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File: 1608528978551.jpg (19.07 KB, 320x240, 3887-waltz07.jpg)


Discussion of movies, TV, web shorts




kys zionist


From the aspects of the artistic quality, it isn't that bad.



File: 1608528990513.jpg (98.76 KB, 463x788, d.jpg)

There should be more Jews representation for animation.


This belongs on the board.


>on the board


The goys will lose after all.


why? they already have Hollywood and look how shit that is


shut the fuck up nazoid


So it is a bourgeois constructed spook, but other radical political tendencies might do.
But that's Jason Unruhe's tomfoolery.
Games have downloadable mods that vary on the hot takes.


If you think anime on average is any different I've got some news for ya.


There was an incident that had many Japanese people infuriated because allegedly an Israeli artist had disrespected their culture.


youre comparing a whole medium to hollywood lol


OP's image is from Waltz with Bashir which ends up being a very anti-Israeli movie. The whole movie is spent interviewing zionist warmongers and sucking them off, only to do a shocking about-face in the last 10 minutes where the cartoon filters come off and uncensored footage of their murders of Palestinian women and children is shown without mercy to the audience. surprised nobody ITT mentioned it. I watched it back when it came out and it totally broke the spell of MSM hypnosis on me w/r/t israel (tbf I barely knew anything about israel)



sounds based as fuck agitprop


悲しい もの


this was my exact experience with the movie as well, when it came out in 2007.
it was


Fantastic film. Big agree. The fact that I can vividly imagine the scenes at the end just based on your text is a testament to the impact it had on me. The rotoscope(?) style of animation was also visually pleasing, moreso than something like A Scanner Darkly.


>A Scanner Darkly

Thats a nice film.
Also whats this Bashir film youre talking about?

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