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I'm glad that Katawa Shoujo managed to shake the negative stigma it once had. It's honestly pretty all right, and in an age where most western VNs try to be ironic weeb garbage it's nice to be reminded that sometimes OELVNs can be made with some genuine passion behind them.


What negative stigma did it have? I played it when it came out, it was nice.


The prosthetic leg girl casually walking around with no pants, WTF?


>visual novel
>about cripples
>made by 4chan


>>19753 finds out about bloomers.


>It's not underpants, it's bloomers
I don't believe you. I REFUSE TO.


>>19757 (cont.)
You know what? I can do this too. I'll go outside wearing boxers with no pants and respond to all complaints with: "Those aren't underpants. Just really short shorts. It's the new fashion trend, didn't you know?"


>>19758 (cont.)
Should actually test that out.


Do it.


Man, those bloomers in that gym uniform are really this short. It's like the bloomers get progressively shorter on every consecutive photo.

What is underwear anymore?


It only had a stigma on elitist contrarian channers. Everyone who played it was blown away.


Katawa Shoujo suffers from "Spore syndrome". There is nothing like it still a decade after its release.


it do b like that
also play everlasting summer if you haven't yet bros


It's not really that different from other VNs is it?


No, people are just nostalgic about their wasted youths.


The fact that anime idolizes school days annoys me quite a bit. Especially since not everyone had a good experience in school. Especially since schools are indoctrination facilities that resemble prisons.

The school system is a mistake, just the tool of the ruling regime to uphold its power and keep people in check. I'm much more interested in Japanese dellinquents than in good students (should have been a dellinquent myself but was too much of a cuck).


>Especially since not everyone had a good experience in school.
That is the number one reason people fetichize school though.


>That is the number one reason people fetichize school though
That logic is so contradictory that I won't even try to comprehend it.


>>19803 (cont.)
I'm not autistic but sometimes it's hard for me to understand others. Like putting myself into others' shoes. For me being apathetic and nihilistic comes out naturally and I don't try to seek comfort in wish fulfillment or religion or whatever the fuck. I just do not understand meatbags.


My brain:


People who had a bad time in school like to live vicariously a good school time through fiction. That's also beacuse school is romantised but in reality the true nature of the schooling system is what >>19797 said.


holy SH*T man you sound like such an epic badass


>in reality the true nature of the schooling system is what >>19797 said
That's my own post, LMAO! 🤣

Anyway, that was exactly my point. The schooling system is akin to a prison as Foucault has pointed out yet people long for it nonetheless, SMH. Perhaps it is a kind of a Stockholm syndrome. Or perhaps they are lonely people who only had friends and love interests at school and so they look back at that time with rose-colored glasses since they don't even get that anymore. Which really says a lot about the society we live in.

BTW, what are these girls' disabilities? And what's the legless girl's name? She looks cute.


From top to down, left to right:
Rin - girl at top - armless
Shizune - glasses girl - deaf
Emi - bloomers girl - legless
Hanako - reading girl - burn victim
Lily - blond girl - blind
Hisao - protagonist boy - heart problems

They go to this special school because they need constant medical attention.


>Emi - bloomers girl
It is her official name from now on.
>Hanako - reading girl - burn victim
She's WHAT? Wait… Wait, WTF, TWO-FACE!


Do you guys have any recommendations for good dating sim or otome? Something with lot of choices, so it feels like I am actually playing the thing, not just watching a story or filling a progress bar.


Yes, she has that haircut to hide her scars.


Still would smash.


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Damn just reading this, it all came to me


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>the archetypal human
Humanists trying to psyop me again with their human nature and blah-blah-blah.


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As someone who picked Emi in first playthrough, spot on.


Those bloomers tho.


>You shouldn't be looking for attractive girls, you should be looking for emotional support
I can just go to a therapist tho.


>>19829 (cont.)
But seriously, no need to actively seek love, that's just making love your sacred cause which is akin to religion. Love will come when you will need it. If you don't need it then don't fill your brain with it, be like Taoist monks. Every feeling comes and goes. You live a life and then you die.

Just saying this because so many young lads are pressured into finding love because SOCIETY SAYS SO, AND THAT MEANS IT'S IMPORTANT.


There is https://vndb.org/v11854 which is very very reminiscent of Katawa Shoujo, the plot twist is that disabilities are swapped with mental disorders.


Here: https://biolizard.itch.io/lovesickdarlings
It's just a demo for now, but the potential is apparent. And if you check the updates on their kickstarter, you'll see that the game is almost done!

Also: https://gbpatch.itch.io/our-life
This one doesn't fit your criteria, since it's pretty linear, but it's quite unique nonetheless.


>The school system is a mistake
All AES states had, have, and will continue to have schools.


The Prussian school system is a mistake


>the plot twist is that disabilities are swapped with mental disorders
Can I date a sociopath? I want to find a soulmate.


Hasn't released yet


So babysitters


BURUMA!!!! It's BURUMA!!!!


erm those are not japanese bloomers, theyre actually buruma you filthy gaijin


>BURUMA!!!! It's BURUMA!!!!


Act 2 is unironically one of the only things I'm looking forward to this year


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>in an age where most western VNs try to be ironic weeb garbage
It's so tiresome. A popular gaming outlet published a top dating sims ranking and it was exclusively low effort American "ironic" shit.

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