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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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What do people think the consequences of the FGC-9 and the advent of 3D printed guns and weapons more broadly will be?

How will this affect revolutionary as well as reactionary violence? Will be see a rise in paramilitary organisations on the left capable of enforcing political demands, or is this just a going to lead to more fascist lone wolf attacks.

link to a documentary below


I don't think it's going to do much. It takes more effort to print these than to get a community machine shop up and going and cranking out STENs. Either way, revolution won't come in your lifetime. Focus on defeating the Nazi street gangs. This is the fight that is coming.


>It takes more effort to print these than to get a community machine shop up and going and cranking out STENs
lol no
>Either way, revolution won't come in your lifetime
It may but anyways fascist groups are the vanguard of capital and counter revolution, defeating them will help us to defeat the bourgeoise


>first post so bad it dooms the thread
Okay now this is epic


Independent small arms production will become more feasible for non state actors and a well organized revolutionary movement will be able to quickly proliferate arms throughout the proletariat unrestricted and undetected by the counter revolutionary apparatus.


ok but let's just steal MP5's from the police


I already steal MP3's from the internet


i prefer ogg vorbis myself


If it is true that it's easier to set up a community machine shop, how?
Surely the machinery would be easy to trace and clamp down on. Or trace back to your shop if a homemade gun was found out on the streets.


Outside of specialized machines that in turn produce specific parts, the "machines" are just general metal working machines (which can also be made to make the former machines). Always has been.
Be an asset to the Revolution, take up machine operating.


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>ok but let's just steal MP5's from the police


what's LARPing is taking advantage of ready-made state armories, what's not LARPing is being an artisan in the woods slowly churning out weapons while waiting to get fucked in the ass by the big man for no reason at all




how is that not 100% guaranteed to end with you getting chased by armored vehicles


then we steal the armored vehicles. ez.


it's not 100% guaranteed, and of course it should be considered from the larger strategical/tactical viewpoints of people's war/revolution/paramilitary/whatever


You don't go out into the woods for clandestine production, you do it at someone's house. Also most combat will take place in the Urban centres. DIY firearms are likely to be of lesser quality than professionally manufactured firearms. However you want to stockpile weapons with any means possible. This includes both diy production, buying civilian-available firearms, as well as seizing arms from raids and diversions from state forces.


> DIY firearms are likely to be of lesser quality than professionally manufactured firearms.
We're actually having more or less a mildly inclined plateau of quality in professionally manufactured firearms. Depending on how far you're willing to purchase vs make, you can make firearms that aren't that far off from professionally made guns, and I'm not just talking about kits. Decentralized production is likely never going to be as efficient or mass-scaled as industrially made guns, but at this point it's certainly possible to make high quality versions of most firearms parts, with the main exception being the metallurgy going into the barrel. That's literally just the metal in the average firearm barrel is extremely strong for its volume and weight, mind. You can cut precision rifling yourself now, and easier than most people think. A team as small as six could reasonably be producing small numbers of acceptable-quality firearms on a daily basis today.

THe main thing that differentiates the modern rifle from rifles 30 years ago is now the optics being mounted more than anything else. A good set of illuminated, low-power magnification optics are capable of dramatically extending the range and speed of the average user dramatically. That's a difficult one but the tools to start replicating that too isn't actually as far off as one might think.


I feel "acceptable" is key here.
If it's "good enough" and can be produced suitably, either in quantity or locality, they suit their purpose.


3D printers and design software will phone home to make sure you're not printing anything illegal, good citizen.


there is always a new way to circumvent shit like this


Acceptable? Sure. Here's a 12 gauge pump-action 6-shot revolver shotgun. Rifle development is still going a bit slower but it's definitely happening.
Take a look at the Steyr AUG/StG 77 - it's made internally of a very large number of plastic castings.
Then make your own 3d printer and use open-source software you dumb fuck.


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Here's the shotguns cause apparently you can't embed a video and post images at the same time.


Here we go, a RepRap (3d printer made of 3d printed parts) on video.

"But anoooon" you say "You still need metal parts for some of thissssss!"



holy shit based, thanks comrade anon o7


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"But anon, you also mentioned optics being important to a modern rifle"


ANYONE who is interested in producing firearms, or hell, a LOT of things needs to understand something, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

Assuming a basic level of computer competency, within a few months of research, practice, and calibration, virtually anyone is capable of getting production on a level of quality that is outright comparable to factory-made parts using under $1000 in machinery.

You can get an enormous amount of material to then fuel that machinery using literally nothing but recycled waste like aluminum and steel cans and soda bottles.



Based comrade Knock Knock Anon.


the image quality is really bad all-around
except for one thing, they have zero chromatic aberrations, that's usually something even high end lenses with nano-coated glas suffer from.
How did they do that ?


make a diy camera with a mount for a proper lens


Not nearly as optimistic, but it is worth noting that metal printers do already exist (they are very expensive and only used for highly specialized industrial use).
You are completely right that it is only a matter of time before private, automated workshops will become affordable to anyone with a wage.


