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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Biden has proposed measures to restrict home built firearms. I personally find this concerning, as the ability to produce firearms would be a boon to any communist militia or similar group. Yes, I know there are other ways to produce firearms and with enough people and money, an organized militia could do it legally even if such a ban passes by getting a license to manufacture firearms, or by forging receivers themselves.

All that being said, the ban seems like a nothingburger: the proposed restrictions, as far as I know, would only ban "build and shoot" kits that come with all the parts needed. Pawn shops and gun stores would also be required to serialize unserialized guns that are sold to them. So basically there is not going to be an outright ban on 80% receivers, you would just have to buy the parts separately. Thoughts?


It's bad because it is easier to build guns at home if it's legal, however it is still very possible to do so even if illegal. Good idea to look into and download instructions, schematics etc while it is legal.


buying parts separately would suck. you underestimate this. Checking availability for just one part?-nightmare Doesn't the new ban also mean that you're required to be an ffl to construct?


Such a proposal doesn't sound like an issue. The build your own gun kits would mainly be just be used by Neo Nazis, gang members and school shooter incels.


hello Agent Kochinski
I've bought parts separately before. The part kits referred to in the bill are ones that include the 80% lower, not just miscellaneous parts kits. For example, I bought an 80% lower and a jig, then the upper receiver and barrel, then a small parts kit, then a buffer tube and spring. It was actually cheaper than buying a complete build kit, and would still, to my knowledge, be legal with the proposed reforms.


Guys on fosscad don't seem worried so I'm not worried. They'd be shitting and farting if it was worth worrying about.


I don't even watch him or follow anything about him so fuck off with your non arguments.


you too



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