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Is it the remnants of fascism?

I'm watching Demon Slayer and this just comes out of nowhere, and I've noticed it often in shounen anime

I don't particularly disagree with it, You have to be strong to protect anything you love, but I see why so many fashies are attracted to anime and turn into weebs

Also feels like this kind of messaging is why so many of japanese men are salary men loser otakus who are too scared to fuck

Like "BE strong or lose everything" and "yay consumerism!! gundamn models!!" sort of message just seems to create these kind of people


>Is it the remnants of fascism?
It's an observation of reality. Being a leftist doesn't mean embracing your individual weakness. It means finding your strength and adding it to the collective so that we become unstoppable. If we do not manage to become strong, we will become victims to those who did.


Hegemonic internationalism?

That’s no good


>You have to be strong to protect anything you love
therefore, has nothing to do with fascism - reactionaries are paper tigers.
>Also feels like this kind of messaging is why so many of japanese men are salary men loser otakus who are too scared to fuck
idealist nonsense


>if i take reactionary survival of the fittest ideology but say that a it's uh adding your strength to the collective it magically becomes communist


>therefore, has nothing to do with fascism - reactionaries are paper tigers.
i'm very confused, are those two separate sentences? are they related

do you agree with that statement?

>idealist nonsense

okay, so why do you think they are like that
just capitalist alienation and consumerism combined?

>It's an observation of reality
i mean, that's a reality that can be changed but okay i understandable

it's just that all these separate truths, together from all animes, always seems to form this image of a reactionary mindset in japan to me

i am moreso interested in learning why, what seems like leftover fashy ideals have seeped into anime that i notice

i know what those two words mean, i do not know what those words mean together
pls explain

ah yes this is a good way to frame it that type of ideal that i notice which gives me that vibe of fascism
i need to research more on what fashy ideals are and why did they come into existence by them


it's a copy paste template for villain ideology in anime.


>do you agree with that statement?
absolutely, I agree. what defines strength is the ability to defend the weak, so that they might one day become strong as well. without the strong, the weak are constantly at threat of losing their freedom. do we expect children to protect and raise themselves? no, they are born weak and helpless, and rely on their tribe in order to grow.
to the contrary, fascists simply despise the weak because they have no genuine love for their own and are thus blind to any seeds of strength. they therefore only value a child when enough mystical properties align (bloodline, heritage, etc). why? because they don't know what it means to cultivate; all they can do is destroy, humiliate and pervert. they are precisely what they claim their opposition to be: degenerates.
>okay, so why do you think [the Japanese] are like that
capitalist realism, or the consequence of living under political and economic mechanisms that deflate consciousness. what they consume is merely a reflection of such.


Because it helps move the plot along to get somewhere more interesting than someone constantly running away and hidding which only works in horror and anime isnt a great medium for horror. Not everything is because ideology.


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<Not everything is because ideology.


You will notice that I did not make a value judgement on whether or not the fittest deserve to survive. What I am pointing out is that they do. The USSR didn't win against the fascists by being weak.


>i mean, that's a reality that can be changed but okay i understandable
Yes, that is the ethos of shounen manga. It is to go from weak to strong and to better the self. This isn't a bad value to hold. In the past, socialists dreamt of making a better man by educating him, caring for him, and showing him his struggle connected with all of his comrades.
>it's just that all these separate truths, together from all animes, always seems to form this image of a reactionary mindset in japan to me
That may be the way you look at it. I always view it as inspirational. I must confess, that at my over 30 years of age, I still enjoy dragon ball and other series like this. They don't seem to scream these mindsets at this, but maybe it is because I became a leftist much later in life.
>i am moreso interested in learning why, what seems like leftover fashy ideals have seeped into anime that i notice
Is it the fascist aesthetic? Or is it the idea? The two are not the same. Let's not forget that a large part of the aesthetic was stolen from the left.


>hurrrr muh ideology stronk


Leftism shouldn't fetishize weakness. The working class can only liberate itself through strength and not out of pure but weak virtue. Porky is going hand over OUR stuff back to the working class not out of piety for the weak but because he's gonna get it otherwise.


Where the fuck have you seen anyone "fetishize weakness"? (In fact, OP does the opposite)
Usually, when an anime protagonist obsesses over "becoming stronger" it's almost always individualist bullshit, or at least it doesn't go further than "I have to become stronger". It's not wrong to point that out.
It also seems that "the power of friendship"/"together we're stronger" stories used to be more common before but maybe that's just me.


so what is strength besides an abstraction for you to project qualities you approve of onto


why are you so upset over strength


It's endemic on the (lib) left. The obsession with "marginalized identities" of all stripes is the most noticeable form - so many self-proclaimed socialists just assume that socialism automatically means you have to pull for every possible cause of the marginalized.

Proletarians were assumed to be the revolutionary class not because they are marginalized or oppressed or whatever, it is because they have their hands on a key lever of power (the production proces, the means of production). They don't have justice or equity or right on their side, that does not count for shit. They were thought to be the mover of history because they occupy a chokepoint of sorts, because as a class they have a latent power, might, strength - because of where they are in the societal base, their material position. But this logic is totally absent on the left now, there is no such historical-strategic thinking, it's mostly just moralism with various coats of paint.

