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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 No.3780[View All]

Hello everyone, we have received the results of our project proposal topic, and I'm delighted to announce that we are teaming up with 'leftypedia' to deliver our planned 'argument/talking point resource' idea. In case you don't know, leftypedia is the current version of the old abandoned 'marxistpedia' which was a project started by leftypol users back in the day, so I think this is sort of like a homecoming in a way.


Anyway, if you have a look at the leftypedia site you might be able to tell that they have a much more formal and 'encyclopedic' tone than what we're planning, just like wikipedia, but the admin is going to create a separate 'category' for our new content that will be called something like 'rhetoric: topic' rather than just 'topic', this will also feature on the frontpage much like the encyclopedic content. As a tenplate, I'd like you to feast your eyes on these pages which someone on leftypedia already made (albeit only on their personal userspace for now).


I'd like to ask if anyone can come up with a slightly more catchy name for our new section than 'rhetoric', cause that sounds a bit cumbersome to me even though I came up with it, so yeah, open to suggestions.

So, since that isn't implemented yet, I'd like you all to try familiarise yourselves with the site for now, maybe take a look at the articles that are already there and improve some of them if you feel able. Unfortunately the site currently has only edit by approval so you will have to wait for any changes you make to be approved, this is because of a persistent spambot problem and I hope that we will be able to work out something to change this to normal editing as on wikipedia and the like, please just bear with it for now.

If you have an answer to a 'common question', or you have an effortpost you'd like to archive and save, then please post it in this topic for now so that we can work on it together until we can figure out how to categorise our new section of the site.

Thanks for your attention!

EDIT: I've now got admin permissions on leftypedia, so I can create pages and approve edits directly. If you want to use the site I recommend you create a user account, which I can then approve once you make a productive edit (to distinguish from spambots), then you won't have to wait for approval anymore and can create articles yourself. Or, just ask me and I can create an article for you if you're desperate to make one as your first edit. Thanks guys, I hope we can make this project cool together!

t. Caballo
316 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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Mighty fine posts you got there, anon.




>By the beginning of 1918 German armies started to surrender, as the tide of war was going swiftly against them. The German proletariat, suffering from both food and fuel shortages, threatened a socialist revolution at home. German leaders feared that potential revolution and eventually asked the allies for peace. The armistice went into effect at 11 AM on 11 November, 1918

I needd to know more

>Many Germans felt as if they were cheated out of victory by the German military leaders, as they surrendered. A result of the war was also the liberal February Revolution and Bolshevik October Revolution of 1917 which started the Russian Civil War that would lead to the creation of the USSR

I don't understand how what happened in germany had a result in russia


Until 1917, the Austro-Hungarian forces were being pushed back by Russia's army despite the latter being underfunded, under-armed and with outdated equipment (literally no gasmasks or aircraft of their own making, and a British lord reported 1 rifle per 3 people (yes the "Soviet myth" about 3 men to a single rifle actually originated from WW1 Russia).

The Germans had to send forces to stop and push back Russia before it could crush the AustroHungarians, during which time the February Revolution occurred, and later the October Revolution, in which, to quickly end the war and focus on internal affairs, Lenin made territorial concessions to Germany (which would allow Poland to reform) and focused on the Civil War/Revolution while the Western Empires were busy killing each other.

The Versailles treaty was made on the terms of Britain and France, even though Germany's military position was such that it could have and should have ended the war on fair terms since they hadn't started the war at all.

This is why we need people making contributions!


I don't think it's a LARP, it seems rather legit, and somewhat better organized with multiple languages and well organized pages on things like Cuba. We should probably at least take portions of the wiki and use it to improve leftypedia


I just want to ask you guys:

Is Leftypedia good for newbie leftists?


It's still being made but yes, given that it's a community project most articles that have a semblance of completion are well written and accurate. A Prime example would be The Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature seen in >>4537


While there are heaps of stubs, the ones which are more completed are pretty good and readable as the fellow before me said


good idea
i checked the prole wiki and they say that LP stuff is a good thing to use to improve Prole Wiki stuff - nurture eachother


Does anyone want a Canada article?


Yes, please do make one


sure ill work on it. hopefully my newspaper hoarding hobby will help out


Great! The more people participating in the wiki is good.


