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Judge me all you like, but I love a good power/skill progression. What are some anime or manga that have a really nice progression? I've always been fond of Berserk's build up of Guts as the ultimate warrior, to the point where you really believe a human can defeat a demon.


hunter x hunter


Tengan toppa.


gon cheats to speed up his growth, but eventually pays the price for it.


How does he cheat?


Flame of Recca
Bleach (kinda)
Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece
Blue Lock
Ace of Diamond

Few of those are sports/non-fighting but still has nice progression.


>I love it when stories are done well
Wow. OP. I'll judge you for this.
>what are some
Define your fucking idea of good progression first you nimwit. We're not mindreaders. FFS. Read Crime & Punishment.


Perhaps I was interested in hearing what anon's idea of compelling power/skill progression is before I try to articulate my own. Didn't think about that, did you, smartypants?


>Define your fucking idea of good progression first you nimwit
Funny how everyone else in this thread understood what OP wanted without some rigorous definition of good progression. Maybe you're the retard here?


To get full power he goes into an adult form that nearly kills him.

LMAO, maybe at first, but it started getting retarded even before the finale against Aizen, let alone the Blood War and Yhwach.


Yu Yu Hakusho and Naruto do it fairly good, The characters only start getting less earned progression half-way into (in Naruto's case) the 4th War arc, so only near the end of the series during power creep.


No. I don't think you've ever been truly interested in anything considering the amount of information you could've gained from simply using google.


Kingdom is the best.



At what exactly? The protagonist seems to be an unstoppable god of battle from the beginning.


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Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho and Yokoshima from Ghost Sweeper Mikami (who even surpasses the main character in popularity polls).
Both anime ended before that happened, by the way.


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>who even surpasses the main character in popularity polls
You love to see it.


i never could get past the beginning because i find medaka to be annoying as fuck, is it worth reading the whole thing?


Seeing the thumbnail it looks like he's holding a fishing rod, kek


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