logic but other people don't seem to think this is a cool idea for some reason. Like, why would you do the opposite of that? Genuinely no clue.


all media pushes a narrative and is biased, what you want (and I want also) is media that has the same biases as I do, because I'm RIGHT


>The government also won't touch the civil war with a 10 ft pole because it's so "divisive".
It doesn't shy from touching the subject. It just takes the whiteguard side all the time. But yeah, it's not as popular as making another movie about great patriotic war and how nazis were better than bolsheviks on taxpayers money.


have you tried Mosfilm


Far cry 6 :)


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>Has there been an uptick in anti-communist games/crypto-ethnonationalist anti-Russian ethnic grievance games coming out of former eastern bloc countries recently?
no the trend really peaked in the later 2010s and been pretty steadily churning it out since.
homefront shit its pants and downgraded the chinese as the antagonists to fucking koreans.


>They're releasing a DLC where you fight with the fucking White Army lmao


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X-com 2 is anti-communist?


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ADVENT kinda draws on soviet feeling imagery but I wouldn't exactly go so far as to call it anti communist, it's just using generic American bad guy clichés, at worst it's just generic 'anti world government' hysteria


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>X-com 2 is anti-communist
possibly more anti-posadist
there is dialogue at the base where it is questioned why humanity is very fond of the aliens. then it is brought up the aliens established advanced/free healthcare, sciences, global stability, and famines are but a memory. bradford counters saying freedom is better than all that and this is before they know what aliens are up to(americunt antimaterialism whatdoyou know).

the aliens are put in the same anticommunist propaganda where it turns out they are genociding humanity,basically copying from Black Book of Communism


>then it is brought up the aliens established advanced/free healthcare, sciences, global stability, and famines are but a memory. bradford counters saying freedom is better than all that


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From the discussion page on the second game:


Ah, so it's just Amerivibes, which are inherently anti-communist. Thought it was something specific.


Keep in mind, that's fight with, not fight against.

It's historically accurate because that's exactly what the Czechoslovak Legion did, but you'd think they'd try to avoid that topic or do another historical revisionism.


What does freedom mean by this point?
>"I liberated all the peasants and gave them all the land so they can rely on themselves."
<"Freedom is more important than that."


Is Atomic Heart Anti-Communist because the setting of the game isn't le perfect utopian shiny Soviet Utopia?


I think the point of AH is "it is le perfect utopian shiny Soviet Utopia, but LE HORRORS LURK UNDERNEATH!!". Sort of like Bioshock with its failed rightoid utopias. So, kind of lowkey anticommunist.
Also iirc the earlier version of the script didn't have the Brown Plague, the USSR just lost 100 million people in le human waves and subsequently needed robots to replace the casualties.
Though none of that really matters when it has the best Soviet aesthetics of any video game that actually acknowledge socialism can be constructive


>Though none of that really matters when it has the best Soviet aesthetics of any video game
"Best", but still very meh. Especially for people who actualy know what USSR looked like.


>people who actualy know what USSR looked like.
>anon is a time traveler
eat shit


requesting someone make a game about Stalin's Big Spoon


I mean is that necessarily anti communist or more simply anti Soviet Union?


It's neither.


Can you even play this game without a VM? It was caught doing some malware shit behind people's backs (yeah, imagine still trusting proprietary games after that).


Steel Division 2 made Wehraboos seethe because its an accurate reconstruction of the belligerent armies on the Eastern Front in 1944, i.e. most Soviet divisions are better equipped and more formidable than their German counterparts, German divisions got like 2 Tigers per deck, etc. There was a twitter thread about it posted in the /ukraine/ thread but it got cycled.


Is it the same one with strong penal battalions? I just remembered that I wanted to check it out but I can't find the post that mentioned it anymore, probably because it was cycled.


Was it from the Ukraine thread, by any chance? If so, yes, that's what was said.


Could be, I don't remember what exact thread, to be honest. I'm gonna check it out anyway, thanks.


