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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Resistive wires for the primers (you could get these from a hair dryer or electric heater), matchhead powder for the propellant (since black powder is too tedious to make the old fashioned way)(you can just buy those bigger boxes that have a hundred or so in them), some shot (you can make this out of some Hershey's kiss wrappers by balling them up and tapping them with a hammer until they are completely solid and hardened, before polishing them with sandpaper), a ramrod, stainless steel pipes + endcaps, a lipo battery, a dual light on/off switch for the triggers, and some wires to hook it all up (ofc). Plus some wood to strap the barrel apparatus on and for the grip. And vinyl tape.


And some epoxy to glue the grip to the frame.


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Rock tumbler would probably be better for polishing. Also maybe it would be better to just start with small ball bearings anyways. What's your reasoning for the Hershey Kiss wrappers?


Just to make it more DIY sounding.

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