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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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So what I don't get about these missiles is that they are undetected by RWR until their active stage ("going pitbull" as they call it), which only happens once the missile is already very close to its targeted aircraft, making dodging it very difficult. What I don't get is how does the missile guide itself towards its target before it becomes active? Why does it not trigger RWR during this period?


When a radar guided missile is launched, the aircraft initially tells the missile where the target is. The missile uses inertial guidance in the first stage of the flight. There are no electronic emissions from the missile, so the RWR doesn't go off. Some AIM-120 missiles can receive mid-course updates from the launch aircraft. When the missile is close to where it was told the target it, it turns on active radar. No amount of stealth technology can hide the target from active radar at close range.



This makes a lot of sense, thanks for the explanation.


Uuugggggh here’s the simplest explanation

Microphones are gadgets that take in sound from a sound absorptive surface called a diaphragm that moves based off the vibration it receives that hits a coil triggering a vibration a circuit uses to produce sound whose volume is based off the amount of energy used up and the intensity of the vibration

Radars work a lot like microphones but they produce light or sound and take whatever object that signal hits back towards their diaphragm

Radar missiles are well missiles with radars equipped by them, these missiles are coated with light reflective material to ensure that any radar trying to detect their presence will have ejected light sent knocked off course which REDUCES not prevent the chances of a missile being detected. As a missile finds its target based off scans it comes closer into contact with potential radars increasing chances for detection and hence there’s your answer OP


They also use inertial guidance so the RWR doesn't go off.


>No amount of stealth technology can hide the target from active radar at close range.
True, but DFRM can fuck up the tracking

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