Belgin is doing something == jorge oil 1974


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The industrial monarchist france control half of Belgium, but are in a revolt against the "real" reactionaires, the fascists. Everything else is just monarchies


As far as I'm aware, Atomic Heart isn't anti-communist. It's set up in a genuine Soviet utopia, and the dark secret behind that utopia has nothing to do with communism. It's really not like Bioshock where Rapture fell specifically because it was an Ayn Rand ancap paradise. The dedication to their ultra-individualist and Objectivist ancap bullshit meant that there was no regulation around development of the addictive, genetics-altering, insanity-inducing combat drugs, and the fact that most of the people moving there thinking they were going to be the next big celebrity or captain of industry only to realize that most people need to be normal workers even in an Objectivist ancap society and were thrown into hellish ancap slums and sweatshops meant there was a big divide in society ripe for someone like Fontaine to take advantage of. With Atomic Heart, the dark secret behind the utopia sort of begins and ends with "mad scientist."


The frequency with which France actually embraces jingoism is disconcerting. Maybe some railroading is needed.


The fact that everything feels completely random in victoria 3 makes the game much less enjoyable them other paradox titles i will admit


That's all early Paradox titles. I'll tell the devs to ditch the obsolete "rivals" system they implemented from EU.


I was really excited to hear that the robo lesbians were Communist until you get into the game and oh great it's stasi barrack communism again awesome


>Funny thing is, a horror game in an honest and accurate communist setting wouldn't be realistic, since such systems would be too competent in dealing with such threats

like chernobyl??


Chernobyl was mainly caused by Gorbachev's economic sabotage through liberalisation, which forced power plants to run over their designed capacity, pushing them to violate safety regulations to meet targets. Without it, it would have never happened. Despite it, the disaster response was pretty good, especially compared to Fokushima, which happened decades later.


evacuating 90% of the population in less than a day and having thousands of men and women show up to help in the clean up efforts by their own free will was a pretty good response if ya ask me


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>spends the first half of the game really drilling in to your skull just how evil the white supremacist and christo-fascist society in the game is, specifically against black people and poor workers
<The moment the workers and minorities finally revolt against their oppressors the narrative goes full "both sides bad!" "Violence ain't the answer!' "these commies just want to kill all people with glasses!"
Fun games with interesting settings but Ken Levine really is the biggest enlightened centrist in the Vidya industry.


Funny :)


At first I thought it was just a bad timeline or something, and we'd have to prevent it from happening somehow, but no, the people fighting against a racist apartheid state are once again just blood thirsty murderers.


Daisy should have just told her supporters to voot Comstock out of office


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Biocock Intimate>>>>Bioshock Infinite


anon amazed that people over 45 can be real




well shit guess i gotta execute my dad by firing squad for his crimes of being almost 60


He ismprobably a 30 year old boomer. Can't believe you fell for that.


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>Mfw I realized this and a whole lotta more Bioshock Infinite smut is technically incest porn
Yeah I'm a complete slowpoke and I just finished this 11 year old game like 2 days ago while also somehow avoiding most major spoilers


I'm in awe.


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I always assumed this was meant to be yellow press about the "vile communists" and not actual fact.


>>34418 (me)
Ok so I just finished the Burial at the Sea DLC and I found the "umm ackshually Daisy didn't want to kill the child, she was just baiting Elizabeth into becoming a killer because uhhh… reasons!" retcon to be unbelievably pathetic and a complete pussy move by the writers most likely due to the
backlash they got. Like they're so unprincipled they couldn't even commit commit to the unprincipled centrist bit!


I think America's Army, the american propoganda game should count among them. From what I heard it wasn't that bad of a game but in the end it's still state funded propaganda from the literal government.


To be fair, any shooter game featuring the US Army as good guys could be considered American propaganda… even if it's made by a non-US developper, such as the Arma series (including the original Operation Flashpoint).
Like, OFP had you play the heroic 'Muricans who do nothing wrong against the eeeeviiil rogue Soviet troops. Arma 1 bad guys? Communists. Arma 2 bad guys? Communists with support from le Russians.


Besides WW2 shooters, I think. Taking it out of context and not talking about what happened in Japan, the allied tropes were pretty definitely the good guys of that war.


Yeah, you're right. I was mostly thinking about games set during or after the Cold War. Still, some WW2 games manage to depict the USSR pretty negatively, such as Company of Heroes 2


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Just learned about a game called "Soviet City."

It was a full on famine totalitarianism 100 gorillions game, but was abandoned in Early Access lmao


peak amerikkkan vidya. Does anyone remember when people were making fun of N Koreans for having a video game where you killed US troops? It’s kind of insane that US has somehow managed to monopolise the idea of killing your enemies in your media without looking like a nation full of bugmen psychos.


