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What the fuck is his problem?


None, he's great.


Can't write for shit but he's trusted to sell toys.


There's nothing wrong with Tomino and his shows.
I have no idea why this man has such a cult around him on imageboards, though.


Except for his idiotic writing.


Only problem is he was a sexist in the 90s


Because he's had a massive impact on the subculture of giant robots and everybody digs giant robots, especially losers on imageboards.


What problem, OP?

>In Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) we have a revolutionary independence movement being co-opted by fascist oligarchs and our young protagonists have to side with the neoliberal empire/status quo in order to survive.

>In the sequel, Zeta Gundam (1985), parts of the neoliberal empire become explicitly fascist and we follow freedom fighters from inside and outside of its system fighting against it.
>The third show, ZZ Gundam (1986), is the most overt one about class. Class is an aspect that permeates every facet of the show, specially thanks to the explicitly poor protagonist who clashes with the more privileged people from either side of the conflict.
>And those three aren't the only ones, every entry from him in the franchise (and basically everything he directed outside of it) have some pretty leftist inclinations, though they're much closer to being "capitalism/imperialism/colonialism/fascism/neoliberalism bad" than being explicitly "communism good".


I notice the conspicuous absence of Char's Counterattack

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