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File: 1656533614044.png (340.79 KB, 496x450, lupin water.PNG)


Is he the ultimate egoist?


>the miyazaki one was the only one with good animation


he's a faggot so probably yes


imagine being this much of a mindless robot


The Koike specials also have some pretty killer animation tbh


TV Lupin is full of well animated episodes. Green, Red, Pink, all have great work.


The last few episodes of red jacket has some really strong animation. The bank heist episodes and the two miyazaki eps look movie-quality


File: 1658874788438.png (284.01 KB, 1000x828, ClipboardImage.png)


kanye, the Black Stirner, was a fan of Lupin III, so it checks out


>Kanye even gave himself Lupin hair

Is this the root of his madness? He just wants to be a rubbery horny cartoon man but the laws of reality forbid his desire?

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