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I just had a realization I cant think of a single bara anime, or never saw as much as a clip from one. Straight romance, yaoi or yuri is popular, and I guess the potential audience for a specifically gay men focused genre is smaller, but is it really so small it wouldnt warrant even a single one made?


Yaoi targets women.
Yuri doesn't have a real target.
The target for bara are gay men, which are a very small minority.


Do kids these days even know the meaning of gar


couldn't you call Jojo et all 'bara anime' lol


theres several……..


Such as?


Jojo’s bizarre adventures phantom blood
Jojo’s bizarre adventures battle tendency
Jojo’s bizarre adventures stardust crusaders
Jojo’s bizarre adventures golden wind
Jojo’s bizarre adventures stone ocean (this one is more for lesbians)
Jojo’s bizarre adventures steel ball run
Jojo’s bizarre adventures jojolion
Jojo’s bizarre adventures jojolands


lolwut? The only overtly homoerotic moment before part 4 was the episode with Mariah and after that the bara element quickly withered away. Although… Dio and Pucci in part 6 count, I think.


Do you just not know what bara means?


>why is there no [hentai genre] anime
gee i dont fucking know, have you tried looking at hentai ovas lol


ya there is none lol



"Bara is when handsome muscular dudes."


File: 1704484760339-0.png (1.42 MB, 912x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1704484760339-1.png (487.71 KB, 400x700, ClipboardImage.png)

No because it turns into bishie anime after a while, making it in aggregate a feminization anime.


>chad Giorno
This is cursed.

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