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Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

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558 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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he was a famous Indian punjabi wrestler, he was from a Punjabi Muslim family and he belonged to the Butt tribe, he was the best wrestler in preety much all of south asia and went on to beat Persians, Europeans and north Armoricans, there are certain exaggerations that really can't be proven(like how all the strongman, boxers, wrestling and judo champions of the world refused to fight him cause they were too scared off him or how he would life a stone weighing 1200kgs, which are likely made up of claims to make him seem even greater) but he was a strong bloke who fought on par with the best of his era and was the pride to India, his legacy wasn't just his strength however, he helped a lot of Hindu and sikh families get too safe passage to india with his connections, back then and now phelwani(wrestling) in north west India and Pakistan are based on patronage and old feudal values
most aren't at all, but hindu push ups are good for your back


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I should expand on what I mean patronage and how that effected gama's values, being a phelwan(wrestler in north west India) is not something one can do on their own, the diet alone for protein would and still is not something your average Punjabi farmer could afford, plus who would be the one to provide for his entire family, so there was a system of patronage where wealthy feudal land owners would sponsor wrestlers and pay for their food and their families well being, gama's patron happened to a Sikh, the Maharaj of Patiala, this was an ethnic and feudal factor that went beyond religion for him


how do you do a proper hindu push up? I keep finding instructions that contradict each other


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there are varations, tons of them, like the push ups I saw in my home village were just regular push ups with the feet wide apart, a lot of variations but the typical hindu push ups that the great gama and bruce lee are often dubbed cat style push ups


Seems like more of a stretch to be honest. In really solid advanced pushups (diamond, archer, lever, one-armed, etc), the entire body must stay taught and contracted the entire time, which works much more than just the arms and pushing muscles.


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Speaking of one-armed pushups, saw this the other day and had a chuckle. Did the animators even have any how difficult doing a one-armed pushup with form like this is? I have searched far and wide over the web and have been unable to find video of any men with their bodies straight, narrow, and feet tight together. I'm not even sure if it's biomechanically possible for a man to do it like this, let alone a women with less upper body strength.


Pretty sure she's genetically engineered or some shit like that


These are simply called dive bomber pushups in the non-Indiaboo world.


I can technically do that once but it's not smooth like that gif, it's slow and burns hard. Also not really a useful pushup position since you're not putting strain on the portions of the body that should be strained in a pushup.


So you're saying you can keep your body straight, with no bend, legs right next to one another, and torso horizontal the whole way through? Anon you're already doing better than every single one-armed pushup demonstration on Youtube. We have to see you in action.


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his secret? communism


May have found the answer. Apparently calves look different from genetics. Some people have calves that are high and thus short and these people are the ones with ridiculously skinny looking legs even if they work out. Others can have low calves which are longer and can go up to roughly halfway down the lower leg and in rare occasions all the way to the ankle.


woah fr?


good genetics, good diet, good training
an environment that isn't full of pollutants


Yeah that's just genetics affecting muscle insertions. You get the same thing with other muscles. Some people have biceps that bunch up in a bll shape, and some have biceps that are more oblong.

Anon it's a cartoon. They like to draw characters doing impossibly difficult movements to show they are impossibly strong.


Which one are you talking about, left or right?


Steroids along with >>4739


the building

oh okay, i'm killing myself then



Are you the pacing brother from up the thread that hated squatting? Love you man. Let me guess, you found a reason not to go outside and get some daylight and exercise?


>oh okay, i'm killing myself then

No, just stop looking at pictures of men autistically obsessed with their musculature if they make you feel like that.


i can do one arms with a straight posture. I might try the pic and take a shot from the head to see if its perfectly straight.

But in general yes one arms with straight body posture are a lot harder than ones with shitty form. The more you splay your legs wide, the more it takes out of the core. The more you keep your upper body straight instead of at an angle the more it works the chest


<Ctrl+F "massage" NOT FOUND

anons you're doing it wrong, your tendons are crying for relief from their damage, let those soft tissues get the fresh blood flow they need to heal


They are not worse than most body-weight exercises. I'm interested in the hindu squat because my balance is poor and am hoping it will improve it.


some fitspo


>Are you the pacing brother from up the thread that hated squatting?
Yes. I have been doing Asian squats as soon as I found out it's considered exercise which I don't hate.
>Love you man.
>Let me guess, you found a reason not to go outside and get some daylight and exercise?
I sleep during the day. I do exercise though, never said I don't; just I am bad at keeping routine.


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what's the name of the exercise tool this guys using
could you post more if you have any


That's a brick-holder used by brick-layers


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oh, it reminded me of ishi-sashi, strength training tools used for old Okinawan karate


Joszif Visszarionovics hatalmas termetű volt, már-már szégyellette is nagy, lapáttenyerét. Belép egyszer a terembe, ott ül Trockij, Zinovjev és Buharin – ezek is jól megtermett fajták –, és patkót hajlítgatnak. Kettétöri Sztálin a patkót, és kihajítja. Rájuk néz Sztálin nagy komolyan, és így szól: „Munkával mérd az erőt!”


are squat plugs real?


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only if you swing that way



Curious if you have any non-Chinese or Soviet ones ?


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That's just some curls with a kind of unusual grip followed by a shrug.


Forearm curls



You are? Well hello again. I'm the prescriptive brother from back up the thread.
You're gonna think this is weird but I honestly winced when you posted about squatting movements and have honestly got flashbacks about it many times since you posted it. It's like someone saying "I've always hated breathing deeply. Just me things. Shallow rapid breathing has always been more comfy to me".