Can anyone start the Permaculture page?
Feel free to use the Permaculture thread https://bunkerchan.live/hobby/res/12707.html (this is more complete than the one on the current site, as errors deleted like some big old posts and files


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Shay on /siberia/ had a semi-jocular idea, thought this might be a good place to repost it

Towards Independence: Socialism for the Hinterlands
Chapter 1: Why Independence?
Chapter 2: Confederate History
Chapter 3: The Issues Facing Us
Chapter 4: Addressing Prejudice
Chapter 5: What Is Socialism?
Chapter 6: Why Socialism? (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Georgist Lincolnist Confederalism)
Chapter 7: Foreign Policy
Chapter 8: Demanding Change and Mass Line Mobilization


bumping because leftypedia needs more new articles



imagine getting your ideology from simping kill yourself any time.


>hundred user accounts
<only a dozen have contributed


Something to add to NATO page
came across an actually half-decent article on some basic background history of nato expansion and the opposition to it from within high ranking military, political, & intelligence leadership and so on. Published 2 months ago, im sure the editors wouldn't make the mistake of publishing a piece like this now

though unless I missed it, it made no mention of the guarantees made to Gorbachev not to expand one inch eastward after the accession of a reunified Germany
Here's a good list of Western opposition to NATO expansion:


funnily enough thats exactly how his books read


Well that sucks


Wtf happened?


Shame, the rhetoric page was actually pretty useful.


Does anyone have that saved ?


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Wow, this is a legit bummer. Going to the articles about the GDR and the like was incredibly infromative to me.
Though, at least, there are some archives:


Can the Domain Owner revive the damn site!? It's been roughly 3 months and its still dead as a doornail. Fix your shit fuckers.


they can also copy the source files and db and send it to someone who can afford hosting the website


you guyz don't have 10$ a month? how broke are you seriously?


The wiki is back in business baby!


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Awesome. Do you guys intend on using the old interface for it?


I think it is the old interface just needs to have some of the files restored.


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Stub template didn't change lol


leftypedia is not connecting again, mods the hell is going on?


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Now its back online. I feared the server'd died again or something.


Can somebody explain this article to me? (Don't just say it's great or shit. Try to summarize it first in case I got this wrong.) My impression of what it says:
1. Two different types of commodities are produced in two places. Despite the products being different, both places have the same costs for wages plus other stuff, and the same profit rate. The two places sell to each other.
2. Then the group of workers in one place but not the other achieve that their wages are raised.
3. Because profit rate are equal everywhere (that would be news to me), the boss running the place with the increased wages just increases the price and now the workers in this place are exploiting the workers in the other place.

If the boss can get away with demanding a higher price, why not just do it anyway no matter what the wages are? I don't see why higher wages would be a necessary cause for rising the price, unless the boss is a humble fellow who never wants more than the average profit rate, which I don't think is a realistic assumption about members of the boss class. (Not that people like that can never exist anywhere, but they filter out themselves by acting that way.) The position argued in the article seems to be identical to the position of citizen Weston in this lecture by Marx: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/value-price-profit/ch01.htm Am I wrong about this?


Site is dead again


Site is alive again


Site is dead again :(


Why does this work so well. I would watch a young misato being a pilot


Have people given up on Leftypedia in favor of ProleWiki? That site has several issues but is active and looks nice at least. I like the idea of Leftypedia and feel like it could be a promising non-sectarian general repository if only we could have more active admins

We still don't even have >>11462 for Christsake


https://leftypedia.org is dead again. Revive it you fools or at the very least transfer the content from there onto Prolewiki FFS.
archives have jack n shit.



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II think I've fixed all the templates that were in the old files. The site is looking a lot better. I've brought back basically everything that I can without admin help (images, mainly).

I also wrote a couple articles. Read or edit them if you like:
And rewrote these ones:


Overhauled template on political economy:
Work in progress. Also working on a "Theories of imperialism" one


Images are fixed. Templates are almost all fixed, making it much easier to see which pages need to be improved:

I also plan on adding WikiProjects, which would allow groups of editors of a certain interest, like a tendency (MLs, anarchists) or topic (Hegel, imperialism) to work together. See for example:


Good to see that the images are fixed, it'd be a shame for my Great Plan article to be permanently referenceless.


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