Sure, I'll put some qualifiers onto my posts here.
These are tools, and no tool will ever be better than the person using them, only allow people to leverage more and more productivity. You will always need to know when, how, and why you're using each tool at each stage. You will need to know how to maximize the usefulness of each step of your process. I don't want to posit "desktop 3d printer today, Star Trek Replicator tomorrow!". The human element will always be deeply important to production, and for a variety of reasons inherent to the materials and processes which these products demand, we're always going to have to do things to properly set things up and bring them together in the right order and manner.
What we really, REALLY shouldn't do though, is write this off as some novelty way for consoomers to make Funko Pops at home and nothing more. 3d printing isn't new, but extremely cheap, readily accessible 3d printing very much is, and it makes very feasible small groups of people to produce enormously more than they ever could have with a bit of ingenuity and skill. You could almost certainly go out today with a handful of friends and start setting up 3d printing co-operatives for a few thousand dollars and then create a closed-cycle production with your local community.


Also, wanted to add this.


i get a lot of virus/malware warning off this


it was posted by a poltard or stormshitter or something like that, not sure why mods left it up


This. With enough people and resources, insurgent groups could just fabricate actual firearms. Look into the arms trade in the Philippines for inspiration.


okay, why not still use 3d printing?
3d printing isn't just about making the end-use parts. It's machinery that gets you sub-millimeter precision for things like production processes as well for maybe, what, $400, all said and done with an MSLA printer? And you don't need a very big group working them.
I don't think trying to make all-plastic meme guns is worth it, but compared to trying to repeatedly get jigs and templates and the like right by hand-use it's much easier.
source: using them for factory production already.


You can make sturdy mostly plastic guns with the right filament or print the housing and cnc out a firing mechanism from a block of steel or aluminum and drill out a barrel blank or use electrolysis on a stainless steel or moly steel rod. Not to mention using a 3d printer for stuff like casting. The fact you can build an infinitely scalable factory using a few small metal machine parts and waste plastic to make filament to print another 3d printer is a huge asset.


I would honestly prefer an MSLA printer for a few key things. They can absolutely be more accurate and homogenous. They are, however, an enormous pain in the ass.
Not saying you can't do 3d printed for a lot of parts on a gun, but why would you do that over using it for only the awkward parts that are hard to make with hardware store parts that will do better?


I think some improvised hardware store parts are not specialized and may be inefficiently shaped and have lesser qualities to 3d printed parts. That might be bulky or unnecessarily heavy. Which ones are you referring to though?
Also I am a different anon then the other guy you were talking to.
One thing I am interesed in is molding plastic like is done for polymer rifle furniture. I wonder if there are some plastic alternatives to 3d printing that have superior qualities and are DIY-able. I'd imagine if you mold any parts than you can make the molds using a 3d printer and various DIY-able materials


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Assorted channels in an RSS reader


I think it’s use only lies in plastic parts like grips,stocks,etc. But even then the argument of plastic molding for a large scale comes as an argument



A short video showcasing how much more effective injection molding is at a mass scale


You can already make reliable automatic firearms entirely 3d printed except for a barrel which you can make using copper wire, a barrel blank, and electricity, if you don't have a mill for the barrel (although it's slow and labour intensive).


What kind of degree would you get to learn these sort of manufacturing techniques in a practical way?


still can't make casings though, so it's sort of null and void,



Also home injection moulding is becoming more common too.
So I'd
<CAD/Blender > 3D print a master > Create negative mould (see below) with multiple parts in it > injection mould > harden pieces using salt baking or something then temper them,

Injection mould - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvQU3Q8wwOU
3D mould in aluminium - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMRSPXt48CI


also use recycling plastic (milk bottles) for raw material rather than buying pure new stuff. The issue is it's degraded quality, but if you're doing this shit somewhere rural it's all you might have.


The point is you’re gonna have to learn how to make casings,magazines and possibly bullets as well. Like >>2467 said it’s not just the gun you’re making, you have to take into account the ammunition and accessories. Milling and machinery is just more practical and covers more ground. I’m also not contesting the use of plastic, but like those videos demonstrated, a LOT more could be produced at a faster rate with an injection molding machine. One thing that’s also important to note, is that polymer can be prone to warping and chipping if consistently put in rough conditions. Their handling also pales in comparison to wood and even metal framed guns, so their advantage lies more so in the amount that could be produced quickly. All that aside I love AUGs and think it would be a good model for mass production


AUGpill me


Its another tool to mix and match with. Cheaply machine big basic parts, 3d print small weirdly shaped parts. Rivet or weld together what you need to. If something is cheap and available, buy that part and take it home to work with.


injection moulding yo


Extruded plastics can be stronger than injection moulding and a 3d printer is a lot cheaper. Look into PEEK.

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