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 No.20754[View All]

It's 2022 and TF2 still slaps.
105 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Im betting on soy exporters in Brazil and Paraguay to grow, personally


also I'm betting on that poor supply making prices grow, personally I'd go with Spain


speaking of, I really need to learn mandarin, the peoples stock market seems pretty good to buy up


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litertally me



Massive legends. Such a waste Valve isn't doing anything with the characters.


every day i wake up and there's a new update
what the fuck is there updating to do

this is really spaghetti code

you said it right wanker, it's sad they're all getting old and those hippies just don't want to do anything with tf2 anymore


>download the game due to this thread
>start playing
>can't use chat function
>can't use voice function
>how the fuck do I do things with the engineer again? Click all the keys, nothing works
>change character
>next to last place, really sucking balls
<get kicked out mid game for "being a bot"


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wasnt valve investigated for possible money laundering schemes done by the russian mafia or whatever?



thoughts on this 50K trade?

yes, not sure what happened later


literally all made up prices


After playing this game for over 11 years I have only started really trying out spy outside of some niche applications like terrorizing the engineers in the Doublecross Intel room and I can now say with certainty that I now know true pain. What a horrible class.


Spy is the most frustrating class of them all. Really hard to master and way less fun to play since Valve nerfed the spy's most effective weapons: the dead ringer and the ambassador. You can make a lot of damage if the other team sucks, but if they're pros, it's incredibly challenging.


Spy is a class that only really works in chaotic 24-player pubs with braindead teammates who don't know what the chat function is for.


this, pub servers are basically unplayable due to bots but community servers be going hard, SKIAL isnt too bad


man fuck the deadringer, also im glad spy is hard to play cuz good spys are fucking annoying to play against.

t.engi main


community servers anon, also no clue whats up with the keys not working good luck wit that one anon


after reading this thread Ive come to the conclusion a /leftypol/ tf2 server might not be needed but would be cool af


I just play on pugs nowadays.


Seems like doublecross was a natural choice after all, at least for a dabbling spy like me. Maybe I should try it on Steel since I actually know the map in comparison to everyone else who ends up on it. Kinda sad, since it's just a really good map


Y'all see this horror film? You like it?


A server hosted on weekends with a map rotation we could vote on would be fun. I just doubt that we would get more than ~10 consistent players


Pretty cool


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I miss the 4chan partyvan


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New update dropped.


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I wonder if Demoman's penpal is Uncle Ted


Years of playing Spy in pubs just to suck, I take a couple weeks playing Heavy and Demo and it somehow all just clicks—is this the trick on how to play Spy for retards?


Spy and Ms.Pauling do have a lot of chemistry, but I think she should have at least one good emotional punch moment with Demoman where she realizes "I will never be violent enough" by the time the story ends.


Most of the new halloween cosmetics suck but the new demo helmet is kinda cool


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Some fans ported TF2 to Source 2 and it got DMCA'd by Valve.


The same thing just happened to all projects based on OpenXRay and GSC confirmed it was a some rando unaffiliated with the company doing it. Might be the same thing here, the notice doesn't even spell the engine's name right.


1 of the few good hero shooters


class shooter


stock tf2 was great because engineers couldn't make me use my entire magazine of stickies to destroy an NPC by hitting 2 on their keyboard
team fights were a lot slower and more methodical but people clustered around their medics and there was a lot more actual fighting when the rounds were slower
there was much less bullshit stalling, 5CP had a lot more back and forth because engineer was as originally intended, as in, demoman and soldier can actually blow up his shit


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the old ass tf2 blog posts are still genuinely funny today


Sentry sap into stab is the easiest way to feel like you did something without actually changing the outcome of the match whatsoever.


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fuck valve for never fixing the bot problem


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People are somehow putting 65000x65000 pixels images into Objectors which will crash any server.


2006 game keeps crashing in window 7; sad.


> Added 64-bit support for Windows/Linux client and server



Stopped bots for a day while all those old server plugins will be dead forever.


Dead Internet Theory the game


yeah i saw this, very depressing tbh


I knew about this but didn't know it was so bad. Welp.


never forget that pootis defense force team made by that really anti-semitic dragon fucker from dota


>vote with le wallet and becoming a screeching karen
being a communist makes me unable to take the last part seriously lol

are you an oldfag from tf2g when it was actually a community?


Shitting on Israel isn't antisemitism.



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