The only ones who still somewhat get it are the third worldists, although they overstate their case somewhat.


so what is strength besides an abstraction for you to project qualities you approve of onto


> strength noun
> \ ˈstreŋ(k)th, ˈstren(t)th \
> 3 : the quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined and effective way
Again, why does this make you upset?


so what is strength besides an abstraction for you to project qualities you approve of onto


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The meek will not inherit the earth. The people who take it will.



No pls say no
Zizek also sees everything as ideology too?

I hate zizek,


huh, actually yes, these kinds of characters are shown as misguided
it would be the opposite of my previous assumption

japanese people have seen fascism and now see that kind of ideology as character trope

thank you for making a distinction between this belief and fascists

true, there are a lot of soviet posters about becoming better
in those days people were not all educated or literate, makes sense

>I must confess, that at my over 30 years of age, I still enjoy dragon ball and other series like this

there is no need to confess, there are several if not majority of people like you in the fandom

there is proper age to enjoy art and stop enjoying it

>a large part of the aesthetic was stolen from the left.

i didn't know about this
i only heard about the populist rhetoric being stolen from the left, about being pro-worker
hence the nazis calling themselves "socialists" to steal thunder from worker parties


*as evil character trope


>i only heard about the populist rhetoric being stolen from the left, about being pro-worker
Oh, it was so much more than that. They stole the colors red and gold in Nazi Germany. They stole the whole idea of building a new kind of human being. Remember that the very character of humans was supposed to change under a socialist system as people became more educated and stopped being alienated from their labor. People should want to be strong, whether that be physically or mentally, but what the Nazis did was redefine strength and excellence as things they liked instead. It's weak to cry or ask for help, instead of a sign of simply being human. It's weak to like certain music. It's weak to want to be united with your fellow workers, and it's strong to give yourself up to the "volk". This is what Nazis did. This is why the far right is so obsessed with aesthetics. In fact, they are quite weak. If you want to look at a fascist character in anime, just look at Demon Slayer, the main bad guy in that is actually quite weak and obsessed with perfection, but it is this drive that makes him weak. True strength isn't found in just overpowering others, and it isn't found in being a domineering lord over others. Real strong people build others up, because they cannot stand to see others helpless and abused.


Japan was a fascist state where perceived weakness and "disease" was systematically wiped out, might have to do with that


thats your fault for watching mainstream shounen


>the main bad guy
but why did they make him look like M.Jackson?


depends on the context
it could be just revealing the motives and ideology of a particular character. maybe even a troubled character.

you know, fiction doesn't have to ensure ideological purity behind every thought or action of every character. just like in real life some characters will say and think things you don't agree with.


capitalist media
that's not what anyone said, we're saying that the left cultivates a gentle and inclusive strength in order to create a world where one cannot rob other people of their strength and make them weak and marginalized. meds twittershitter


What do you think 'class warfare' is about?


You're retarded


If you seriously watched Kimetsu no Yaiba, one of the warmest most empathetic recent anime, and assumed that speech is meant to be 100% the author's intended message of the work you're pretty dumb.

Its emotional core is empathy and familial ties, both literal and metaphoric.


Most shounen manga have this weird fascination with integrating Neo-Darwinism into their worldbuilding to the point where it basically becomes detached from reality, most shounen animes usually center around some sort of supernatural powers being used in wars (My hero, Jujitsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer). Practically all of them phase out evolutionary genetics or anything short of mysticism by making these powers only attainable via inheritance and nothing else. Very shitty writing. Not only does modern Shounen anime appeal to the most normal and mainstream audience and being totally forgettable and dissimilar, but they also fucking fail at basic genetics. Powers in anime shouldn't just be mostly attained via muh inheritance but should also be subject to evolutionary change during the metabolization of the environment, and subsequent evolution of new traits/powers, just like how practically all living species on earth make qualitative changes in their lives.

Tl;dr shounen anime is fascist


funny then that none of your exemple except demon slayer work that way
MHA is about the near entirety of humanity (it's supposed to be 80%,but it's easy to forget when the author doesn't do anything with it) having random powers and some of them being deemed good enough by an arbitrary ranking boss fight to make them heroes (the entire start of the series even talked about how unfair the focus was on powerful physical powers etc,but it was also badly written if you remember half of the students being incapable of actually winning the robot fight,and now it devolved into end of naruto bullshit and every hero being a private cop isn't even adressed anymore or just in passing and handwaved)
for Jujustu Kaisen,one of the strongest characters is because of their lack of genetic inheritance,the MC has powers because he's possessed by the strongest demon that ever existed,and every family shit on the respective characters as "not belonging to the clan",one of them is litterally a spirit robot built by someone who then made it his son,pretty much all the families are deeply disfunctiunal and it's honestly quite dark and pessimistic on the family question,where they all end up killing each other or losing one or more relatives.
For Demon Slayer,the MC isn't strong because of his family,one of the character litteraly lived in nature and trained there,but I do agree that a lot are descended from old slayers (but it make sense,because they're the one who trained their children) it's not necesserally about their bloodline except for the thunder guy,where yes,he wouldn't have his power without being born from his family.
I do agree that powers that you can only inherit is pretty lame,but that's Dragon Ball Z+Super you're talking about (or AoT,but it's subverted when talking about the Hackerman,and the time travel bullshit)


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that's just your run of the mill edgy japanese thing

I remember reading some hentai and the girl just remarked out of the blue "wow you actually have a job? guess you're really an adult productive memeber of society huh"

asiatics are weird man


Can't even jerk the gerkin without capitalist dogma :disappointed:

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