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This got me thinking that I can't think of any shows where the MC has a brother besides Mob.


That cousin do be kind of sexy tho


it doesn't count if the MC is a woman/girl I suppose ?
Fma,Gundam Seed,Inuyasha,Bleach,Fairy Tail,Nanatsu no Taizai,Ano no exorcist,Gurren Lagan.


>>15012 (me)
ao* no exorcist.
also gonna continue with it :
One piece (an oopsie happened,but Sanji has brothers too), Osomatsu-kun (only brothers,but that's the gimmick,and the only twins I'm gonna mention since it's cheating) Toriko,Ranma 1/2,


How did you all forget Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) ? Is the user base here that young?


the weeb is right. my animays must be fuckable uyghur


i am a zoomzoom whos barely 18 and i know these shows lmao


Ranma doesn't have brothers…unless you're talking about tendo sisters…
>Sakura card captor
>Sailor moon
>Dragon ball Z
>Saint Seiya


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>This got me thinking that I can't think of any shows where the MC has a brother besides Mob.


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>This got me thinking that I can't think of any shows where the MC has a brother besides Mob.


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He had a brother.


Protoman counts as his brother right?


I don't care that they aren't biological, they're still brothers

Also when JoJo part 7 gets animated in a decade I will post a pic of Johnny and his brother




Roy Fokker is basically Hikaru's older brother

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