Crysis 1 was jingoistic and pro american, and had north koreans as enemy troops besides the aliens.


Crysis was a graphics test, and literally nobody remembers the game's "plot".

All mention of "north koreans" as enemies is because game devs are too pussy to use China, like they really want to.


I played that when it was in early access lol, it's a piece of garbage but I actually enjoy the music a lot even though it's by some polish fascist, look up the OST if you like electronic music


I mean it's not exactly being too pussy but that China is a potential market. But yes I mentally switch out North Korea with China in all games like this as that is obviously the intention.

Especially absurd is the Homefront series, you might wonder how the hell North Korea could win a war against the US, but the main cinematic makes it clear that they first annexed South Korea (ok, somewhat plausible), and then… China, a country which is like 50x larger in population and size. They don't even change the flag, it's still just the North Korean flag. God there's so many games with flat out retarded lore out there.


>there is a market for an American WOLVERINES! propaganda in China
Uh-huh. Titles that avert their eyes from China are not true anti-communist games. They are the "perm locked in chastity" cucks of anti-communist games.


>I mean it's not exactly being too pussy but that China is a potential market
Yes. Capital-driven cowardise. If you want to make China the enemy but don't because your boss wants Chinese people to like your game, you're collectively pussying out of your artistic vision.


Not everyone has ideology-brain, there's millions of gamers that just want to play fun games. I've played schizo Ameribrain games and liked them and communist games and disliked them.

Ok fair, I guess it's a fine distinction, you can definitely call it cowardice.


>Ok fair, I guess it's a fine distinction, you can definitely call it cowardice.
And to clarify, I'm not saying that it's something they have much influence over without seriously risking their jobs or getting into legal trouble. Capitalism, yadda yadda. But they're still getting punked.


>and [played] communist games and disliked them.


Literally name 3 (three) communist games other than Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods.


>Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods.
Lol wut.


Everything by Kremlingames, Suzerain, Tooth and Tail, Deus Ex + IW, Mother Russia Bleeds.


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Devil Survivor 2


>other than Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods
Not frothing-at-the-mouth reactionary ≠ communist.


have you even played them?


As much as I appreciate Scott Benson and his (timid) writing contribution, Night in the Woods is barely socialist. Outside of Droz there is very little communist in or about Disco Elysium.
Different Anon from the other two heels. (glow ipso facto)


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>there is very little communist in or about Disco Elysium


I can understand NitW but saying that about DE is just plain stupid.


Idle words. Prove me wrong.
You can't, because you know I'm right.


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Black ice for HOI4


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I am fudged


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The best mode of production: Stalin economy controlling every factory with his big spoon


>Black ICE
But why would you do that to yourself?


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>supposedly hyper realistic mod
>it's still possible to win as the nazis

what did they mean by this?


I like to suffer


these posts made me curious, is black ice good ?


It's trying to simulate as much crap as possible, lagging everything to shit. And you have to micromanage everything. So no. It is not good. MEIOU and taxes isn't good either. Everybody telling you otherwise is just memeing you. Nobody plays bloatshit unironically.


i am still trying to meet the Stalin quota for the 5 year plan, i am trying not to take the lying focus but this is getting tedious.
I believe i found a way though. Mills are considered "industry" and cost half the price of civs.
For some reason you get 150 PP by doing a fucking population census, and then you got an event that "the population actually decreased, weird huh :^)". Also gives you stability for 2 year, so you can't just ignore it.
The tractor stuff is annoying, only now i realize without complete mechanization of agriculture i can't pass better economic laws for mobilization.
The border conflict between you and Japan is another thing that is very annoying that you need to spam.
Anyway, pic rel is my pog champ reddit encirclement, please mom be proud of me.
I will try to finish the next 5 year plan tomorow, is getting late. Good thing i don't have homework for this week lol.


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Stalin, the xenophobe, famously know for having a weekly quota of deaths of 100 people, and after being put as domestic minister, responsible for the death of 20% of the monthly population growth, somehow. Yes completely neutral extremely ultra realistical mod incredible totally not bullshit nazi propaganda.


i mean the whole hundred trillion deaths is very 100% true big wikipedia chungus said so but saying he was a "Xenophobe" is schizo shit, it's Stalin not the God emperor.

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