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File: 1646743569056-0.png (231.97 KB, 679x772, Rory.png)

File: 1646743569056-1.jpg (223.06 KB, 1000x1300, 20211122_094038.jpg)


As you can tell I have a thing for smug gothic lolita chicks

GATE is JDF propaganda and Rory is extremely shallow
Danganronpa is just stupid writing and Celestia is somehow too dumb to live in spite of canonically rubbing shoulders with criminals


>extermely shallow
Just jerk off dude. Don't think. Don't develop any standards.


Rather tall for a loli.


Gothic lolita is a style of fashion, doesn't necessarily mean the character is a loli.


I loved this character (i fucking love succubi)
For a hentai character she is top tier sadly the rest of the Hentai isnt really great and they dont even give her that much screen time


It's one of those characters Twitteroids will call "loli" while citing the wikia saying she has the "appearance of a 13 year old girl" meanwhile she wears makeup and has the voice of a mature woman. Bullshit.
Well have you played Kyonyuu Fantasy? As a rule the adaptation is inferior.


Haven't played it yet but thanks for the tip


anything that isn't an obese landwhale is a loli to those morons.


>It's one of those characters Twitteroids will call "loli" while citing the wikia saying she has the "appearance of a 13 year old girl" meanwhile she wears makeup and has the voice of a mature woman. Bullshit.
That's unrelated to the OP. Some guy thought "gothic lolita" means "loli" and found it weird because the character doesn't look like anime loli characters usually do.


File: 1648775898554.jpg (166.12 KB, 1920x1080, Hoppu_Episode_98 nozeye.jpg)

Hopp from DBS, could have been made into an interesting character given her mild appearance to SS4 and her being in the Super Universal Tournament but instead gets made into fodder.

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