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When you experience "more than the average person" you get a bit pretentious, and as you experience more you start losing that and enjoying way more things. Like look at peoples top anime. Lots of people at 50 series watched will talk to you about the beauty of Tatami Galaxy and what it says about our lives, and it's all true. But then you watch more and you can appreciate the simple cartoonish comedy of Milky Holmes.

>Teenager, afraid to look uncool

<I like Monogatari a lot haha, except for the, you know…
>Adult, stopped caring years ago
<Strike Witches is the greatest series in existence.


nah, here is what happens, watching anime makes you a nerd, no exceptions. so if you are going to be one, might as well go all the way in
just make sure to never talk about it irl


I feel like you also start with the "don't give a shit" attitude before the pretentiousness where you're like "I need to watch the big things like Akira,Gunm,I'm not serious enough about those chinese cartoons!!!",then you just say fuck it and read whatever you like/whatever your friends wants to watch together.


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I like watching cute girls doing cute things!


I went from only watching "serious" shows when I first started to get into anime, to giving more diverse range of shows a try, and then rebound back. There are good simple cartoonish comedy animes, but I am not willing to dredge through mountainpile of dogshit for it.


I tend to find that the more games a person has played, the more open they are to those "6/10 with very interesting ideas and mechanics" experiences instead of obsessing over terminally online shit like "taste".


anime is so popular nowadays though


>A certain swordsman in his declining years said the following: In one’s life. there are levels in the pursuit of study. In the lowest level, a person studies but nothing comes of it, and he feels that both he and others are unskillful. At this point he is worthless. In the middle level he is still useless but is aware of his own insufficiencies and can also see the insufficiencies of others. In a higher level he has pride concerning his own ability, rejoices in praise from others, and laments the lack of ability in his fellows. This man has worth. In the highest level a man has the look of knowing nothing.
>These are the levels in general;. But there is one transcending level, and this is the most excellent of all. This person is aware of the endlessness of entering deeply into a certain Way and never thinks of himself as having finished. He truly knows his own insufficiencies and never in his whole life thinks that he has succeeded. He has no thoughts of pride but with self-abasement knows the Way to the end.


Very cool. Sounds Zen.


I don't play mid games anymore because I simply do not have the time
It was funny when I was a teenager with absolutely zero responsibilities, it's not so funny anymore
At the same time I don't trust the mainstream opinions anymore, case in point: Stardew Valley, midfest clone but critically acclaimed
So I just fall back on my gut. I vibe with the art and presentation, the gameplay looks like my style. Maybe I'll give it a try one day. When I have the time.


I dunno I've rarely played 6/10 games that I think are good. Even plenty of 8/10 games I find uninspired.


The path people take with anime isnt a linear path everyone takes. I went from dubs to subs but still sometimes watch a dub on occasion. I went from whatever is on TV to whatever forum goers say i should check out to just watching whatever has a synopsis i like the sound of to me watching indiscriminately for better or worse and enjoy the ride. I like deep stuff and light hearted slice of life comedies and whatever. Even early into it I was already enjoying the most taboo topics in anime as well and still do enjoy it being a thing since it is fresh air except for fact it rarely is handled well enough.


the dub vs sub debate is so fucking weird. nobody says the translation of a book or an english dubbed european film are better than the originals


It's unironically an American thing, they're the only shithole where everyone regardless of political ideology believe the world revolves around them. It's also the reason they're the only country where memey or bizarrely localized (official!) translations of foreign media, especially video games and anime, are common and acceptable. At least I don't think I've ever seen that happen when browsing for Spanish or Russian translations.


Not really. Some people just cant pay attention to what is going on while reading subtitles or they read too slow or have dyslexia which are valid reasons some people like it better. Originally when i was watching subs most the time i hear what is being said in English just from reading it but more lately ive been listening to the actual words said in Jaoanese simultaneously which isnt easy to take in so i have to alternate between picking up on phrase i recognize in Japanese and reading the subtitles where my head somewhat converts the audio to English automatically.


>Some people just cant pay attention to what is going on while reading subtitles or they read too slow or have dyslexia which are valid reasons some people like it better.
Hey, I'm not saying people shouldn't watch dubbed/translated/whatever, but claiming they're better than the original work, especially as a generalizing blanket statement, is just peak arrogance.


Subbed/dubbed used to be more of an issue when you had to rely on either dodgy fansubs from second year Japanese students or dodgy dubs from companies recording in the office basement with whoever they had in the building that day. Things are a little different now


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i don't know if i've ever experienced the pretentious phase. maybe it's because i started with pretty weird anime, but i've always had a taste for anime of all quality, even when i can see it's pretty trashy. these 3 were some of my first experiences when it comes to anime, and i still love almost everything i watch


i do think trying to seriously promulgate a distinction between "high brow" and "low brow" art is hitlerite behavior


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I'm now reminded of this.


femboy link was worth it


lol at that breed of American boomer nerd who considers the DIC Entertainment cartoon versions of popular Nintendo characters to be the true and honest “definitive” versions, while the actual Nintendo game characters are Not Canon.


This is literally the same with the Sonic fandom.


>Strike Witches is the greatest series in existence
WRONG… It's Highschool of the Dead.


Link is no more femboyish than Finn the Human, I have no idea where this "Link is a femboy" meme comes from. Even if they're femboyish it's clearly not intended.


>>22752 (me)
I mean, the "bishounen" look is pretty popular even outside of anime. Bishounen is the new chad, the gymbro is the new virgin.


Bro in breath of the wild there's a whole extended main questline where link has to dress like a stripper and pretend to be female


That was fairly recent though.


>I like Monogatari a lot haha, except for the, you know…
what's wrong with it?
>watching anime makes you a nerd, no exceptions
I just like cool animations dude, miss me with all that weeaboo shit lol


he might be referring to the mayoi snail episodes i think


Irony is, most of our pop culture gatekeeping is mostly adults mocking teens for liking any current thing

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