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/anime/ - Anime

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File: 1658543393541.png (353.25 KB, 836x1200, 1658538184180612.png)


This guy whines and wants to turn into a vampire because he's "too popular"? HUMBLEBRAG THE ANIME


can you really call yourself popular if you haven't had children out of wedlock


what anime?


use saucenao
its call of the night


>call of the night
>another shounenshit


File: 1658969672527.mp4 (3.05 MB, 504x500, FREDDIE.mp4)


what does "shounenshit" mean to you greentexter


File: 1659144411227.png (289.13 KB, 836x1200, 1659144059951850.png)

Am I boring for liking the human childhood friend more?


no, she has great eyes.


A little. They are both likable in their own ways.


Didn't she used to wear glasses and program JavaScript

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