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Full list of more than 100 series & movies that influenced Hideaki Anno (Evangelion).


How did generic kaiju derivative influence him if all kaiju movies/series are the same? Did a single episode influence him or all? Is this self-admitted or some loony fan-theory obsessing with names of people rather than

Did you know that Evangelion wasn't written or created by Hideaki? How many of these influences are unfairly credited? Is there a more in-depth graph that actually compares scenes of said series/movies with a work directly made by said Hideaki? Is Japan Sinks and Sinking of Japan any significantly different from one another? Doon't you think it's odd he was influenced only by the 5th star wars movie (I know) and not by the one preceding it? Why did he stop getting influenced by 1985 when humans get influenced by their surroundings literally daily? Why aren't his surroundings listed as his influences? Where are the books he read?


Where is GOATgon Ball


it's just understood


not in the list clearly


>GOATgon Ball
>not DraGOAT ball


Dragonball first aired in 1986 and the list only goes until 1984.


what anime are you talking about

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