Really good to hear that your doing some kind of squatting movement. One of the most reliable indicators of systemic health and longevity is squatting strength. I don't mean gym strength. I mean something more functional, like the ability to stand from a crosslegged position without using your hands at all. Air-squatting through the day, like when cooking or something, is one of the most important things sedentary people can do.

Reality time. You're on a leftist website because your mind and outlook are somewhere near the right place. That's quite rare in the current moment. You're no good to us with those patterns of behavior. If you think you have any commitment to a left ideology, or to justice for people outside the imperial core, you're gonna have to return to regular hours.

A large component of why people get depressed is their behaviors. Lack of sunlight, Irregular routines and bad diet are causes of depression, not a badge of honor.

If you know that your behaviors lead to depression, you are choosing to be depressed.
Seeing daylight for a hour a day is not optional.

Your current routine is killing you slowly and making you stupid. Here's a new one:

1. Go to bed at 8pm. Bring a laptop or weed or a pill, or whatever you need to get to sleep.
2. Choose a podcast and go for a 40 minute walk at noon the next day. You had a good night's sleep so there is no excuse not to go out.
3. Whatever you do all night, now do it during the day.

That's the routine. It's nothing. Any reason not to do this is cope. Maybe you can't accept this. Follow this routine for six weeks and your mind will clear, your energy will improve, you'll become more sociable, and hopefully you'll see a path to effective IRL political participation.

More importantly, 40 mins cardio daily will also improve your circulation, reduce water retention and bring you closer to slender calves + thighs too.


first pic is from luna park btw. It comes up when people search for lyubers and it's one of the few movie depictions of them (well sorta, luna park casts them as anti-semite skinheads, but still loyal to soviet values, not sure how it makes sense tbh). The reason I'm posting this is to help anons not look silly to Russian-anons for thinking a screenshot from one of their movies is a real historical capture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyDuwfA3EYg&list=LL&index=3 opening scene from the movie I'm talking about.


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I can't afford broccoli or chicken
I just eat 10 kg of rice daily

Where are my gains? You lied to me /fit/


>It became active during the period of Glasnost in the late 1980s in the Soviet Union. It was a youth group whose aim was to "cleanse" Soviet society of the influences of various Western subcultures which they view as decadent, and often attacked other youth, mainly in major cities such as Moscow. However, they always held to certain principles such as fair fight and to never attack women and couples. The "Lyubers" were against outwardly informal dress groups such as hippies, punks and metalheads but also held strong anti-fascist views and had conflicts with the emerging Neo-nazi groups. The name "Lyubers" ("Люберы") comes the Moscow industrial suburb of Lyubertsy. As the Perestroika program opened up the market economy, some of the Lyubers turned to racketeering and organized crime syndicates, this however was swallowed up by a larger group in the 1990s.
wow the OG violent bro-socialists


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how to get jacked but not look like it?


that dude isn't jacked he's a typical curlbro


Diet is the foundation of gains. Lifting is like the support beams or something. If you can't eat properly you may be better off spending more of your time on better food or doing what it takes to get better food, perhaps.


After I finish laughing let me rephrase then.. Isolated exercise in general is not a natural thing that the human body was evolved for. It's more difficult for anyone's body and mind to go through repetition to such degrees. Getting involved in a physical activity such as rock climbing or physical labour is easier to manage when it's an option for someone. Not that exercise can't be done, I am just saying this is why many people are naturally averted to it. I know some others find the repetition soothing though.

Most cases of depression are from a natual reaction to circumstances or lack of sense of purpose not simply bad diet and lack of exercise or sleep but yes they can contribute some role for some people. I over years have improve my diet quite a bit and I for most my life had quality sleep and good amount of time outdoors in the woods at that.

Different people are naturally morning birds or night owls (I dont mean all night) and everything else should be built around that fact since those people really cant adapt even when forced to do same hours. That said I still am working on moving back my sleep hours to something more reasonable than the terrible 8AM falling asleep. I just slip up now and then where I get distracted in what Im doing and stay up and it accumulates over time till I have to work it back again. I've taken all sorts of non habit forming sleep aids nothing really helps yet in my current bout which is a first so progress is slow. For the record ive also tried skipping sleep in order to try to reset when to sleep and that oddly fails even worse than trying to roll back slowly.

Yeah 40 minute walks is doable.



It's great that we can laugh about this bro.

A non-negotiable 40mins fast walking in bright daylight, daily.
A slight recalibration of your circadian rhythms so that you are awake and active when most people are awake and active.
A slight recalibration of diet away from carbs and towards healthy fats and proteins, as part of an overall reduction in refined sugars, to improve mental clarity and focus. You sound educated enough to work out these details for yourself.

These things are easy and should be the focus of your day initially. Non-negotiable.

When they become second nature you'll be in a position where increased engagement with IRL political activity becomes an easy option. There will be no reason not to!


so is that a no? i just chose a random pic


Tweaked my shoulder doing 20kg weighted dips. Got excited to hit the 20kg and went too hard.

Just a minor tweak, was only like half an hour ago so haven’t seen if it’s still there after a sleep. I know shoulders can be fragile so why do? Got bench programmed for Thursday and OhP for Friday, should I not do these?



New thread: >>26632


no. caloric deficit for 10 weeks and more protein, water and sleep.

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