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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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highly recommended reading

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What makes you think they consider these statements mutually exclusive
Okay look I'm just abusing people on the board again, let's compromise. Maybe Sison was HYPNOTIZED!


I'm going to kill God
is the first line in my application letter


>What makes you think they consider these statements mutually exclusive
Because they are. You can't on the one hand call for an alliance with pro-US elements while simultaneously calling for US influence to be expelled.


I hear there's a major Godkiller shortage. Nobody wants to attack and dethrone anymore, I guess. :/


They're not calling for an alliance with US forces in the interview are they? It's an oppose all forms of imperialism type thing. Sorry if I'm being confusing. I had to find out that there was crossover with US sanctions in other articles.
If the CPP organizes a road block for some international mainland owned Chinese company I will support it, like I said it's just dismaying to me to outright attack them when I've seen them stop work immediately and parlay in other countries.


>If only the CPC would distance themselves from statement on <openly false constantly fabricating propaganda filthsite>
>If they don't denounce this specific fake news story that nobody cares about except this one division sowing, orientalist, litterally who brasilian dude, it must mean it is true


You're pretending Radio Free Asia is obscure? Interesting, that's the opposite tactic of the last person who went into denial about the significance of this. Their point was Radio Free Asia has so much reach that Sison had no choice but to do the interview. The CPP will denounce random people on Facebook and call for their death. They didn't call this interview out as fake, you're completely schizo.


>The CPP will denounce random people on Facebook and call for their death


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>The CPP will denounce random people on Facebook and call for their death.
>Please, you must believe I'm totally legit and telling the truth you guys!


>they just read the press releases
this site is so fucking boring


>The CPP will denounce random people on Facebook and call for their death.
Communist Party of the Philippines?


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leave then


If you never got sent death threats by Sison, you just weren't posting very hard. Sorry.


>CPP: Support And Emulate The Russian Mass Demonstrations
>January 25, 2021
>All democracy-loving people must support and emulate the mass protest actions in Russia against the Putin fascist regime, particularly against the plans of the dictator to extend his power by seeking a third term.
>Hundreds of thousands of people, with a large contingent of youth, are courageously protesting in the streets of Moscow and other cities despite violent suppression by state police and despite freezing temperatures in some cities reaching -50 degrees celsius. More than 2,500 have been arrested.
>Protests were sparked by the arrest and imprisonment by the fascist regime of its critic and opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Navalny just arrived home from Germany where he underwent treatment after being poisoned in jail by the FSB (the Russian Federal Security Service, counterpart of the US CIA ).
>But the real demand of the Russian masses is the ouster of the dictator Putin. They are fed up with the corruption of the Russian bureaucrats under Putin, who are in connivance with the big capitalists and criminal syndicates. Russia ranks fourth among the countries with the highest cases of Covid-19 due to the government’s failure.
>Like the Filipino people, the people of Russia are oppressed under a tyrannical, corrupt and criminal regime. Vladimir Putin has remained in power for more than 20 years using state terror to silence or liquidate anyone who resists. Duterte openly idolizes Putin and mimics his methods of clinging to power through all-out state terrorism.
>The Filipino people must emulate the Russian masses in their show of determination to fight for freedom and democratic rights under a repressive tyranny. The Filipino masses must act in their numbers to fight all forms of repression and all attempts of Duterte to extend his power using different tactics such as “cha-cha” or having his ambitious daughter Sara seat in his throne in 2022.

Hey guys, sorry I'm late. So, what did they mean by this?


Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Navalnism!


Article is quite correct.
>This is just egg head jibber jabber to say their brains are stuck in books. If it exists outside the code, it must be scrutinized. If it doesn't match the code it must be wrong. There is no *relational* thinking, no *active* thinking, no *intuitive* thinking in the western left.
>Of the many problems with western Marxists, the most damning is the demand for definitions or quotes from scripture to validate their subjectivities, using it as a cope due to their ineptitude to actively think, to use intuition, or analyze the living essence of the real moment.
>Even when they think they're being intuitive, their conclusions and real, functional stances reveal their incompetence to understand real life phenomenon - such as having political lines not too different than the liberal-imperialist democratic establishment.


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>The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism | Carlos L. Garrido on Coming from Left Field


On Laicism:
I am like a crucifix
Not allowed in schools anymore


local monk ruins everything


It's not just that specific fetish either. Most pure leftists in the west talk about communism like it's the end times. Like some great rapture-like event.
I think a lot of people can't differentiate between eschatology and politics. For these people I recommend the Baháʼí Faith just from a quick look.


Remember, little lambs
The only way to be closer to god
Is to engage in blasphemy


there are an embarrassingly high number of people in this thread being catty and passive-aggressive over a very mundane fact about western attempts at socialism. grow the fuck up and learn to take and effectively internalize constructive criticism, thank you


Another day of stomping on religious beliefs. Life can be so simple.




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Guess who's back, back again


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Do not fear the reaper but welcome him.
Amor fati, y'all

Oh young folk —
if you fear death,
die now!
Having died once
you won't die again.


