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/anime/ - Anime

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You ever think how weird it is that there are 1000 sub-genres of anime, and we all watch it? There's so much of it now

Like how did this come to be? Who shot the anime bow onto earth

Porky may have capitalized on it, but there's no way this was a planned thing to make japanese cartoons a worldwide phenomenon

What is the materialist explanation for anime?
THERE'S TWO DIFFERENT animes about WOMEN fighting with their BUTTS


Profit, capital seeks out new lands and exhausts imagination in search of profit.


Im pretty sure it has smth to do with levels of alienation but i have not yet finished writing my generalized theory on alianation


>1000 subgenres
There's only genre-fiction. And once you've seen an example of it done well, poorly and meh, you have seen all there is. Anime quickly loses it novelty. I certainly do not watch more than a few each season. And I rewatch and discuss the interesting ones.
>dude porn
So funny. You'll get over your anal stage OP. Usually by the age of 3. You've mentally regressed to the age of wearing diapers. Snap out of it.


>THERE'S TWO DIFFERENT animes about WOMEN fighting with their BUTTS
keijo is super good though


also this might be the fourth thread in a week complaining about anime lol


>THERE'S TWO DIFFERENT animes about WOMEN fighting with their BUTTS

what's, uh, what's their names


butt girl attack punisher and as >>14701 said, keijo

i'm just curious

>dude porn

I understand that, but that came afterwards anime became popular, no?
There wasn't a conceded effort to make japanese cartoons something popular across the world

I'm interested on what actions here and there, led to this accidental popularity of this art form


Anal Stage


>There wasn't a conceded effort to make japanese cartoons something popular across the world

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