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I've read the communist manifesto manga


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>tfw no season 2 with Capital anime adaptaiton


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lmao are those glasses literally glowing?
also it's the Capital manga, not the Communist Manifesto


Grundrisse manga when


More importantly, there's a manga of volume 2 as well.


i think i read something else then
it was about a factory guy who makes cheese


if you have an english translation that would be neat


no that was it, the manga is just a summary of commodity fetish; which i guess is a comment on japan's inflation and otaku hoarding culture it's ok ether way


Let me find


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i forgot to search that but another anon posted this on leftypol which is what i read



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I've had this manga on my computer for seven years and I think it's about time I read it already
It's also on mangadex


>I've had this manga on my computer for seven years

the dedication
my pdfs have only been stewing for 1 year max


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Its not even about the Kapital.
Its just a story about a dude with a cheese factory getting corrupted with the financier not even coming off as an actual villain. Its mediocre about communicating proper marxism and the art is jank.

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