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This is probably the most unfer discussed anime/manga there is.

This kinda reminds me a bit of Naruto mixed with 1001 Arabian nights


some friends said it was very good, i plan on watching… some day


Read the manga. The anime only got two seasons and isnt as accurate. Not that its bad.


That scene where Sinbad comes in and saves the day is so fucking tight holy shit

>The one I hate the most. The number one human singularity.



Sinbad is a mix of Orochimaru amd Jiriya. Both in oersonality amd looks.


I thought it was all right, the usual LN adaptation bullshit of skipping huge portions of the story in the anime is annoying as fuck though
>reminds me a bit of Naruto mixed with 1001 Arabian nights
I don't really see it tbh.


oh, is it worth watching it after the manga at least?


Yes. After until at least the Magnostadt arc


okaaay thank u


File: 1711884405685.jpg (358.3 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg)


Anyone sympathise with Hakuryuu?


He's like a less compelling Zuko IMO.

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