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"It doesn’t matter if you understand this relationship. It only matters if this Otaku man is happy. Otaku is a person who is a manga and tech fan. Good luck to him." - Gene Simmons


Honestly inceldom is a preferable alternative to this sad as shit fucking stuff holy


I don't think they're mutually exclusive.


> Otaku man being happy is sad


Wow. Eceleb has an OPINION. Tell me why I should value his? What are his qualifications? I bet you quote the old testament out of context too OP. Fucking a


Of course the guy who made a fortune on selling pez dispensers and shitty figurines would have no problem with consumerism infiltrating religion.
Also, "rock" legend is too generous


id think gene simmons is a plain old celeb rather than e-celeb

>consumerism infiltrating religion
oh no that sucks for religion


If he stays stupid shit on twitter in order to stay relevant enough to be featured in news articles on trashy sites that OP thinks so interested we needed knowing, he's very much the embodiment of an eceleb.


while i dont think this merited a thread he didnt say anything stupid


>Gene Simmons is an eceleb


he said something on twitter, hence an eceleb
>news article about a stupid has-been's tweets attempting to stay relevant
This is like asking George Takkei what he thinks about abortion. An eceleb.


not what e-celeb means but ok


he's not famous thanks to the internet, fuckwit.


Well if this guy is really happy he achieved more in life than i ever did and im happy for him


>an internet celeb that is famous due to things he saying on twitter
>not an eceleb
The ONLY reason this eceleb is being talked about on this board is because he said something on twitter and you read a news article on it. Go back to ANN. Talk about anime, not some retards uneducated ramblings just because other news sites do.


if you change the definition of e-celeb accepted by everyone, sure ok


idk why you keep bumping a thread that pisses you off so much either


I think neither it important, nor mutually exclusive. That's like claiming an eceleb can't have a real life presence. My point isn't to argue about concrete meaning of words. The meaning of my initial message wasn't muddled by using colorful language. Not everything is literal.
Who are you speaking for?


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This is who open-source and free software is superior to propeterity products. if only there was a open-source version of that software.


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Sup /robowaifu/, how's it goin'?


>an internet celeb that is famous due to things he saying on twitter
That's not why he's famous though, young one. That's irrelevant though, I still agree with your first post. Just don't die on this hill before you google who Gene Simmons actually is.


I read about this hologram thing (imagine using this for practicing another language!) and immediately noped out when I saw that it required a network connection. There is also a neat thing out developed as a companion for old people which kinda looks like a lamp, but again it needs a network connection. They are ALL like that.

It's not just that things like these turn into bricks when the company goes under or decides to do something else, but like Alexa it constantly sends information from the sounds inside your house to an outside party. This shit is so common it is infuriating. I wouldn't mind closed source for an assistant/toy if it made a robust impression and worked offline.


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>Being alienated to the point of indulging in a fantasy to a literal mentally ill level of delusion and simping for fictional characters is not a problem


But what does Ja Rule have to say?


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