It's ironic that this is being posted in this thread to discredit the CPP, since doing so is literally a manifestation of the very same purity fetish that OP's article criticizes. Sure, the CPP has some shit takes on Russia and China. So? How is that relevant? They don't operate in either of those countries. They operate in the Phillipines, which is a US comprador regime against which 99% of their actual activities are directed. If you disavow the leading anti-US force in the Phillipines because of their views on a country they have no presence or influence in, then you're engaging in the same kind of purity politics as the average western anarchist. It doesn't matter what they think about Russia's domestic politics, what matters is their activities in the Phillipines, which are overwhelmingly directed against US imperialism and working towards the establishment of an anti-imperialist, socialist government in that country. The cure to the purity fetish is to base our politics in terms of aligned interests rather than ideological conformity on every issue. It's also incredibly ironic that people find it easier to stomach an imperfect anti-communist government like Putin's than they do an imperfect communist movement like the CPP.


May his light shine upon you all


I had some witty statement but I got distracted and forgot. Whatever


Real lmao


If Jesus then gay


Who is more irredeemable? The religious or the ultras/liberals?


Same picture


Glowop thread


Which they failed to adapt to hence they are NOT better. Fuck off trot


>We communists do not castrate our children
This guy has children? Funny joke


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Are you irony poisoned? Because you're not supposed to make comparisons to religion.


To speak to the religious you have to put it in religious terms. This goes for everyone from the Marx cultist (that has no understanding of Marx) to the anti-idpol leftoid (that has not even an understanding of progress).


Being a communist in the periphery is more dangerous (in that we generally face more overt violence), but this has not diminished the martyrdom urges. Turkey especially has martyrdom brainworms in our communist movements (I can write a lot about how the fundamental cultural superstructure of Turkey is based on martyrdom)

I don't think it's Christianity (or Islam, which is also big on martyrdom if in a slightly different way) that's the main culprit, though they are certainly factors. It's failure. Facing repeated failure and heartbreak can drive one to suicidality and hopelessness, which causes a religious mindset that seeks to derive meaning from death, even without the trappings of conventional religion. I don't think Delescluze was thinking about Jesus when he climbed on top of the barricade to be shot by the soldiers, he was rather hoping his death would be a symbol. Is this in a way related to Christianity? Probably, but the fact that this is not solely contained to Christian societies points to deeper cause.


You need to abolish commodity form even before revolution has ended or youre a revisionist.


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>Being a communist in the periphery is more dangerous (in that we generally face more overt violence), but this has not diminished the martyrdom urges. Turkey especially has martyrdom brainworms in our communist movements (I can write a lot about how the fundamental cultural superstructure of Turkey is based on martyrdom)
<not doing death strike/turkish hunger strike to protest the Erdogan regime.


A few leftist musicians in a band died after long death strikes for getting their friends released and their songs unbanned, in 2020. There also was that man who went on hunger strike to get the corpse of his guerilla son back for burial, which succeeded, that was in 2017. They do happen still, generally on more specific issues, but the main way a communist would martyr themselves here would be to "go up the mountains" and take up arms. That might not sound like being indicative of martyr instincts, but it is when you know you'll die, y'know?


I support any form of mental anguish that the western left/white left (whatever that means) to these people. Hew and cry, seethe even over the tradition of the ruthless critism of all that exists going back to Marx, rather than the ruthless defence of the next nationalist, conservative bonapartist regime that these nitwits are slobbering over.


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I will always recommend the Baha'i Faith to recovering western leftists and I will keep recommending it.


the point of the critic is to change something, not be a snowflake going about the ruthless critic of all and get comfortable doing nothing but emerge in their own smug intellectual feces like the western left has show to only want to do.


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I know. I was just shitposting. In europe we refer to hunger strikes in which you take vitamine/sugar water to prolongue the strike as a 'Turkish style hunger strike' as it has been popularized by comrades there, strikes often going hundreds of days rather than the usual tens of days, although I am sure you know that.

I live in Europe and have had good comrades travel to and die for the cause. Personally i find the martyrdom culture really problematic, It kind of makes me sick to see comrades known and loved to be turned in to nothing but 'martyrs', a propaganda tool. It is honestly the most grotesque thing, i would prefer it if the Kurdish resistance was still doing terror attacks to this sickening martyr culture.
Could you explain what makes matryrdom some prominent in Turkish/Kurdish radical movements?


some people acting shocked that the lines in this directed towards marxists are directed towards, well, MLs who you know have plenty of countries to their name on the basis that its more appropriate to say this to anarchists…and it is but it still stands that modern marxists aren't exactly successfully spreading revolutions and carrying them out, global capitalism is still here etc. I used to be more sympathetic and I am from an ML/tankie position and I'll defend the usual points in historical arguments but its not a hill to die on anymore yes our tradition isn't doing anything at the moment and pointing to China is a cope - I'm talking about in the west where most of us are. Sorry.


See >>1481256

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