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 No.27867[View All]

I have a weird fascination with this franchise, particularly its fans. How do they remain so loyal when there's been maybe one or two good games in the last two decades in a sea of average-to-terrible garbage released year after year? How did Sega manage to take all the wrong lessons away from their colossal fuckups of the mid-late 2000s?
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Easily Blaze.





braver than the troops


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Maria is gonna get capped and Shadow is gonna say damn.


but is he going to say "DISGUSTING black creatures!"


SA2 was 7+ and Shadow the Hedgehog was 10+ in America so it isn't as edgy as your average T game.


Only Rouge and Camilla are over 18 if you think about it.


>>33044 (me)
Although I still don't know which games get E10+ and which get T. Sometimes it's almost random.


Shadow the Hedgehog was apparently originally even edgier than the game we got because the E10+ rating didn't exist at the time. However, it was introduced during development of the game, so they had to tone some things down (humans had red blood IIRC)


I know. That sucks because now the soldiers disappear into the void.


many westerners are infants who view any recognition of death or cynicism as inherently mature. they cannot comprehend how a story presented seriously where people die could be for children because they are categorically immature themselves. in other cultures death is considered normal. your culture just infantilizes you.


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Wish the Sonic Symphony came to my country. :(


Saw this video where BioWare producer reflects on the development of Sonic Chronicles. It's mostly aimed at other game developers and framed in terms of development lessons learned, but one of the interesting things he mentioned is that Sonic's IP is kind of a mess and hard to work with if you want to write stories, since different companies own different characters and settings.


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love size difference :3


> A ‘SONIC MOVIE’ spin-off focused on Shadow is reportedly being planned at Paramount.
wtf the knuckles spinoff isnt even out


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Sonic x Shadow. That is certainly a title.


a remaster of a remaster


are they finally delivering the AO+ games their fans truly desire?


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Oh fuck yes.


I went to google the title and realized it as I was typing….lmao good job




If they will only be making DLCs for Gens I wouldn't mind, the only issue is that they're Denuvo's clients.


theyre talking about yaoi


>why would they make a whole video just for a title rev- is that fucking live & learn?????????
i clapped


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Wouldn't be surprised it's only going to be used for this irrelevant teaser and never makes it to the movie proper.
< Junkie XL will not just only return to work on #Knuckles. He will also return to work on #SonicMovie3 according to Film Music Reporter.


>2000's EA's favorite composer
>working on a Sonic movie
Imagine them hiring Andy Hunter too lmao. That would almost be a good replacement for Naganuma-san.


It's confirmed. I hope they use the song for the right scene.


>Keanu Reeves Joins 'Sonic 3' as Shadow
Lmaooooooooo. I would've preferred Nicolas Cage tbh.


wholesome shadow


Between Frontiers and Dream Team, I think Sega is determined to not let characters in this series sound good anymore for whatever reason.


I wished that saying "SA2 is mid" or "Forces is better than '06" didn't get me publically executed.

That said, Forces is trash and modded '06 is surprisingly decent judging by the footage. I still need to test it myself. The cutscenes are hilarious though, I died laughing even though it's still one of the better storylines. WILL play in Japanese. Junichi, my beloved…


>Lmaooooooooo. I would've preferred Nicolas Cage tbh.
I think Keanu as Shadow will be based. Way better casting choice than Chris Pratt, that's for sure. At least Keanu has an actual voice acting experience, like, smh.


>I think Sega is determined to not let characters in this series sound good anymore
Ben Schwartz and Deven Mack THOUGH. Also, Roger was better in Frontiers and there are rumors that Griffith will return as Shadow but don't quote me on that.

I do want to see an alternative timeline where Drummond and Co. never left (except Tails, for obvious reasons). They still would need better script and voice direction however…


With all due respect to Deem Bristow, I think Mike Pollock is the best Eggman voice.


>With all due respect to Deem Bristow, I think Mike Pollock is the best Eggman voice.
…Maybe. He sounds closer to the Japanese VA in fact. Though from what I noticed after revisiting SA1's English (ew) cutscenes, Bristow actually sounds like a SatAM Eggman would so if SEGA wanted to take Eggman into a darker direction he would be a better fit. But it's not gonna happen. Although Pollock was also in ShTH, Rush, '06 and Unleashed so I dunno honestly.


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The Knuckles TV show was so fucking mediocre. Why even call it Knuckles if after the second episode you won't even focus on him?
Also all the Israel shit shoved in the show when the Palestine thing is going on. Fucking Paramount.


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i can't fucking believe knuckles is a zionist


>Why is it locked to Crapple?!
Walled garden platforms were a mistake.
Read Fleetway.


Unironic tribalism, great. Nationalism was a mistake.




Megacorps: "On which cock should we sit down today: a rainbow cock or an Israeli cock? Oops, paleocons are in power. Christian cock it is."


>"Knuckles" is the show Jews need right now
Journalism was a mistake.
>He was best handled in the [Fleetway anime]
WTF? Well… I guess I was right all along. But people prefer Archie for some reason.


The themes, characterization and world-building went downhill after SA2. Allegedly the current writers, both Japanese and American, are working together to rectify that.


>>34915 (me)
Also, I think Sonic has a "nice guy" persona due to SEGA catering to the Japanese audience… despite Sonic being a character designed for the American audience… It's confusing. Ironically, they still trying to cater to Western and Eastern audiences differently, with the American scripts being drastically different (and worse) than the Japanese scripts.

Him being more neutered in recent years is likely the result of SEGA trying to make Sonic more "relevant" to the new audience. Or maybe they want to be more kid-oriented, I dunno. It happens to American cartoons too, kid-friendly cartoons become more explicitly kid-oriented, which pretty much destroys any chances of accumulating a sizeable periphery demographic like MLP did (there are still some… weird people… who enjoy even that… but I've no idea why).


>The themes, characterization and world-building went downhill after SA2.
Nah, not really. Even SA2 had a rocky worldbuilding, and some characters like Amy and Big already had a bad reputation back then. All of this can still be forgiven so the true downfall started after Rush I think because of the whole time travel nonsense. Even then, the stories were somewhat decent until after Unleashed but the breaking point was '06 (with continuity errors and… ya know) or maybe ShTH (even though the edge overdose in ShTH was mostly an American addition which can mostly be avoided on the Pure Hero and Semi-Hero Hero pathways I think).


yeah i liked unleashed, especially the art direction


Look at him. So slick and awesome. Look at his body and quills. Perfectly balanced. As all things should be. There is no better modern Sonic design, IT DOESN'T EXIST.

Unique IPs: 10

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