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So in the latest DBS Storyline there's a group of porkies who used to commission the Freiza Force and use their Saiyans to destroy a planet and it's residents and then clean things up and then sell it to the highest bidder for money

What is the real world equvialent for such a practice?

The Cerelians were genocided by the saiyans on the orders of Freiza who was paid by the Heeters
After they did it. They sold it to another people who were out of a home called the Sugarians

What would be the real world terms for all parties involved and which historical event most resembles this tale?


it's literally real estate development


Advanced Real Estate Development my friend

I don't think most real estate development involves genocide
Man Toriyama's real hates real estate agents holy shit

Was freiza not enough


File: 1628487556315-0.jpg (9.51 KB, 207x243, index.jpg)

File: 1628487556315-1.png (151.03 KB, 310x163, ClipboardImage.png)

>A rose by any other name… Is still goku
Petition for betty white to play Rosé in the live action adaption of Future Saga Arc

Yes, She'll live that long


>Golden Girls Rose


an anon of culture

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