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Twitter is the single most used social media platform in Japan. When told about the possibility of the use of real names being forced, almost 80% said they'd leave.


Unless there's additional context outside of these images it's not saying that 80% said they would leave, only that 80% use fake names. Although a significant portion would probably leave regardless.


Facebook enforcing its real name policy in the early 2010s was why I moved to twitter in the first place.


Real name can't you just make a fake one?




At some point they'll compel you to prove your identity through other means i.e. provide a photo of your driver's license, passport, birth certificate, etc. If you don't comply then your account will stay locked and/or be suspended.


Isn't that kinda a thing already? I tried to sign up for Twitter years ago but they asked for a mobile number, I tried to skip it but they suspended my account.


Mobile numbers and IP addresses can be more easily faked than government-issued IDs.


I've had multiple Twitter accounts and I don't think they ever asked me for my number. I know people who ban evade through alts all the time too.


I like how anonymity/pseudonymity is such a big thing in Japan (and the rest of Asia too maybe?)


Not sure if it's the same in China or Korea but Japanese people even go as far as blurring out other people's faces in the bakcground of the pics they take. Maybe it's illegal there, idk. Their obsession with anonymity also surprises, but in a way I think it's a good thing.

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