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Technically, it is counted as graphical art and has created some innovative hits, as demonstrated by this content from the Russian TikToker and Youtube maker DFB.


Emesis Blue is still one of the best SFM movies I have seen.


Please leave leftypol forever. Do not return until you have repented for your shit thread by reading all of Capital.


Cope more, wannabe janny

TF2 has honestly created some pretty damn good SFM animations IMO.


>TF2 has honestly created some pretty damn good SFM animations IMO.
TF2 SFM/Gmod fan animations is more influential and timeless then overwatch porn, which is the only thing overwatch fans have at this point.
Even the shitposts are art.


I mean you only have to see Pootis Engage or any of the Saxxy Award winners to see some good stuff. And then there's the mods and mod-based content (vid rel).


>worse girl
>not even in the art style


File: 1691012864733.png (Spoiler Image, 213.12 KB, 1000x817, ClipboardImage.png)

>Best girl
<A Sentry
I suppose this is what hons your bons you salty Frenchman.


File: 1691158082588.jpg (228.74 KB, 1170x1905, F2hurtOXUAAgkBb.jpg)

lmao i hate social media. retards pretending youtube poops and sfm videos never existed


>orange text
>A Sentry
>not posting the og
That doesn't look like a sentry as weebs turn it into a child or shitty animu bullshit rather than a 70's pin-up girl or based gay bara /clang/ porn that would be more fitting to tf2's style


>orange text
Pink/red/orange text has been a thing in leftypol since 8chan days, don't be a retard
> a 70's pin-up girl
Look at the Dispenser-mom then. Also Outside of the eyes and mouth the mimi-sentry's build is basically entirely mechanical and based on the actual Sentry.
>gay bara /clang/ porn
No, go back Billy


>Look at the Dispenser-mom then
No. Gay

>Pink/red/orange text has been a thing in leftypol since 8chan days, don't be a retard

No. Gay.


File: 1691295970077.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

No u


Gmod came out in 2006. 17 years ago. Gmod shitposts are literally older than gen alpha. the Skibidi Toilets channel's oldest video is 6 years old, unlikely gen alpha either (and the name references an even older meme from youtube poops, vid related)


overwatch sfm is more based then you now


You, yes you. Have you teleported bread today?!



Was Madcap an actual character or not? I wasn't in the TF2 community until later



Meet the Engineer but you can see his eyes



I'm still mad adultswim never got to make the TF2 cartoon series. I wish we got more of it.



The last issue of the official comic is never getting released despite being finished too.


I still don't get why they're doing that. They also ended all official large scale updates as far as I know, with only community updates being made to prevent bots. It's a damn shame. Half-Life 3 tier bullshit.


>Pencilmen robot slaughters a village because it cannot discern actual human beings from a living toilet with an uncannily grimacing human face
What did DOM Studios mean by this? Biting social commentary on AI racial bias? Or just an unnecessarily edgy plot twist to turn the Alliance into the bad guys of the series?


>last TheParryGod vid was a year ago
Feels like forever for some reason. I really love his smooth animation and camerawork, knocks many big budget CGI movies down a peg.


Weren't the comics a substitute for the cartoon that never was? And it also got intentionally put on hold. Fucking Valve.


Skib 73 is complete. One of toughest and violent fights in the series so far, even if it is not as impactful as Ep. 70.
Camera and Speaker titans get knocked out in the battle, but GMan gets badly mutilated by them and loses almost all his new equipment before using his shield projector to escape TV Titan trying to finish him off. Camerawoman loses her right arm while observing the fight, but is alive.



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