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What did you guys think of Ajin anime? I quite liked it, it's one of the few times i got on with that cheap 3D art style, felt like they masked it well with good lighting and framing.
Also Sato did nothing wrong.
what does leftypol think of both the anime and manga?


Mediocre, Mindless, Derivative, Pretentious, Childish, Unmemorable, Juvenile, Cheap

Just like your writings, honestly. Looks like you put in no effort whatsoever. Do you have any concept of 'good' lighting and framing or are they just words that popped up in your head?

Name a single original concept that resonated with you. Describe a single scene.

Immortality is boring. If your main character can't die, who cares? Who cares about his retarded ill sister or about characters who are about to get married with other ideals and ambitions that die off right before their supposed commune? Even the name is stupid. Demi-human sounds like something a 5 year old would come up with. The anime is an insult to the craftmanship that is animation. Anyone who puts up with that garbage is a subhuman (ironically a better term than demi-human)

Can't even make characters feel like real people. The shoe-horned in pacman talk is utterly retarded. "can't, the new pac-man is about to come out!" "we're talking about the country that invented pac-man"
Nobody talks like that. To insinuate that pacman gets yearly sequels and people are looking forward to it like it's fifa shows the author's lack of life experience or general lack of interest in making a story that actually is interesting by having real characters go through real struggles and not just plot-devices.

Also, the art is clearly copy pasted. Another sign the story is filler when the artists can't be bothered to draw original art for each panel. Who cares about some far-off conflict if the conflict itself is meaningless? Nothing happens.


Just a quick comparison. Actual striking visuals.

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