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well…recently i've found this thing called masiro project https://www.en.masiro.cafe/top watching youtube and i was thinking that is a very interesting idea: create your own chobits robot maid to hold your hand or having three robot girls to enjoy. this could be product of alienation, or a pretty interesting development for mankind?
>creepy-ass robots
well…they're kinda weird, but they have some cuteness anyways


I could see AI waifus as a progression for mankind, but this ain't it in my opinion. The AI should actually be sapient.

Still, whatever people have to do to feel good in this alienated hellworld, it's okay I guess.


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We have already perfected anime masks, why reinvent the wheel?


It's part from alienation but also just novelty facination. I think Cutieroid is less creepy to look at though.

They are made from animegao kigurumi masks. Original versions didnt have screen eyes.


I think they are cute and cool but I would be quickly annoyed by that constant whirring of the motors.


now i want to fug that cat


>The AI should actually be sapient.
Stop trying to make "humans but we don't actually know how our brains function so we pretend we made a human" REEEEE
if you want to make a human,go fuck a woman,making sentient robots is the stupidest shit I swear.


if a robot brain works like a human it is a human for all practical purposes, unless you want to go down the rabbit hole of essentialism and some people being more human than others


yes,but we're incapable (currently) of doing that,and my point is that even if we could,we shouldn't do it because it's a waste of time and ressources to basically just make another human.


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>making sentient robots is the stupidest shit I swear
but what if i want to try being godlike?
>it's a waste of time and ressources to basically just make another human
>it's a waste of time make a dummy to experiment conditions lethal for humans to avoid unneeded human deaths
get a load of this comrade


>we shouldn't do it because it's a waste of time and ressources to basically just make another human
So you're just an extreme antinatalist.

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