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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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I'm interested in their content but i cannot afford it (global south issues). Any of you know where i can download it? Thanks.


Which course in particular do you want anon? Some of them can be found on rutracker and cgpeers. For the latter, registration is closed, but I can get the files for you depending on what you are looking for specifically.


I’m lucky enough to live within a tank of gas from them. I took a hand full of classes with them.
I could have saved a lot of money by learning the basics first. Watts is for intermediate level students, not beginners.

You should start with Bridgeman and Loomis. Believe it or not How to Draw the Marvel Way, is the most rounded starting point. Much better than what Watts has to offer.
Proko’s YouTube channel covers 95% of what Jeff is going to teach you. The other 5% is painting.

When you’re ready, study the Reilly abstraction method and use it to copy old masters like Ilya Repin, JC Lyendecker, etc.
because that’s all he can teach you at the end of the day.
If you’re going to pay for an online art course, it better include the back and forth feedback.
Just don’t fight back against constructive criticism.

I’d still strongly recommend taking any sort of IRL life drawing classes, with nekid ladies. They don’t even have to be good. You just need access to live models and skeletons.
Quick sketches, blind contour drawings, etc. are great for building your motor reflexes. It forces you to draw poses you’re not comfortable with.

If you don’t have any life drawing classes available, you’re just gonna have to humiliate yourself by drawing strangers at your local coffee shop or library or bus stop or whatever.


I thought this was a book, it would be much easier to just download a PDF


For my money, John K's blog is honestly the best art resource out there. He's a weirdo reactionary and actual deranged maniac, but he knows his stuff when it comes to art.

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