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/alt_archive/ - Alt Boards Archive

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Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans.
>inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'
The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.
I'll start:Dreamch.net
There was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
559 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


They shut down on September 14th.

>We don't feel we have enough moderation resources to stay on top of all the things we need to. So please archive what you want and let your communities know where to find you next.



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-chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan -chan


420chan seems down for good.


at least it's a fluorescent sign telling anyone that's not a fucking idiot to avoid it like the plague


D: say it ain't so


why is all the cool sites dead


Corporate control of the internet is strangling marginal websites.


when is gelbooru coming out of beta lads


Commercial capital, specifically advertising. About a year ago it was revealed that Google's AdX Exchange conducts more daily transactions than the NYSE and NASDAQ combined, for example.


/kind/ just came back from the dead and some /pol/luter is already spamming "globohomo" in every thread, I can't take it anymore.


sorry anon but we don't live in an innocent world. the only way to be kind is systemic social change.


I just want an imageboard where I can talk about my hobbies without the constant hostility and politics.


I hate this stupid fucking post-2016 term.


Why can't you just use the hobby board here? Tho I admit people can be a bit salty sometimes.


lmao this is so some tumblr-ass looking shit, i dont think they even know what a textboard is beyond that lame wiki article

""""chan""""" wasnt bad enough we had to make it even worse

>without the constant hostility
i like how if you make an imageboard that tries to steer clear of retarded "chan culture" you will still get faggots acting like assholes 24/7 just to spite you when they have literally hundreds of shitty vichan clones where they can do just that

>and politics



Because I get attacked by people like >>8304 for not wanting to read countless posts about the dialectical materialist interpretation of Pokémon.


yeah ok I guess I see your point

don't blame the MLs too much, they do not know what they do


What's the consensus on https://wirechan.org/ ? Cool or shithole?


It's fucking back.
10/10. Got where the hood at pumping at full volume.


what happened to 420chan? D:


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I think I only went there 10 years ago to recruit a personal army on a few /i/ boards. It was against tumblr and it made it onto ED


No clue, Kirt gave up on it and Twitter drama too?

Was this in 2014 during the Independence Day raids against Tumblr?


Nah, was a Christmas gift.


>No clue, Kirt gave up on it and Twitter drama too?
; m;


tf is the nigs board


Kirtaner's account was restored a while back.


/poverty/ is actually called kencho or "hatred for money making" which is a hilarious name lmao, tried visiting the site and the user base is actually self professing as liberals but it just means everyone opposed to the LDP so the communists call themselves that too, there are actual liberals there though, a lot of them actually.


lmao he turned into those libs masquerading as anarchists who hate russians as much as nazis hate jews


i want a list of left leaning imageboards


*to clarify they don't have to be communist, or political, they just need to have a left leaning culture or further left


I just want a chan where I can experience /co/ /fur/ /trash/ goodness without all the right wing shit.

Oh well, maybe I just need to go direct to the source regardless.


Finding a bunch of right-wingers on /trash/ is never not funny.



TBH I've never been there properly, I just assumed it sucked because 4chan but I see all the fun OC that comes from there. Plus the 4chan captcha system is AIDS and makes me feel like a boomer being farmed for clicks.


Dismantle.capital is dead, they've been apparently working on it since like 2021.

Also why did they remove the posts /leftypol/ made on there just to leave a bunch of spam up?


They're traditional forums but there's hexbear and the rhizzone too.


Can we get an updated version of that list?


all don't load for me or are dead.



>first thing on the overboard is CP links



It's lower traffic than leftypol.org so they are a bit slower with deleting spam but it is gone now.



Pinche chan todo culero


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I'm surprised that there are any decent takes coming out of encyclopedia dramatica since 2014, but shit, we found some.


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>>8416 [didn't attach]


"Good" news : 420chan will be back, but in 2025.

>"Fredrick Brennan bought 420chan.org on April, 20, 2023, from Kirtaner for the sum of US$4,200."

>"Under new management, Kirtaner will remain the admin of 420chan, with Brennan as owner. The goal is for the site to be owned by a non-profit organization, with Fredrick Brennan as Chairman of the Board, by 2025. There are plans to rebuild the site from scratch."
>"Additionally, a legal challenge will be brought to recover the servers that were seized by law enforcement in 2022."

From /dead/ with love.


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I figured out where africans post about politics and why they're almost never active on any western imageboard


It's cumbersome, but the slowness of the sites means it's not unusable entirely

Also a recent revival attempt of 8ch after 8kun.top and 8chan.moe went ded. https://infiniteboards.top/b/res/59.html



and now it is 3 years old :o

Unique IPs: 25

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