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So the master behind the soundtracks for Kaiji, Akagi, Death Note, etc. got a decade in jail for smoking weed and will never get hired to make an OST ever again.
Japan sounds like a real nice country, huh.


>Police reported that Taniuchi was taken into custody from his Yokohama home at about 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday. He was allegedly concealing a pipe and 1.5 grams (about 0.053 ounces) of marijuana valued at about 9,000 yen (about US$110) in his second-floor living room.
Jesuschrist I'd get a life sentence if I lived in Japan

That was in 2012 though wouldn't he be getting out this year? In any case he's gonna be regarded as an absolute pariah for the rest of his life and no one will bother hiring him

What a shithole country


Yeah, this type of behaviour makes them look good on paper but I imagine it can be suffocating for some people.


>paying 100dollars for a gram
Sounds great


>1 DECADE for not even a dub

They would have to execute me by firing squad.


>can literally take anything else legal in japan
>decide to willingly break the law instead
Just stick to alcohol? Or, my favorite, coffee. Play stupid games…


Just take even more harmful drugs bro, they're legal!


Japan treats their own citizens like dirt and with foreigners it's even worse.
Guilty until proven innocent, not even joking.


I agree they're more harmful. But >0% is still zero. And since only one of them carries half a life sentence, it's very retarded to say the least.


>>can literally take anything else legal in japan
anything else being only the two things you listed
even fucking medication for things like adhd is illegal in that shithole


It's even funnier cause Japan and Korea will prosecute their citizens even if they smoke overseas.


what the fuck lmao


The prison sentence certainly seems to be quite excessive, and if the industry does blacklist people because of recreational drug crimes that certainly would be unfair and a little reminiscent of how sex scandals that offend otaku's purity demands can cause celebrities to get canceled.
But for many nonwhite or non-imperial-core countries, the societal suspicions of drug abuse and the stigma on profligate recreational drug usage are not very unjustified, due to the legacy of the weaponization of drug usage by Western imperialists. When it is just a little marijuana at upscale campus raves there is not so much of a big deal, but if someone's neighborhood has gotten flooded by cocaine because the glowies had to covertly fund random counterrevolutionaries and consequentially many of the youth have suffered from the deletrious effects of addiction, it doesn't come off so fun. So perhaps there are fair reasons for the strict legislation.
However imprisonment for personal drug usage is quite unwarranted, and rehabilitation or financial penalty should've sufficed if the prohibitions must be kept. The reform of laws should be the issue for themselves to solve, though, and not just copied from more liberal European policies.


You could experiment some different teas. You could fast for 3 days. There's billion of things to do in the world. Medication is a scam and does more harm than good. You'd be stupid to take aspirin for instance.

Japan is a shithole though. But we are here only discussing the willingness to commit a crime carrying such a sentence, which by all means is just stupid. I don't care if it's not a bad drug. It's a completly inessential part of life easily replaced by other things. It's not worth going to jail for.


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He probably didn't think that they would raid his house


Also. Is add medictation not simply a scam? Forcing kids to sit still for hours seems so counter to our natural instincts to hug trees. There's plenty of other methods you can use to increase concentration. Just let kids play soccer all day. Truly problem solved.


saudi arabia tier shit lololol
>It's a completly inessential part of life easily replaced by other things. It's not worth going to jail for.
t. has never take a drug nor has ever taken them
t. doesn't realize the likelihood of ever getting caught for drugs is next to none unless you act reckless
t. bootlicking for heinous state repression
adhd is caused by structural brain differences, it is a actually hypothesized to be an advantage in hunter gatherer societies, it's just hard to function properly in a capitalist one, lifestyle changes and diet and therapy are important but adhd stimulant medication can help a lot of people to function better, myself included. It is kind of a double edges sword though and needs to be used responsibly.


*doesn't know how drugs work nor has ever taken them


>t. doesn't realize the likelihood of ever getting caught for drugs is next to none unless you act reckless
In Japan there's a high chance of getting caught because cops have literally nothing to do, so they go against one of the easiest targets in the country: guys who just want to smoke a joint. I remember reading an article about how a special force composed of like 25 detectives went against 4 o 5 adults who smoked in peace in an abandoned building.


steroids are actually legal there but you cannot have syringes without doctor prescription


Long term drug use is a scam because your brain builds tolerance since it's attempting to regain homeostasis, so you'll need to keep increasing the dosage until it reaches absurd or toxic levels or go through withdrawals


What's crazy is Japanese traditionally smoked weed. Cannabis is considered sacred in shintoism and hemp still is used in some shinto rituals. Japan used to grow lots of cannabis. Apparently the general public is so ignorant they dont know cannabis and hemp are same thing. May be one of those cases reactionary policy would be okay to return Japan to it's pre Western imperialist influence.


you have no idea what adhd is dude


youre supposed to take breaks when under adhd meds


I'm not bootlicking. Weed simply has way less impact than alcohol, fasting, or a caveat of other experiences. It's not worth the jail time. I wouldn't drink alcohol if it had a prison sentence of 10 years and was a career suicide. The fact you think there's only a small chance of getting caught is because the police in your country doesn't care about these types of offenses (if they even are, otherwise you have no reason to be talking of getting caught, then you'd have no basis). How inept do you have to be to not understand my point? If you want to hallucinate all you have to do is stop eating.


Did it exist in the, say, 1600s? Thought as much. Go take your medication though. I'm sure that's healthy.


weed is good and good for you

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