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Please tell me I'm not a bitter asshole for hating credit pages in manga with their d*scord invites and unfunny fucking jokes.


>tl note: means yes


Maybe I write some unfunny jokes but at least I never put a dickscord invite.
Also, deal with it.


If you think those are bad you haven't read manga littered with TL notes that are just random commentary from the scanlators.


I remember old fan subs with random commantary that was always great


Some of the quaint, older translations also came with advisories for fairly NSFW content and exhortations against the sale of scanlated editions that originally were freely provided. What a more innocent time those days were! But there were obnoxious comments then too.


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Memesubs are fine because normally you have other groups subbing the same show but with manga most of the time you don't get that privilege.
This thread made me remember Pumpkin Night, a trashy gore manga scanlated by a right-wing memelord that pissed everyone off on both /a/ and batoto until he got banned.


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Of course, you're not alone.

>Memesubs are fine because normally you have other groups subbing the same show but with manga most of the time you don't get that privilege.


Most infuriating shit is joke scanlations during april fools of series that hardly ever get updated


Depends, some of the credit pages can be funny, some are cringe, it's not a monolithic thing.


translators writing their personal thoughts on the margins of each page is the worst



That last pic is weird. Even doctors say you should piss after cumming to clean it out. I mean sure you cant immediately after but a couple seconds later you can.


those are the best kind of scans

lol what are you going to complain about illustrated manuscripts next

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