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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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File: 1713729918800.jpg (433.69 KB, 1222x1024, digital camo.jpg)


I fucking love it even if people think it looks bad.



Where are you going to wear this uniform lol?


Maybe he plays airsoft or something?


Ebay, aliexpress, etc why don't you consult a web search.


File: 1713732227958.png (530.4 KB, 602x400, PLA Soldiers eating.png)

Everywhere. I will wear it at home, in bed, on the toilet, at the shower, all day & night and go out in public with the helmet / cap included.


Those are ass to order from in Europe (particularly Eastern Europe because of customs). Are there no retailers within Europe?


All the more difficult considering that under Article 10 - It is forbidden to buy, sell, rent, lease or distribute military uniforms without permission.
The use of military uniforms and standard clothing once equipped by the Chinese People's Liberation Army to conduct business activities is prohibited. So it might not go through customs.

Am I supposed to contact the Chinese embassy for permission lmfao?

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